short but i hope sweet:)


"She's finally asleep." Santana whispers from the doorway with a smirk playing on her lips and quirking an eyebrow. Brittany smiles at her wife, grabs the remote control from her lap to shut the television off which she then places on the nightstand and brings her hands up to her hair to take out her hair clip.

The Latina tip toes into their room and quietly shuts the door behind her but keeps her eyes on the blonde getting comfortable in bed. With the door closed she walks slowly towards the bed, a smug grin on her face and she reaches down for the hem of her shirt which she then lifts over her head and tosses across the room.

"Mmm, come here." Brittany hums out, her eyes widening at the sight of her beautiful topless wife and loving that she is not wearing a bra. "Take your shorts off babe." She says just before Santana kisses her and is about to kneel on the bed. The Latina of course listens to directions and pushes up from the bed in mid motion and hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts and shimmies out of them with ease.

Brittany kicks the comforter off of her revealing her bare legs to Santana who smiles at the sight and crawls up the bed over her wife. The blonde's hands instinctively come up to get lost in dark hair and pull down to crash their lips together while Santana's hands roam up the silky smooth legs to quickly find out that under the over sized shirt her wife has on lie no panties. This information causes her to moan into Brittany's mouth.

Her lips move from Brittany's lips and travel to her cheek and jaw line until taking residence at her neck peppering the skin there with soft but needy kisses. The blonde arches her back wanting Santana's hands to venture further up and around her body. The dark haired woman giggles into her wife's skin and tells her to 'be patient' because wants to take her time.

Santana shuffles her body down and in the process bunches up the t-shirt Brittany is wearing to expose her chest. She grins to herself at the glorious sight that are Brittany's breasts and she slowly lowers her mouth to each one proving them both with equal amount of attention. The blonde wriggles under her and sounds pop out of her mouth and her lips curl up into a smile.

While her wife is busy teasing her, Brittany sits up just slightly so that she can lift her shirt clear over her head and tosses it carelessly across the room. Her hands come back down to guide Santana's mouth further into her skin as humanly possible.

She is literally about to make her move. She knows it, Brittany knows it and apparently someone else knows it too. As she starts kissing further down her wife's stomach the sound of crying reverberates through the baby monitor quickly catching both women's attention. They stare at it for a moment wondering if they stop breathing for a second the crying will stop on its own. But when it doesn't Santana huffs and plops her cheek against the blonde's stomach and Brittany lets out a sigh of frustration.

"I'll go." Brittany says, breaking their silence and moves to get up but Santana's hands on her hips keep her down.

"No." Santana says flatly. "I'll go." She sadly looks at her wife's naked body as she pushes herself up from the bed and grabs the shirt Brittany had on only moments ago.

"But Santana you were just…" Santana stops her from continuing, putting her hand up and shaking her head.

"I got it Britt." Is all she says before she walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her and making her way down to the nursery.

Brittany huffs this time and closes her eyes as she lets her head fall onto the pillow. She was seriously starting to get the feeling that little Bella Pierce-Lopez was purposely trying to keep her parents from having sex. It seemed every time that they got a moment to be alone the girl would somehow need them. She shakes her head at herself for thinking these thoughts because Bella is her daughter and she's a baby for crying out loud, she clearly does not know what she is doing.

She turns her head to the nightstand and stares at the little green light on the baby monitor and smiles as she listens to her wife trying to calm their child down. She remembers in high school when they had been hooking up, friends with benefits and all, and when they're little 'mack' sessions would get interrupted Santana would be pretty irate for a while.

It's pretty much been the same since, always getting agitated whenever they got interrupted. But now, in this moment anyhow, it was different. If it had been Santana's roommate from college who interrupted them she is sure as shit that Santana would have locked her out in the hallway in her towel like she had sophomore year. She laughs, it's a funny memory.

If it had been Kurt coming to stop by on an unannounced visit like he used to do when they first bought the house Brittany is quite certain that Santana would have hung out their bedroom window and tossed Jell-o filled balloons at the poor guy, again. And Quinn, she's probably interrupted more than a handful of intimate moments, sexually charged evening and or afternoons as well as early morning wake up calls. Santana always got her back somehow.

But her eyes soften and the smile on her face remains as she stares at the baby monitor and listens to the woman her wife has become, a mother.

"Hey munchkin." Santana greets softly and judging from the sounds she can hear beyond the crying baby, Santana is probably lifting her out of the crib. "What is going on?" She asks with concern, her voice remaining gently and caring. Bella continues to cry, obviously not giving in so easily… just like her mother Brittany notes with a shake of her head. "Oh I know, it's a rough life being this damn cute." Brittany giggles. "Uh, yeah don't tell your mommy I used a bad word aight kid?" She can just picture Santana winking at their little girl. "Shhh." Brittany can hear her wife gently patting her daughter's back and is probably bouncing her a little to calm her and judging from the cries fading it seems to be working.

"That's right baby." Santana presses a kiss to her daughter's cheek. "Mama's here."

Brittany turns on her side, props up her elbow and leans her cheek on her hand as though getting comfortable for a radio show. She listens on as her wife coos comforting words to their daughter until the cries fully subside and even then she continues to speak to her. The blonde feels a bubble build up in her chest and it's warm and fuzzy and she knows that it is caused by the conversation the other players do not know she is listening in on.

Her wife is many things; brash, sarcastic, harsh, sometimes insensitive and at times selfish. But then there are times like this and these are the moments in which the blonde relishes in. The moments where the woman she's known for over two decades and been in love with for about the same amount of time can still surprise her and can still take her breath away.