Closets Are Fun to Hide In

"Let's play hide and seek!" Red shouted jumping up off the Link's couch.

"Well…" Green started "Alright, it's not like we have anything else to do" and suddenly Shadow and I were volunteered for Red's game. Fun. "Red you can go first. Count to fifty, no one can hide outside or they're disqualified, and any other place is fine. If it's big enough, two people t most can hide there. If you give someone else away you're a loser. OK? GO!"

I took Shadow's hand and ran as he counted. I led us upstairs and into Red's room. Shutting and locking us both into the closet.

"He wouldn't think to look in his own room, he's not that smart." I smiled earning a cute flashy grin in return.

"Yeah well, at least we'll have a little peace then." The usually silent dark boy enthused.



I looked directly into his eyes. "Your hair is messed up." He gave me an annoyed look and fixed it. I laughed, "Better" He smiled a bit at it even though he didn't want to. Footsteps outside Red's room made us still and be silent.

"Well where could they be?" I heard Blue asking.

"I don't know, they're really good at this game." Green spoke next. The bedroom door opened and my heart leapt. I looked at Shadow and he winked at me. the footsteps continued and stopped directly at the closet door. I silently panicked to Shadow


"Relax," he whispered very softly. He hugged me closely and leaned against the back of the closet.

"You don't think they'd…" Green was outside the door

"Oh come on! They aren't that dumb!" Blue exclaimed storming out of the room.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He sounded defeated and walked out with Red closing the door behind him. I let out the breath I never knew I was holding. Shadow looked absolutely happy with the results of our hiding spot.

"You picked a good spot Vio," He took hold of my chin and gave me a peck on my cheek. I gave him a big hug and settled in. It would be a while before we would be found.

Red opened his closet way later that day to get his pajamas to find Vio and Shadow sound asleep next to each other. Vio was on Shadow's shoulder and he was on his head. How cute. Red giggled silently and woke them up.

"Huh? Oh, hahaha it's about time you found us Red!" Shadow teased the younger Link. Vio stood up and stretched,

"I guess we fell asleep waiting," Red, Vio and Shadow went downstairs.

"Hey!" Green shouted at them "Where the heck were you two?"

"In Red's closet" Shadow answered.

"I KNEW IT!" Green shouted.

"Well, look next time." I said "You may find us where you least expect it" I winked playfully at him.