Disclaimer: I do not own Nintendo, Gamefreak or Pokemon, this story is fanfiction with no intention of profit.

Author's Note: A few months ago, I came across a series of drawings on Deviantart done by the artist darksilvania who personified (or is it pokemonified?) the Seven Deadly Sins into pokemon. His unique and wonderful drawings got me thinking. And these stories came about. I didn't use his designs though because I thought that wouldn't be right so I came up with my own interpretation. BTW: the first chapter's slow but I guarantee it will pick up later on. Enjoy.

~ 1 ~ 1 ~


It had been raining for the fourth day in a row.

This in itself wasn't unusual though as it was Olivine City. The port city was subjected to the mighty ocean that it idly sat next to. The ocean brought with it depressing clouds that dropped ice cold raindrops upon the shoreline. Every once in a while, the wind would pick up but then it would lay quiet again. For several days the clouds had battered the gloomy city with only the lighthouse serving as its beacon of light and warmth. The cloud cover meant that the lighthouse was woken up from its daily slumber earlier in the evening and put to rest later in the morning. It served as the beacon of guidance for the city and it was the only thing that kept it from falling to depression.

Such as the mood for the dour Thomas Williams, who looked out of his window of his small, but quaint, apartment that lent itself a nice view of the eastern bay area of the beach. Though nowhere near beachfront property, the apartment was well placed on the sloping terrain of the city and thus served as a nice lookout point. The building though was also gloomy like the clouds that covered the city. Its weathered concrete structure and its rusting gutters was but one of many buildings across the austere Olivine City.

Tom took a sip from his coffee, whose beans were specially imported from Hoenn, and continued to look at the beach with its foaming waves that constantly lapped across the sandy surface. The toaster oven beeped and he set his steaming mug down to take his two pieces of bread turned toast out of it. It was Tuesday, and this day was just like any other.

He quickly spread jelly over the crumbly surface and ate the toast with haste. Washing it down with the rest of his coffee, he headed to the bathroom to do his hygiene.

He looked at himself in the mirror to view the rough surface of a beard that was growing through. He had course, black hair that complimented his steel grey eyes. He had a rather full face with a pointy nose and ears that flared out from his head. Apart from that he was average. Average height, average weight and a little gut in the middle as if it reminded him that he hadn't been working out in awhile. He was pushing 30 and though he was in the prime of his life he knew that he lacked the metabolism his body had back in his college days.

He sighed. He missed his college days when he lived in the bucolic town of Mahogany. The university was great, the people were kind and amazing party goers and the nearby setting of mountains and the Lake of Rage offered a place of hideaway from the town. His life was at his peak then and after he graduated from it, it had been going steadily down since.

He shaved (dry) and adjusted his black rimmed glasses. After brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth out, he prepared the proper attire for his work.

He walked several flights down from his apartment with his umbrella in hand. His hand glided over the steel railing as he thumped down on the carpeted and stained stairs. Opening the door, he stepped outside and opened his umbrella to shield himself from the pelting bullet-like raindrops.

Though Olivine City wasn't as crammed together like Goldenrod City, there was still much happening in the dynamic center of the City. Suburbs stretched far to the north and it was a hassle to drive in and out of the suburb to reach the inner heart. Luckily, Tom didn't live very far from his work place so he didn't need a car, only the subway.

As he walked, while avoiding the puddles of water on the worn sidewalk, a magnemite came out from the shadows of an alleyway and began to follow him. This magnemite had been following him for several weeks now, always trailing after him both to and from his work place. He was drawn to him like, Tom couldn't help but think of the analogy, a magnet to a steel bar. The magnemite's ever constant presence made him feel at ease and safe. As if it was a guardian looking after him in case something malevolent came his way.

The rain pelted the magnemite and slid down his smooth body and fell in bigger drops onto the ground. It almost made it look like he was crying from his large, single eye.

"And how are you today?"

The Magnemite twirled his eye in response and hummed like a microwave. This was different from yesterday when he spun around in midair and the day before when he shot sparks of electricity and buzzed like a fan on high speed. Tom nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well that's good, my life hasn't improved much since yesterday…I'm still waiting to see if I got accepted for Grad School at the University of Blackthorn. I sent the application several weeks ago and I still haven't heard back from them…"

The magnemite did nothing but kept up the humming at a soft tone. His single eye wavered from Tom to the sidewalk. He was listening but how much Tom couldn't tell.

"I don't know why I even bother…I sent my application in several years ago and they rejected it without a second thought."

Tom dodged an incoming pedestraian whose head was buried in his cell phone. The walker took no notice of him or of his floating companion.

"Grad school is the only shot I have though. Otherwise, I'll be stuck monitoring price regulations of goldeen in the Olivine Bay."

The magnemite did nothing except look at a passing car whose windshield wipers were going back and forth rapidly.

Tom became silent and just allowed the moment to enjoy his time with his odd companion. A block passed and the subway entrance came into view. He turned to the magnemite and said, "Well, see you later."

The magnemite looked at him and then floated off without looking back. He watched him go until he disappeared into another alley.

~ 1 ~ 1 ~

The subway was sordid as usual. Grime ruled king in his underground kingdom of darkness and filthiness. His subjects were the passengers of the subway and his slaves were the janitors who worked nonstop at his constant bidding.

Tom sat in the jostling subway car as he unconsciously counted the stops along the way. He was lucky to grab a seat as usually they are taken up. It won't be long until he has to get out.

The train stopped and the doors open up. He looked up and saw to his amazement someone he thought he knew. She was short brunette with rectangular glasses and a petite figure. His eyes widened and his mouth opened a bit.


But one clear look at her face told him that this was not his girlfriend. His mouth closed and his eyes looked down on the floor of the car. Jenny had broken up with him several years ago but he was still not fully over her. Every time he saw someone that looked like her his heart would start pounding and he would go out of his way to see if it was her. But every one of them was not her.

He was worried about himself truth be told for many reasons. Probably the main reason was the fact that he was not over her. His obsession of her had made him obsessed at girls that look vaguely similar to her. And sometimes he found himself gazing at girls that looked like they were in high school. He shuddered to himself at the thought, he didn't want to be a pedophile and he didn't want to be a creeper.

The train pulled up to his stop to which he got up and gave one last glance at the imposter girl before stepping off.

~ 1 ~ 1 ~

It was lunch break and Tom was eager to get out of the hellhole he called his job. The nearest sandwich shop was just at the end of the block. He walked briskly to it as if he didn't want his cubicle trailing him to see where he ate. He bought a sandwich, the daily newspaper and sat at the corner of the shop and devoured the sandwich as he read the business section.

As he was wrapping up his meal, he turned to the one of the pages of the A section and saw an article that caught his eye. Wiping his mouth he read:

Second Person Found Dead in East Side of the Bay

By Justin Kraft

Laura Smith, 25 year old graduate of Olivine State University, was found dead yesterday afternoon at the East Side of Olivine Bay. Rob Patterson, a local fisherman, found her after his daily haul.

"I found her lying face down with some seaweed stuck to her," said Patterson, "It was when I was tying up my ship that I saw her body. I ran over to her as fast as I could and when I flipped her over I immediately knew she was dead. Her face gives me the chills…she looked like she was sleeping."

This is the second person that has been found dead in the bay area this week. The first body belonged to Joe Millsap who was also found in the area of East Side on Sunday afternoon. Police are now seeing if there is a connection between the two.

It was later diagnosed that Smith died of drowning though it was reported to be unusual that there were no signs of struggling or of fatigue. When asked about this, the mortician presumed that she might have been knocked out and fell into the ocean without anyone nearby saving her. He later added that Millsap had also exhibited the same conditions when brought in.

Zach Hendrix, Smith's boyfriend, was unable to be reached at the time. He has been living with Smith ever since the two graduated three years ago.

Our condolences to the families and friends of Laura Smith and Joe Millsap.

Tom read the article and found himself interested in the subject because he actually lived near the East Side of the Bay. His window view actually showed a portion of it as well. He considered that thought for a moment and knew it would certainly make his life less mundane if he helped out in a police investigation.

He shrugged, drank the rest of his water and threw the newspaper into the nearest bin.

Back to the hellhole.

~ 1 ~ 1 ~

It was still raining when he left his office building for home. By now, Tom was inured to constant storms and opened his much used umbrella again. A siren from a police car or an ambulance began to shrill in the distance. Tom was inured to that as well. Every 15 minutes a siren would go off somewhere and gave the already depressing looking city something to hear while it sulked.

The subway was dismal as usual and he was glad to get back out in the open air despite the rain. The magnemite wasn't there to greet him on the way back. He gave a mental shrug, sometimes he was here and sometimes he wasn't.

In a world where pokemon and humans were closely linked, Tom was one of the odd few who didn't have any strong ties to a pokemon friend. He saw no reason to as he believed he could survive in the world without one. True, when he was young he dreamed of being a great trainer and maybe even a pokemon master but like many children these dreams gradually fade away and were replaced with more down to earth goals of adulthood. As such he felt he didn't need a pokemon friend to help him. The magnemite though was slowly making him reconsider his thought as perhaps having a companion, no matter how metallic or cold it may be, would be nice to have.

He stepped up to the building and entered his key in the front door, he jiggled the knob and it swung open. Locking the door behind him, he walked upstairs to his room and unlocked that door with a different key.

He sighed in relief when he was back in the comfort of his small home. He kicked off his shoes, set his laptop down on the coffee table and opened a can of soda.

He looked out his window towards the beach. He stared at the beach intently and thought about the article he read. The bodies were found not far from him. Maybe another one had already appeared on the sandy shore this afternoon.

But nothing was there except the foamy waves.

He sighed and as he turned away from the windows something caught his eye.

He looked again.

Was there…yes…there was a person standing out there in the beach. He squinted his eyes and pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

It was a girl and from the looks of it she had long brown hair and a fair skinned body but that was all he could tell. He looked at her and then his heart jumped when he realized that she was looking at him. He thought he was mistaken but no, she was gazing at him from a distance. Did she know he was there? Or was she looking at something else?

It could be Jenny…

His hands came to rest lightly on his mouth as he thought of this possibility. He then ran to a nearby cabinet and opened the tight drawer. He rustled through the odd things and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He stride back to the window and looked out to the beach to find her.

But she was gone and all he saw were the crashing waves and a storm that showed no sign of letting up.