Herp. I did a thing once where I asked people to give me pairings so I could write drabbles.
One of my friends gave me this pairing.
Close enough.

Anywho, enjoy.

You know, Disney World is supposed to be fun. That's why Sealand had wanted to come with the Allies at all, because Alfred had wanted to go and the others wanted a meeting, so they were having a not-really-meeting meeting at Disney World. America had quickly given everyone a map, pointed out and marked places they could meet up, and dragged England over to where Peter Pan's Flight was, leaving before Sealand could catch up to them. The others had gone off in other directions, finding interest in one thing or another, and when France had gone, too, Peter found himself feeling worried and a little lost, even though he hadn't really moved. Russia was still standing there, though, flipping through the map and looking around at the different colorful attractions.

Russia was an adult, and a tall one at that, so he could find him in crowd, and since the others had run off, there wasn't really anyone else he could ask to walk around with him, he supposed. It- It's not that he was scared, or anything, there were just a lot of people and he was too short to see above them to know where he was, that's the only reason people need adults anyway, so they can get things off high shelves and such.

Cautiously, Peter inched closer towards Russia and tugged gently at his shirt, "Um, Mr. Russia?"

The nation looked down from his map to look at him, "Hm?"

"Could you, uh," he started, gripping at his own map tightly, "Well, that jerk England kinda left, and I'm not tall enough to see over all the people here, so uh, would you mind… walking around with me and stu- H-hey, what're you-"

Before Peter could finish his request, Russia had put his map in his pocket and picked Sealand up, setting him atop his shoulders with ease.

"There," Russia said, tilting his head to look at him, "You're tall enough now, da?"

Holding on to Russia's shoulders like lifelines, Peter blinked before looking around, gasping when he noticed that, yes, he could see everything now, and could even see over the heads of all of the people around them.

He smiled brightly and nodded, leaning his arms on top of Russia's head, now, "Yeah! This is great, thank you!"

The Russian made a little noise in a 'you're welcome' way and held on to Sealand's legs so that he wouldn't fall, "…So, where would you like to go first?"

Peter grabbed for his map with one hand and looked around, "Uhh, Oh! Over there, head that way!"

And with another little bob of his head, Russia began walking in the direction that had been pointed out, not realizing he'd just agreed to be Peter's mode of transportation all day.