A/N: Hello Everyone! I don't really have much to say because I am on a roll to try and finish this before my job starts in September! Also remember that prequel I was talking about for Kimi? You get a little idea about what happens based on a part of this chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I still do NOT own the Rugrats or Rugrats: all grown up; that is Nickelodeon's stuff. Also, all the characters are at least 18, so any implied or not-so- implied sexual activity is a-okay :D

Chapter 25: Day Seven: Afternoon

The entire car ride to the supermarket was quiet and awkward. All I kept thinking about was what happened this morning. I can't tell him. I can never tell him. That worried expression plastered on his face this morning is enough for me to never want to tell him that I love him. I know eventually in our relationship, we'll both be able to say it, but I don't want to scare him off. If I want this thing to continue, I have to pretend that everything is fine, but will I be happy? I don't know.

As we walked towards the super market, Tommy softly grabbed my shoulder "Chuckie, what is going on?"

"nothing." I said quickly as I maneuvered myself away from Tommy's touch and avoided his gaze.

"You're lying." Tommy frowned "You know you can tell me anything, Chuckie. What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" He softly said as he put his fingers through my hair. I turned towards him and looked into those beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't control myself. I couldn't lie to his face.

"Tommy" I began "You're right, I've been lying to you. I'm not okay because I'm having a war in my mind as to how I should say this to you without pushing you away. I'd like to use excuses but I can't hide my feelings from you any longer."

"what are you talking about?" Tommy looked concerned.

"Tommy, I meant what I said last night and I don't think it was because you took my virginity. I think I've felt this way for a very long time, but I was too cowardly to face it until now. Tommy," I took a deep breath. "I love you."

Tommy's face could have killed me. I saw something rare in Tommy's eyes: fear. He took a deep breath and said "Chuckie, I'm glad you told me the truth, but I need you to know something. I've only been in love once."

"You mean Rachel?" I said

"Yes." Tommy looked down. "We were on and off but no matter what she did and how angry she made me, she could always lasso me back into her arms. Then one day, she started cheating on me with Kimi. She made enemies of you and me for a while, Chuckie. Remember you wouldn't talk to me because your sister and I got into a fight? I understood why you choose her side, but I almost lost you and Kimi as a friend forever because I let myself get crazy when I was in love."

"I know," I frowned. "and Kimi really loved her too. She messed the both of you up really badly."

"It took her dying to realize how terrified I was of falling in love again." Tommy softly grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I know you and her are different people and I'm willing to give my heart to you, but I need time before I can say that back to you. I really like you and I know it will eventually happen, but until then, I need to emotionally prepare myself to take such a big step again. Is that okay, Chucke?"

I smiled and nodded. "So, I didn't scare you off?"

"No, of course not!" Tommy laughed. "Nothing can scare me away from you, Chuckie." He place his hands on my cheeks and leaned in. I knew in that moment that he sealed everything he said with that kiss. We then walked in and bought everything we needed for the party. Throughout the whole time, we made jokes, laughed like we never laughed before and heavily flirted with one another.

As we finished loading all of the food into his car, we realized we had to bring the cart back to the front of the store.

"For old time sakes?" Tommy smiled. I nodded and jumped into the cart. He began to run to the front of the supermarket pushing me forward. As I felt the wind ruffling my hair, I turned to see Tommy with just as big of a smile as he had when we first did this. I loved that smile. Once we made it to the front, I jumped out of the cart and pulled him into a sweet kiss. "Thank you." I smiled at my goofy boyfriend. I grabbed his hand and walked back to the car.

When we arrived home with all the food, the house was a mess. Everyone, except for Dil was frantically knocking on Phil's door.

"Hey everyone, what is going on?" There was no response due to the sheer volume of knocking and Lil begging him to come out.

"What is going on!?" I shouted. Everyone turned around and Lil began "I think Phil over heard me talking about Brianna. I've never seen him freak out about a girl so much before."

"Well I understand that." Angelica said "he poured his heart and soul into that song and now Brianna has heard it and is going to confront him about how she feels about it. I can totally understand his freak out right now"

"Well," Kimi sighed "how do you think we're going to get him out?"

Just as Tommy was about to answer, a loud "thunk" was heard from inside Phil's room.

"Dil, did you just climb in through the window?" Phil shouted.

"Well you left the sheets there from when we climbed down it last time!" Dil laughed "I just thought I could come in here and talk to you, amigo to amigo"

"Okay, fine." Phil said. Then, it got quiet. Even if you put your ear to the door, you couldn't hear a word either one of them were saying. About ten minutes later, Phil opened the door and sighed "Fine, i'll meet her. I don't like that you did this behind my back but I'll do it if it makes you all happy."

Everyone cheered and began to get ready for the night. We didn't realize how crazy of a night it would be. We didn't realize everything that would ensue. Looking back, it made me almost wish we had Phil's night in.