A Normal Life?

By: Dream4ever5683

Cyborg was about to do the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. The other Titans were gathered around him each mirroring the sad look on his face.

"Cyborg you don't have to do this"

"Teen Titans is just a name Cyborg, not a job description"

"Please friend this is your home why do you feel the need to leave us?"

"Dude you're my best friend, if you leave who's gonna kick my butt at video games?"

Cyborg gave a sad smile to the people he had come to think of as family.

"Thanks guys but this is just something I gotta do. It's not like I'm going to be gone forever, I'll still be in Jump city, and you guys are welcome to come visit any time you want."

Starfire floats over and throws her arms around him

"And you promise you will come see us as well friend Cyborg?"

He nods and hugs her back until Robin puts a hand on her shoulder and pulls her away.

He pounds fists with Robin and BB looks to Raven with his arms held out.

"Come on Rae just this once I promise you won't break me"

Raven can't help but to smile at their old joke of who was stronger (For the record Raven had won the contest thanks to her dark energy, but just barely) and lets him wrap his arms around her. He leans down and whispers in her ear:

"You have my phone number; I'm still here if you need to talk Rae that will never change"

She nods and moves away from him. With one last forced smile he hops into the T-car and the door to the garage opens up.

"I'll see you guys around try to stay out of trouble ya'll hear?"

He hits the gas and the titans wave until he's out of sight.

Cyborg parked the T-car outside a three bedroom rancher and a girl stands up from the rocking chair on the front porch.

"Well if it isn't the old tin can"

Cyborg rolls his eyes as he walks onto the porch

"Watch it kid or I'll turn your house into a pile of rubble".

The girl laughs and walks into his out stretched arms.

"It's good to see you again Vic"

She rests her head on his shoulder and he squeezes her tightly.

"You too Kris I've missed you."

The two break apart as a little girl opens the door.

"Mommy is everything ok?"

Kris smiles at her daughter and picks her up.

"Yes this is Victor remember I told you he would be staying with us for a little bit?"

The girl nods and waves shyly.

"Hello Mr. Victor I'm Ti-Anna but everyone calls me Ti-Ti for short. It's very nice to meet you"

She sticks out her tiny hand and Cyborg takes it in his massive one giving it a quick shake.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you Ti-Ti its very kind of you"

Ti-Ti smiles at him.

"Would you like some lemonade Mr. Victor, Mommy just made some fresh."

"That sounds good Ti-Ti I would love some".

Ti-Ti wiggles out of her mother's arms and runs into the kitchen to get him some.

Kris smiles at Cyborg and motions him in the door.

"She's taken a real liking to you normally she's so shy she won't even speak."

She leads him down a hallway and pushes open a door.

"This is going to be your room, my room's right across the hall and Ti-Ti is on the other side of the rancher. Bathroom is next door, we walked though the living room, the kitchens attached to that and the laundry room is down in the basement".

She throws him a key ring with two rings on it.

"Blue is for the house, red is for your room. The only house rule I have is that noise has to quiet down after seven pm on the weekdays, that's Ti-Ti's bed time, weekends I let her stay up as long as she wants though she normally conks out by then anyway".

Cyborg nods

"That won't be a problem I'm still not much of a partier. Thanks again for letting me stay here Kris I really appreciate it"

"It's no problem Vic I had an extra room anyway, and this way we will have plenty of time to catch up."

She leads him back into the kitchen where Ti-Ti proudly hands him a glass of lemonade. Her mom shakes her head at a puddle of the liquid dripping down the counter onto the floor. She grabs a wash cloth out of the sink and starts to mop the mess up. Cyborg gulps down the lemonade and hands the empty glass back to Ti-Ti who deposits it into the sink and then runs off to do whatever it is little girls do in their free time.

Kris throws the rag back in the sink and turns to Cyborg.

"Go get your stuff settled and I'll start dinner, I'm no master chef like you but I still know how to cook a little."

Dinner that night is full of easy chatter mostly between Ti-Ti and Cyborg. As soon as the girl is put to bed however Kris returns to the living room to find Cyborg looking uneasily out a window.

"Relax tin man, If anyone steps foot on my property I'll know."

"I just don't want to bring any trouble to your house especially with Ti-Ti being here."

Kris gives him an 'are you kidding me' look

Cyborg look around you and tell me what you see"

Cyborg looks around and shrugs

"Plants but Kris that doesn't…"

He's cut off mid sentence when a leaf from a nearby plant covers his mouth.

"Cyborg I've dealt with some of the worst villains Gotham has to offer, my mother was the infamies Ivy one of the few villains who could hold her own against Batman and she taught me everything she knew. If anyone comes a knockin, mama's gonna be a knockin back got it?"

Cyborg nods and the leaf retracts back to where it belongs.