Disclaimer: I Don't own Naruto or Kisame would not have died, especially in such a lame way.

Chapter 2

Naruto had been walking with Hidan for a few days and had read through the few books that Hidan had brought with him, leaving them to trudge through the woods in silence. Naruto glanced at the trees in the forest and noticed that they were thinning out a bit and he could smell salt.

"Are we near an ocean?" He questioned.

"yes" Hidan replied simply and continued walking forward in front of Naruto, not even turning around.

Naruto's mouth quirked downward, he'd never seen the ocean before, he'd actually never been out of Konoha before. He took in the wildlife and geography surrounding him eagerly, trying to recognize and remember every new thing. He was so out of it that he only stopped just before he ran into Hidan who had abruptly halted in front of him.

"we're here." He said.

Naruto looked around in confusion, "where exactly is here?" All that he could see was what looked like a dropoff directly into the ocean.

"The village of saltwater. They're a fucking puny village that is almost as well hidden as the waterfall village, their mainly used for easy transportation in secret to far away destinations. We're here to get a boat to the village hidden in the mist." Hidan spoke as he walked over to the edge of the cliff, knelt down, and put his hand on the cliff face.

Naruto looked on in confusion until a deep rumbling started and a passageway into the earth opened from where there had just previously been a patch of grass. Hidan started heading down the passage but then stopped and called up to Naruto who was still standing there dumbstruck, "Are you gonna fucking stand there all day?"

Naruto quickly ran over to where Hidan was in the passage and as soon as he was inside, the passage door slid shut. The two walked in pitch black silently until Hidan spoke quietly to Naruto,

"It would be in your best interest if you would stick fucking close to me like shit on a shoe, this place attracts a crowd of all kinds and who knows, there are a lot of people out there who would be happy to have a little boy."

That freaked Naruto out considerably and he sped up so that he could walk closer to Hidan. Suddenly the path did a sharp turn and soon both Hidan and Naruto were standing in the light and in front of them was a huge cavern, open to the ocean on one side, filled with buildings that had paper lanterns strung from them and people mingling to and fro.

Naruto's jaw dropped, the town was beautiful and had a casual air to it. Hidan looked down at Naruto and smirked,

"Thought you would like it, brat. Pretty different from Konoha, Eh?"

Naruto just numbly nodded his head and started to walk towards it when Hidan grabbed his shoulder and stopped him in his place.

"Not so fast, we have to get a few things straight first." Naruto looked up at Hidan waiting eagerly for him to continue so they could go explore the town. Hidan sighed but kept going, "First off only respond to the name Niro, Naruto is dead. Naruto died in Konoha and Niro was born. Second, stay close to me at all times, and don't wander off or who knows what kind of things could happen. Third, if needs come to be and you get separated, either run for dear life and try to find me or call out my name, I should be able to hear you. Lastly, " Hidan shuffled around and finally pulled something out of his jacket, "I found these goggles a little while back that you can wear to hide your eyes for the time being, but don't fuck 'em up I spent a week washing those!"

Naruto's head was spinning from all of the rules but he nodded enthusiastically anyways and took the goggles and placed them tenderly over his eyes. Hidan smirked, "ok brat, where should we head first?"


Kakashi whistled as he entered the Hokage's office, and shut the door behind him. Hiruzen Sarutobi looked up from his massive amount of paperwork and nodded at Kakashi to give his report on the mission.

"The mission in Suna was a success, the assassin was harder to take down than expected but some of the Suna nin helped us out and they were very thankful for our part in stopping the assassination of one of their most respected clan heads. I believe that this mission will be the start of a steady relationship between Konoha and Suna." Kakashi bowed at the end of his report.

Sarutobi pulled out his pipe and started smoking it, he then stopped and smiled, "Another job well done Hatake san, I am sure that this mission is the start of peace between us and Suna." Kakashi smirked under his mask in response, causing his eye to quirk a little. The hokage chuckled at that, "hmm what took you so long to get here Kakashi? Your teammates checked in your mission's success at the front desk hours ago."

Kakashi kind of shifted nervously and put a hand behind his head, "I hadn't been in the village for more than a few minutes in a while so I decided to take the scenic route to get here."

"I hope your walk was pleasant."

Kakashi nodded, "Yes, the village is doing well, the people seem happy. But I did notice something odd on the way here." Sarutobi raised an eyebrow and Kakashi continued, " I literally ran into a boy today who had red slitted eyes lined with dark red, I was just wondering if there is a known kekkai genkei that is known to do that, his brother seemed to insist that that's what it was."

The hokage's eyebrows raised up to his hairline, "Slitted red eyes you said?"

Kakashi frowned under his mask, "Yes sir, they looked kind of menacing on the kid, made him look dangerous. So do you know what the cause of it is?"

The Hokage coughed into his hand and straightened himself in his desk, "I believe that a few things may be the cause of it but to be sure I would have to see the eyes myself. Kakashi, from now until an undetermined time, I am giving you the mission that when you can look for this boy and either bring him to me or bring me a picture of his eyes."

Kakashi frowned again, "isn't that a little drastic just to satisfy ones curiosity?"

Sarutobi looked at Kakshi dead serious in the eye, "we've never heard, EVER, of someone having eyes like your describing. It could have been caused by a number of things such as a new branch of a sharingan in another country or even this boy could be one of Orochimaru's experiment's out for a test run. We must find out what this boy's eyes are before it's too late."

Kakashi bowed and hastily left the Hokage's office.

As soon as the door shut Sarutobi sighed and stood up. Slowly he walked towards his office window and peered solemnly at the faces carved into the Hokage monument. He looked at one young face in particular at the end of the monument, "Please let my grudge be wrong."


Narut- no Niro, looked up at all of the buildings as he and Hidan walked past them. They were heading to the water so that they could buy a ticket for the next boat heading to the Village hidden in the mist. Hidan bumbed Niro on the head with his knuckles, "We're here."

Niro glared at Hidan before looking at the small rundown shack in front of him. He frowned and looked at Hidan questioningly. Hidan smirked, "I'll go take care of business in here, why don't you go check out the water since you were so fucking exstatic about it before."

Niro's eyes glimmered up at Hidan, "Really?"

He huffed and looked away in response, "Yeah yeah, just don't drown or I'll have to carry around your fucking waterlogged body forever."

Niro smiled widely at Hidan and ran off towards the coast. Hidan smirked and walked into the rundown shack.


Niro jumped down off of the ledge of a dock and onto a rocky beach so he could get closer to the water. As soon as he got close, he kneeled down in front of it but a wave came and splashed him in the face and he scurried back. He suddenly heard laughing and turned around quickly to see a boy who looked to be a little older than him standing on the ledge. The boy had medium length brown hair wearing a short red jacket, no shirt, tan shorts, and no shoes.

Niro frowned at the boy who had finally quelled his laughter, "You look like you've never seen the ocean before".

Niro's frown deepened, "I haven't." He said simply and the boys smile dropped.

"Oh," he said and he jumped off the ledge and walked over to where Niro was standing but Niro tensed up and put his fists up.

The boy took a step back and put his hands up in surrender, "easy, I'm not gonna hurt you or nothing."

Niro lowered his fists and frowned, "than what do you want?"

The boy looked caught of guard and fidgeted around, "I er jus' wanted to maybe talk to you? Or play in the water with you. You seem like a fun guy but maybe I was wrong." The boy smirked and started to turn away but Niro stopped him.

"Wait!," the boy turned back around and Niro suddenly got nervous, "er you can stay if you want."

The boy smirked and ran over to where Niro was and wrapped his arm around Niro's shoulder, "you're alright kid. The name's Saki, what's yours?"

Niro looked at the boy, Saki in confusion, "you're named after a drink?"

Saki huffed, "I dunno, I would assume that my dad was drunk when he named me, Stupid bastard."

"err sorry, I'm Niro. So what do you want to do?"

Saki smirked and grabbed Niro and dragged him into the water and the two played in there all day. Saki suddenly looked at the sky that was visible from the cave and swore,

"dammit, I've got to go Niro, hopefully I'll see you around!" And Saki suddenly ran off. Niro frowned and looked at where Saki had run off and noticed that Saki had left his jacket sitting on one of the larger rocks.

He walked up and picked the jacket up, 'he didn't have really anything else on, so this jacket must be one of his only clothes. That makes it valuable to Saki so I should return it to him!' Niro smiled at his reasoning and headed off in the direction that he had seen Saki run off in.

Niro frowned as he walked by another empty building he finally came across an inhabited one and asked the residents if they had seen a shirtless brown haired boy and they said that he lived across the street. Niro thanked them and made off to what looked to be a shabby one room house.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard voices inside, not wanting to interrupt he listened hoping the voices would stop so he could give Saki back his jacket but they only increased in volume. Soon there was a crash and screaming and yelling in a voice that sounded like Saki's.

Niro not wanting his new friend to be harmed busted down the door and burst into the room only two see two masked ninja, one holding tightly onto Saki's arms and the other holding a small bag out to a midsized bald man.Once they saw Niro, the one with the bag quickly threw it at the bald man and then quickly chucked two shuriken at Niro.

Using his instinct he quickly jumped to the side and dropped on the ground to avoid the shuriken that the ninja threw. The ninja then lunged at him and attempted to kick him in the side of the head but Nior, finally utilizing his basic ninjutsu training, used a shunshin and appeared above the ninja and kicked downward onto his head, piledriving the ninja into the ground.

Shakily the ninja stood up and used a jutsu that Niro didn't recognize causing his fists to have an electric charge lightly coursing through and around them. The ninja charged at him but he used a simple Kawarimi and exchanged himself with the other ninja who had been holding Saki and the two knocked each other out, the attacking one by running out of chakra and the other one by getting electrocuted.

Niro sighed and started to walk over to where Saki was coughing on the ground after the ninja had dropped him, but was halted in his progress as a very large man Shushin'd right next to Saki.

Niro looked at the man in awe but the man wasn't looking at him but at the bald man who had been sneaking out the back door with the bag the ninja's had given him. The man's eyes glared daggers into the back of the bald man's head, "Kento," he boomed, "You broke our deal, two of my best men were defeated by your ninja. The trade is off."

The man then , before Niro could even, move savagely stomped his foot onto Saki's neck, Niro heard a crack and then Saki didn't move anymore.

Niro looked at Saki in complete shock, his first friend he'd ever made was lying on the floor dead because of him. This man had killed Saki because he himself had gotten involved in other people's affairs, Niro sunk to the floor still in shock, his hands planted on the floor holding him up in a kneeling position.

The large man, not paying any attention to Niro walked over to the bald man and took the bag from him, spilling its gold contents all over the floor. The large man sneered, "maybe next time you should value your son's life as much as you value your own." He then grabbed the gold off of the floor and snapped his fingers, Instantly 10 ninja's were surrounding the man on their knees.

"Two of you, take this man to the dungeons where he will rot for the rest of his life, the rest of you subdue the kid behind me and take him to the barracks." The man then, unusually, felt a chill go up his spine, confused he turned around to find that the young ninja was standing and surrounded with a harsh looking red chakra, and he was also staring straight at him. The goggles that the boy was wearing were shattered on the floor and soul piercing red eyes of a demon now bore onto him.

Niro shuddered with rage, Saki had been killed right in front of him and he's just stood there! What kind of friend was he? Filled with loathing for the man in front of him, Niro charged with his now clawed hands forward.

The man was shocked and quickly sent his ninja to intercept the boy and battle him head on while he dealt damage from behind. Smirking at his plan the man took out a chain whip and started slashing at Niro while his ninja's barraged Niro with punches and kicks from all directions.

Niro growled in rage and swiped his hand at the nearest ninja, instantly causing the ninja's arm to fall onto the floor with a thump. The ninja was sent back reeling, and soon Niro obliterated the rest of the ninja easily but not before he had been dealt some serious damage from the large man's chain whip.

Panting, Niro coughed, he was almost out of energy, and he collapsed onto his knees, no longer able to stand. Quickly he felt the chain whip wrap around him and he knew it was the end. Coughing out some of his blood, Niro desperately cried out, "HIDAN!", Before fully collapsing on the ground barely staying awake and causing the barbs in the whip to dig into his chest.

Panting Niro looked up and Hidan was standing above him, he smiled slightly and watched Hidan charge at the man with his scythe but only get a nick on the man's cheek before hastily retreating. The man took this opportunity to run at Hidan and stab him through the stomach with a katana. The man smirked triumphantly but then his face fell as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he looked down to see a wet spot leaking through the front of his stomach.

Hidan started laughing and pulled the katana out of his stomach, his skin had turned black, there was a smudge of blood on his lips, and underneath him, he was standing in a circle with a triangle in it drawn with the blood of the ninja Niro had decapitated and killed.

Starting into full blown maniacal laughter Hidan took the Katana and stabbed himself in the chest where his heart was. Suddenly the large man, eyes wide, keeled over and fell onto the ground with a large puddle of blood forming around him.

Hidan took the scythe calmly out of his chest and knelt down in the circle to pray to Jashin, in a few minutes he was done and he smudged the symbol on the ground with his foot, and his skin returned to normal. Yawning, he walked over to where Niro was tied up in the Chain whip and undid him, expecting him to need help Hidan leaned down to grab the kid but Niro was already on his feet. Amazed Hidan's eyes widened and he noticed that the marks from the chain whip on his hands that he had gotten seconds ago from Hidan removing the whip were already gone.

Hidan shook his head and looked at Niro to find his eyes boring into his.

"How did you do that? You have to teach me." Niro said completely serious with no emotion in his voice at all except awe.

Hidan smirked and started leading Niro away, "I'll tell you all about it on the boat, now get your ass moving it's going to leave soon."

Niro was about to leave when he suddenly turned around, ran towards the far side of the room, and started messing with something that Hidan couldn't see from his point of view. When Niro came back he was wearing a tattered red cloth tied around his neck like a scarf. Hidan frowned and looked over Niro's shoulder and saw that on one of the bodies a torn red jacket was draped over the face.

Hidan gave Niro a strange look and then led him towards the dock.


AN: Well there, I finally got another chapter out of this story. Story it took so long, I just needed to figure out where I am gonna go with this but no worries I have an idea of where I need to be at a certain point so that's a start. This will probably be updated again in three weeks since I'm gonna try out an update one story every week in a rotation thing, hopefully I'll stick to it.

Anyways in this chapter Hidan's more menorish/ friendly, probably because he wasn't really in this chapter enough to get swears out. Hidan is a super hypocrite in this chapter, he totally breaks most of the rules he makes and disregards some completely, that's what champs do. I'm kind of sad about my first OC dying but it had to be done, Niro had to feel death in order to really get into the killing people/ helping Hidan game. Also many of you were confused about what I said in the author note about Niro returning to Konoha and all that hooha, but don't worry! I meant like return to Konoha to help destroy it, probably by infiltrating it during the Chunin exams or some other time, he won't become a for real Konoha ninja again. He hates those bastards.

PS. If anyone actually knows how Hidan gets out of his ritual mode just review or PM me, I was just BSing the end of the ritual. By the way I'm writing this at two in the morning so I assure you there probably will be at least three grammatical errors so just inform me and I'll fix them, things like that bother me.

Thanks for Reading!
