Naruto backed up against the wall as Sasuke approached him with slow and heavy footsteps. There was a glint of insanity in his eyes but all Naruto could do was gulp loudly.

''Ne, ne. Naru-chan. Why dont you admit it? You love me! You do you do! But you always say no no no! Why no no no!'' Sasuke screamed and he pulled at his hair, trying to calm himself down. Obviously failing. Naruto took the chance to look for an escape route and after observation, he found it. The door. His instincts took over him and he bolted for it, running past the mentally ill Sasuke.

However, before his sweaty hands touched the doorknob, Sasuke had tackled him down and hugged him tightly. Naruto shook. Fear. Naruto tried to push himself away from him but that was when Sasuke kissed him. He sucked on Naruto`s upper lip until it was bruised and swollen. Sasuke pinched his sides to which he reacted with a loud yelp. He took the opportunity to push his tongue inside the wet,moist cavern. Naruto squeezed his eyes shut, not from pleasure. He just wanted the nightmare to end. He also remembered how he ended up in this room...


''Byebye Naruto!''

''Yeah! bye bye!'' Naruto waved goodbye to his friends and headed his way back home.

He did not notice a figure dressed in black behind him. Suddenly, Naruto felt something striking his head. His vision blurred but before completely losing his consciousness, he heard a whisper

''Now , you are all mine. My little fox. Sasuke loves you. You belong to me.''

Flashback End

Naruto felt someone ripping his clothes apart. An object was forcefully thrust inside him. It made him mewl with pleasure on occasion but he did not know. He felt vulnerable, broken and violated.

As the object was pulled out of him, he felt liquid trickling down his thighs. Sasuke slided his fingers down the trail of the liquid and licked it.

''Mmmm. I taste so sweet inside you. Ne naru-chan? I have told you before, you are mine and you will never leave me.''

Sasuke cradled the body into his arms and rocked the two of them back and forth. He hummed a melody, putting Naruto into a sleep. Sasuke smiled in triumph. The fox was forever his.