disclaimer - not even in my most enjoyable fantasies.

warnings - darkish, non-conforming thought rambles, shortish and a possible mental disorder (or a twist of canon?)

pairing - soroku (sora x roxas)




His mind is full.

It presses against the insides of his own skull.

His body itches and scratches at it's own seams.

Bright, baby-blue eyes seem to glow in the darkness.

His mind is full.

Pushing at the grey-matter controlling his actions.

'Come play with me,' those eyes shine, those hips sway.

The unnoticed audience pants and crawls as close as they can.

They don't understand it's not for them his body speaks.

It's for himself.


His mind is full.

Swollen and throbbing - a bittersweet pleasure and pain.

'Come out and play,' those baby-blues glow, those soft pinks quirk.

The crowd fall over themselves to please.

They never had a chance.

He's full of himself.

...More or less.

His mind is full.

Thoughts are easily scattered to the four winds.

Memories seem blurry and shaky when they're visited.

Dreams are his reality, most of the time.

Because for him, nothing else matters.

His mind is full.

His breath leaves in a double inhale-exhale.

His heart beats and erratic rythm.

Two souls - one body.

Three little words.

"Come play, Roxas," Sora calls to the mirrors surface.

His mind is full.

Full of Roxas.

Mirror-image eyes shine back, hair lightens and sweeps, lips quirk in a sharper direction.

"I am playing," the reflection whispers back.

His mind is full.

Full of Sora.
