My second fanfiction. It's very short and brief, so sorry. Review, please!

Stella Yamada was all alone in her bedroom. Her parents were out, and wouldn't be back until the next morning, and her brothers were asleep.

The only noise was coming from the shower in her bathroom. Her secret girlfriend, Olivia White, was taking a shower.

Stella got up and quietly opened the bathroom door. She tiptoed in, and opened the shower door as quietly as she could.

"Stella!" Olivia said, laughing, "Get outta here!"

"You look hot," Stella said.

Olivia laughed, turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around her body.

"Hey!" Stella said, "I wasn't done."

Olivia laughed again, and the two girls walked into Stella's room.

Stella took her top off and pushed the taller girl onto her bed.

Olivia's towel had fallen off her.

"So when do I get to see you naked?" Olivia asked.

Stella unbuckled her belt and took off her jeans.

"Right now," Stella answered.

The brunette unclasped her bra and removed all her underwear.

"I like," Olivia said, smiling.

Stella got on top of her girlfriend. They were both completely unclothed, so their vaginas were touching each others'.

The two started kissing. Their tongues moving with each others' in perfect sync.

Stella moved lower, leaving a trail of wet kisses on Olivia's body.

Stella kept nibbling and biting, causing Olivia to moan.

"Don't make too much noise," Stella warned, "You'll wake my brothers."

Stella rubbed Olivia's thighs.

She put her index finger of her right hand into Olivia's crotch.

Stella loved the feeling.

It was warm and wet.

Stella wriggled her finger causing the blonde to moan even more.

Stella took her finger out of Olivia.

Olivia grabbed Stella and pushed her onto the bed, so she could now be on top.

Olivia began to suck Stella's left breast.

She started to nibble, resulting in the smaller girl digging her nails into her girlfriend's back.

Olivia worked her way downwards.

Stella wrapped her legs around Olivia's neck, as Olivia's tongue moved in and out of Stella's pussy.

Stella pulled Olivia up so that they can French kiss.

Stella's hands squeezed Olivia's ass.

Olivia fondled with her girlfriends breast.

Both girls stopped.

They were exhausted.

They held each other, kissed, and fell asleep.