"Donna? Oh, Donnnnaaaa?"


"Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna…"


"Are you awake?"

"Well, let me think. Could I possibly still be peacefully sleeping when I've got a demented alien twit, bouncing on my bed like a poodle on Red Bull and calling my name incessantly as though his needle was stuck? Oddly enough, no I can't so, yeah. I'm awake. Now ask me if I'm happy about it…"

"Are you hap… That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?"

"Give the Martian a cigar."

"Why would I want a cigar, Donna? I don't smoke. Filthy habit…"

"OI, SPACEMAN! What the hell do you want? It's only been … oh god… it's only been three hours since I went to bed. Is the universe about to explode? Are you about to explode? 'Cos seriously, I'm grumpy without a decent night's sleep."

"I'm bored, Donna. I've finished my maintenance and I've read all my books and there's nothing on television and …"

"Oh, will you stop whining. What are you, five? Come here. Lie down here."

"Donna, I don't want to lie down. I'm not tired. I slept last week."

"Shut it, Time Boy! Or do you want a repeat of the tickling from this afternoon?"

"NO! No tickling. That was not pleasant. Well, it was for a while, but then when I thought I was going to soil myself, it was less fun. Hey, don't laugh."

"Hush, lie still now. You really are too skinny, Doctor. I'm going to have to start making you eat more, it's just not natural to be a walking skeleton."

"Mmm. I like it when you stroke my hair, it's soothing. Sooooooothing. That's a good word, isn't it? Rolls off the tongue. Sounds like what it is. Sooooothing…"

"God Spaceman, do you ever shut up?"

"I might if you sing to me…"

"Sing to you? Why the hell would I do that?"

"You want me to go to sleep, don't you? That's why you're cuddling me and rubbing my back and stroking my hair. Well, I find singing lulls me. My mother…"

"Sweetheart? What were you going to say? Did your mother sing to you when you were little?"

"Ahem. Yeah. Never mind, I'll just go and .."

"Come back here. That's it, put your head on my shoulder. Now, are you comfortable? Okay, here goes…."