The fair was in town and that got the X-men pumped for the beginning of summer. Jean was already on her way there and Kitty, Kurt, and Evan tagged along.

"Hey like Jean?" Kitty asked. Jean turned her head to face kitty who kicked her feet up on the dash board.

"Yeah kitty? What's up?" Jean brushed her long red hair out of her face.

"Like weren't you going to go to the fair with Scott?" she cocked and eye brow. "I thought you guys were like together now." Jean gave a confused look.

"what? Who told you we were together!" Kitty pointed to the Blue fuzz ball in the back seat. Jean glared at Kurt who was about to bamf right out of the car.

"Vhat! Don't listen to Kitty!" Kurt turned red.

"Kurt! You dumby, why would you tell Kitty that!" Jean couldn't admit to herself that she was falling for her best friend. "ah man you shouldn't have done that!" Evan couldn't stop laughing.

"Like grow up guys!" Kitty crossed her arms and turned around. "Well he was hanging out with Paul anyway." Jean sounded a bit sad.

Jean knew it was going to be a long day, but finally they arrived at the fair.



"Jeeze you can here Kitty a mile away," Scott ran his hand through his brown hair. He was walking around the fair with his friend Paul.

"Do they ever have anything cool here?" Paul asked. They kept walking until Paul spotted something that looked a bit mysterious to the fearless leader of the X-men. "Hey Scott check this out!" Paul dragged him to a fortune teller stand.

"Hello…" the man said with a dark, low voice. "Um Paul I don't like this.." Scott fixed his shades and studied the odd looking man. He had red glowing eyes, sharp threatening teeth, and odd looking blue skin. "come on Scott stop being a baby!" Paul pulled him closer to the man.

"Come on Cyclops…I don't have all day," he stared into Scott eyes just like Scott had no glasses. Then he realized that this man called him Cyclops. "What did you call m…" Paul seemed confused. Before Scott could finish the man grabbed his wrist and dug his sharp nails into his vain. "ahh! What are you doing!" Scott got even more scared.

"yes, Scott Summers, leader of the X-men…you will do just fine." His laugh pierced Paul's body. "Scott what's happening!" He couldn't move. The man stood up and ripped Scotts glasses off his head. He quickly closed his eyes to avoid doing damage to anything. Paul ran over and tried to pull the man away but he pushed him to the ground. Hitting his head on the way down, Paul was knocked out.

"Paul! Help!" he yelled, but he could not. "Nighty night Scott Summers," and the man pushed a needle in his arm and in a matter of seconds Scott laid on the ground helpless, Fading into a sea of blackness.