
Thank you for the support and advice! Most of my stories have been written and published a whole year ago when I was very young and strange. Now, I take my writing style a bit more seriously, and I have my own personal beta. My future plans for this story is to update weekly and eventually complete it. When that day comes, I hope to have earned your praise. Everything I've done up until now was achieved through luck and my love for anime. Now, it will be very different. Please believe me, and support me to the very end!

And as much as I love the help, discouraging and ...not so nice... reviews do not help me at all. Please keep those thoughts to yourself. In any case, I am only posting this to declare myself a true fanfic author. I will complete this story. Thank you for your patience.

-Princess Ultear

(Hikari-Japan-Chan is my beta side. Princess Ultear will forever be my author side.)