Seirei- Ohayo minna! *yawns* It's 8:00 AM right now and I posting your Epilogue! x3 I tried to make it a bit funny since there was like NO humour in any thing else. Sorry if it sucks! .

Erza- I can't...believe...I cried...

Seirei- *pats Erza's back* It's alright Erza...You'll be fine.

Erza- But I'm not feared any more!

Seirei- *sweatdrops* Yes... I think you are...Look at Natsu and Gray... *points*

Erza- Hey! *goes over to stop the fight*

Seirei- Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...Lucy and Natsu please~!

Lucy&Natsu- NaLu Seirei doesn't own Fairy Tail, Rave Master or Hiro Mashima! Even though she'd love to have a life like one in Fairy Tail~!

Happy- FISH~!

Everyone- *sweatdrop*

It Hurts To Love You; Epilogue

"WWWWHHHHAAAAATTTT?" Lucy cried as she fell over, off the bench she was sitting on, with Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Happy. Everyone else i nthe guild was crowding around the table they were sitting at.

Natsu nodded, grinning his big toothy grin. Gray snickered softly, and Erza's head was hanging in shame.

"'s true..." Erza sighed sadly.

"You...CRIED? Erza...CRIES?" she cried as she picked herself up off the floor.

Lucy was still in her white dress, from when she appeared with the light. After Natsu had grabbed Lucy and kissed her then hugged her for what seemed like an eternity, everyone in the guild dragged them back to Fairy Tail.

She sat back down on her spot on the bench beside Natsu, whowhen she sat down wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her against him. She blushed but didn't move. Natsu grinned, and tightened his grip on the blonde making her blush deepen.

Gray rolled his eyes and waited for Happy's remark.

"He lllllliiiiiiikessssss youuuuuu~!" the blue cat cried, right on time.

"Heheh..." Natsu grinned sheepishly.

"Stupid cat..." she muttered glaring at Happy.

"Wahhh! Lucy's mean! Natsu save me!" he cried, flying behind Lucy and natsu staying behind Natsu's left shoulder.

Lucy rolled her eyes and sighed, while Natsu only grinned. "Even if I died you don't change..." she muttered.

"Oi, Luce!" Natsu complained.

Instantly Lucy covered her mouth and blushed. "Oops! Sorry!" she murmered. Earlier Natsu had made her promise not to talk about her having died. Of course she'd agreed but she had already broken it...Crap...

Natsu sighed and kissed her left temple.

Gray coughed, and Erza shook her head in a sighing motion. Mirajana and Levy were the closet people to the group around the table, and they were both clutching each other's hands, while jumping up and down. Lucy swore she saw heart in their eyes and floating around them...

"Lu-chan~!" Levy cried, making the blonde blush more.

"Lucy~!" Mira cried happily.

"Hey...Master." Erza said suddenly, her voice deadly serious.

"Hm?" the man in question asked. He looked down at the scarlett-haired mage from up on the banister.

"You knew. How?" she asked.

Mira sucked in a breath and Gray blinked realizing. " did know..." Gray said. "Natsu had left...Luce was out..."

"Gramps you knew?" Natsu demanded, stanidng up. He was starting to get mad now.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouted grabbing onto his arm trying to pull him down. She was having trouble.

"Calm down Natsu." Makarov ordered. "Yes I knew. But there was nothing I could say. I had to let time take its course. It had to move on its own and create the future. I couldn't do anything to affect it." he said. "I knew because it's happened before. Something ancient old men like me would know. Don't pay any attention to it."

"Gramps..." Natsu growled slowly.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouted still trying to pull him down.

Erza shook her head, deep in thought. Gray sighed and started yelling at Natsu, Happy had somehow obtained a fish and was happily munching on it. The guild members had started to disperse from circling them now.

Suddenly, a thought hit our blonde mage. "Hey!" she shouted. Everyone looked over at her.

"What is it Luce?" Gray asked her.

"Hey! She's my girlfriend, I'll ask her what it is!" Natsu growled.

"Shut up flamebrain, you were so slow, so I asked her!"



"SHUT IT!" Erza snarled, making both boys jump and hide behind someone. Natsu hid behind Lucy, while Gray ran halfway across the guild and hid behind Fried.

"What is it Lucy?" Levy asked her.

"What did Aquarious act like when know...wasn't here?" she asked.

Everyone seemed to quiet at that. They were all thinking back. Natsu blinked. "Huh? Your spirits were out? I didn't notice them!" he said, wrapping his arm around Lucy's shoulders again.

"Of course they were out you idiot! They all kept saying that Lucy was the best owner they ever had, so of course they would actually miss her!" Gray yelled at Natsu. He'd come back to the table, his stripping habit in tow. Cause he was only in his boxers when he returned.

"GRAY!" Lucy shouted.

"Wha-? OH CRAP!" he shouted looking down at himself.

"Hahahahaha! Stripper!" Natsu laughed.

"Shut it hothead!" Gray growled, and ran off.

"LUCY!" someone shouted. It was male obviously by the sound of it.

"Huh?" Lucy asked as she got up and turned around to see who was shouting for her. Almost instantly she was tackled, in a hug. She screeched, startled. "What the-?"

"Lucy~!" he shouted again, nuzzling her.

Lucy blushed, trying to get away as she realized who it was. " let go of me..."

"Bastard!" Natsu shouted punching Loke, sending him crashing into the nearest wall. Lucy would've gone too but he'd grabbed onto her.

"I got it!" Jet shouted. "She was acting all sad and mopey, holding onto her boyfriend or someone!"

Lucy blinked. "Really? Aquarious acted like..she cared...about me...?"

"Of course I do! You have a boyfriend now!" the spirit in question said as she appeared in front of the startled blonde with her boyfriend, Scorpio in tow.

Lucy blinked, startled and happy.

"Course she does!" Natsu shouted wrapping one arm around her waist, making her blush.

Within the next few minutes all of Lucy's spirits had come out, and everyone had started to chat, drink - of course - , and eat. Lucy was back. Their nakama was back.

A while later, Lucy was sitting on a bar stool next to Natsu. Her head was slumped on the bar on her arms, her eyes closed. She yawned. Natsu, who was watching her, saw this and grinned.

He got up and went to Lucy's side, and picked her up bridal style. She shrieked, startled, but calmed down when she realized it was Natsu who was holding her. She blushed but stayed quiet.

He chuckled at her reaction and started to walk out of the guild. "G'night!" he shouted. "Come on Luce. I'm taking you home." he told her.

She nodded yawning again. She snuggled into his chest. He was warm. So warm... "Good night, minna!" she shouted tiredly, to those in the guild.

Natsu left the guild with Lucy in his arms and made his way towards her house. In seconds flat, she was fast asleep in his arms.

He grinned down at her. "Silly, Luce...Making me worry so much..." he whispered, leaning down and kissing her on the lips real quick.

"'t...move..." she mumbled.

He grinned and kept walking. He shook his head laughing silently.

"Silly, Luce."