Life at the burrow had become tense since the final battle. Since Harry had found out. Since Voldermort got away. Since Harry changed. People became unsure what to do, who to talk to about their problems. Even the slightest movement could set someone off, and then the whole house would go up in arms.

I, myself, Hermione Granger, preferred to stick to myself, my own silence the best company I could ask for. The Dynamics of my world was changing, and I was not going to be part of it. Sometimes Harry would join me, just sit with me in silence as I read of simply thought. He seemed to do that more often then not. I never complained, he had a lot going on. And the basically constant arguments is not somewhere you want to be if you want to lose yourself. Especially if you are the cause or basis of the arguments as Harry was.

Ron spent a lot of time with his family, more often then not causing arguments. Which was fine, he had lost his brother, he needed his family around him. But he did not need to bring Harry or myself into arguments when ever he was around us.

"Hermione?" I ripped myself out of my thoughts, covering my eyes from the sun and looked into the face of Harry Potter, the man of every girls dreams, including my own. Even if he did not know this.

"Hello Harry." I replied, moving over slightly so he could lean against the tree that was holding me up. Harry sat, our arms brushing

"They're arguing again."

"About?" Harry shrugged my question of, choosing in stead to stare at the hills in front of him. Hermione looked at him, taking in his profile, his handsome features, before turning her own head to look forward. "You OK?"

"They still won't stay in the same room as me on their own, they all look at me in fear, They wont talk to me like they used to, they wont touch me. What do you think?"

"Im sorry Harry."

"You didn't do anything, you've for nothing to be sorry for." He replied, his voice harsh.

"I'm sorry for the way their treating you."

"As long as you treat me the same, I don't care."


"No, I've had a lot of time to think. You're they only one that has been their for me since the beginning. Everything you've ever done to or for me has been for my own safety or something like that." I smiled softly at Harry, before turning to look out over the hills.

"Wheres Harry?" I questioned Ron as we ran through the crowds, dodging spells and firing them in return. The battle was raging around us, bodies lying on he floor, and propped up on the walls, people screaming as they fell or stumbled. I tried helping my people as we ran. I tried keeping my thoughts and sight straight ahead, not allowing the people allow me to distract me.

"I thought he was with you." Ron replied, turning in a full circle as we reached the courtyard. We stood back to back, fighting they enemy's in front of us

"I havent seen him!"

"You dont think?"

"No. No he wouldnt." I shouted aloud, firing Furnuclus followed by a Engorgio. The death eater I was fighting, wasnt quick enough and both spells hit him, allowing me to break away "Yes he would." I muttered, this time to myself as I ran towards the forest.

"Hermione, you out here?" I hadn't realised that during my thoughts my head had drifted to Harry's shoulder

"Yes Ron." I shouted back, closing my eyes for a minute as our bubble was broken.

"What are you doing with him?" Ron spat as he approached us, eyeing Harry with distaste.

"Sitting Ron." I replied, feeling Harry tense under me.

"With him?"

"Yes, with Harry. Why wouldn't I?"

"You know perfectly well why!"

"No Ron, I don't. Harry's Harry. Our best friend!"

"He is not our friend, now come with me!" He ordered, holding his hand out for me to take. I ignored it, staying on the floor with Harry beside me

"Who do you think you are bossing me about?"

"Your boyfriend!"

"We kissed twice Ron. That does not make you my boyfriend."

"I think you'll find it does. You belong to me." Beside me Harry scoffed, and I rolled my eyes. "How can you sit their with him?"

"Because I trust him."

I ran as fast as I could, my tired body bolting over obstacles that were in my way, my mind telling me to go faster.

A hand wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me against a hard body "Were do you think your going, mudblood?" The cruel voice of Lucious Malfoy whispered, straight into my ear

"Get of me." I spat back, struggling in his hold.

"You have humiliated me, you and your friends. You are going to do whatever I tell you."

"No." I whispered, struggling harder as he pushed me to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Another voice interrupted

"Getting my revenge." Lucious replied

"STUPEFY!" I felt Lucious go stiff on top of me, and rolled him of, scrambling away and to the feet of my saviour

"Are you OK?" The male voice asked, holding a hand to me to help me up, I took it gratefully, pulling myself of the ground with his help.

"Yeah thanks." I replied, taking a breath to steady my breathing. I looked up, taking in the dirty, ripped robes, and coming face to face with Draco Malfoy "Malfoy?" I asked, shocked


"Well...yes." I replied " saved me."

Ron scoffed, and bent, grabbing my hand from my lap, and pulling me up "Let me go!" I screamed, pushing him away. I could feel Harry behind me, standing as well.

"You will do as I say."

"Let her go, Ron." Harry spoke up for the first time, and I felt him step up behind me

"What you going to do?" Ron asked, his voice harsh as he looked upon his once best friend.

"Nothing. Just let her go." Harry stepped up behind me, his front pressing into my back.

"I'm not scared of you. Unlike they others, I'm not scared of you." I pulled my arm out of Ron's grip,

"What is wrong with you Ronald?" I snapped

"The whole family is being ripped apart because of him, and your not helping."

"It's not his fault! He couldn't have helped it! He didn't choice it!" Ron scoffed again, his face growing red

"You prefure him to me. You always choice him! I'm your boyfriend, your supposed to stand by my side no matter what!"

"For the tenth time im not your girlfriend."

"Just come here!" He shouted, his face now the same colour as his hair.

"NO!" I screamed, moving back into Harry. Harry's arms came around me

"fine. Have him. You two deserve each other." He said, starting to move away from us

"And what does that mean!" I screamed after him

"The whore and the traitor." He said over his shoulder. We watched him leave.

" saved me. Why? You hate me?" I asked, staring into his eyes

"I never hated you. I hated they idea of you, what you represented. But this is neither the time nor the place to go into that. You need to get to Harry before its too late." Draco shoved me away from his slightly

"Thank you." I said to him, before flying away, not stopping until they edge of the forest was in sight.

I stood on they edge, peering in, hiding myself behind a tree. I could see a block of shapes moving towards me. When they got closure, I realised who it was, and backed away, scrambling to stay out of the way of Voldermort.

He called the whole fight to a stop, the remaining light fighters huddled together, trying to find strength in each other. We moved to our knees as one, the cold ground hard underneath us."HARRY!" I screamed, as sobs racked my body, as I saw the lifeless body of Harry Potter being put on the floor. My fingers grasp onto the ground in front of me as I fell forward, the breathe knocked out of me. My eyes zeroed in on him, checking him over for any sign of life. People around me moved, I felt that something was happening, but I kept my eyes on Harry, having seen the slight movement of his chest showing that he was alive.

The next few minutes were a blur. Running. Screaming. Fighting. Watching. I stood on the inner circle, watching and listening to the battle going on in front of me.

"Hermione." Harry said from beside me, his chin on my shoulder

"Harry." I replied, glad that he was still holding me

"You look so hot when your angry." I laughed, thinking it was a joke, but when I felt him push his groin into my back side, it stiffled into a gasp "You make me want to bend you over and fuck you."

"Harry?" I asked, wandering what was going on. He peppered kisses along my bare neck, his hands holding me in place. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you. And myself." He replied, pushing my legs apart with his, and pushing his erected penis into my bum. "Did you really just think about my erected penis?"

"What are you doing in my head?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady as his body did things to me

"Helping, love."

"Helping?" I asked

"Helping." He echoed, "Lay down, love." He commanded, I hesitated for only a second before moving to lie on my back. Watching as Harry lowered himself so that he had one leg between hers, and could sit up and stare at me.

As I watched him, I felt the nerves raise in me, unsure why he was doing this or what he was going to do.

Slowly Harry leaned down, our eyes connected as he pressed a light kiss first to my forehead, then my eyelids, before making his way to my lips. He simply pressed our lips together, waiting for some sign from me. I raised my arms up, running them up his arms, before laying them on his neck, not sure what exactly to do with them.

Harry took this as a good sign, and deepend the kiss, his tongue forcing its way into mine. Eventually, Harry pulled away, and move to my neck "Mine." He said, directly into my ear, making me shiver as his breathe washed over me. His teeth latched onto my ear lope, pulling it slightly, before sucking it into his mouth.

"Harry." I moaned, my hands moving to his shirt, clutching it in my fists. Harry's hands went to the bottom of my shirt, fiddling with the button. While his hands slowly undid the buttons his mouth sucked on my neck, before moving back to my mouth, I met him greedily, our mouths now battling as he pushed my shirt of my shoulders.

His right hand, that had been holding himself up either side of my head, now moved to me, palming my breast through my bra. "Harry." I moaned again, arching up into his hold.

"Mine." he said again, moving of me slightly so I could pull his shirt over his head, then returned to me.

"You will never win Harry." Voldermort said, as they circled each other

"I always beat you, Tom. Just look at our history. You never win."

"First time for everything." Something was wrong. I knew it was, Voldermort was being to polite.

"Lets get this over with Tom. Fight me!" Harry shouted, before sending a spell at him.

Voldermort laughed, and blocked the spell. "Have to do better then that, my boy."

"I am NOT your boy!"

"Thats what you think." Voldermort murmured. I'm pretty sure I was they only one who heard, as I was standing directly behind him. Over his shoulder, Harry and my eyes connected, and I tried to get across what I was thinking.

Voldermort pivoted on his feet, following Harry's eyes, to see who he was staring at so intensely "Ahh, Harry Potters pet Mudblood. Hermione Granger is it not?" He asked

"Leave her ALONE!" Harry shouted, sending another spell, that Voldermort yet again dodged. I had to duck myself so ha I didn't get hit.

"you know, everyone always said that you and Ginny Weasley had something going, that you two were in love. But I never believe it. I always thought that you and Miss Granger here had something going, even if you did not know it."

"I said, leave her alone." Harry growled, anger obvious in his stance. I tried to get him to calm him down, knowing that his anger caused him to do stupid things, make his anger go out of control.

Harry's left hand moved under me, making me arch into him so that he could undo my bra, and then take it of off me. I moved one of my hands to Harry's bare chest, running it over the muscles their. With a sigh, Harry lowered his mouth to my breast, lapping at it.

"Please." I breathed, rubbing myself against Harry's leg, trying to get the friction. I felt Harry smirk against my skin, as his hands moved down my stomach, before resting on my jean covered centre. "Yes." I moaned, as Harry started rubbing, giving me just the right pressure for it to affect me. I had never gone this far with anyone. The kiss with Ron had been my most experience, and that was rushed and fumbled as war raged around us. But now. Now it was like this was a practice movement, me and Harry seemed to just fit together, knowing what they other one needed, and how to react to it.

I pulled Harry's head to mine, my breast cold as the air hit it, but my lips warm as Harry attached himself to them. His tongue played with mine, teasing it as he fingers teased me. My hands, walked down Harry's back, stopping at the waist band of his own jeans. The angle that he was sitting at made it awkward for me to do much, but as my hands went round to the front, and started undoing the buttons their, Harry hands found my own buttons and undid it.

If I had off been paying attention to what was going on around me, I would have realised what was going on. The Death eaters were organising themselves, making a path directly to the doors, perfect for their leader to escape through. But everyone was paying to much attention to the fight to see this. Apart from Voldermort.

"Angry?" Voldermort asked, smirking

"What do you think?" Harry spat

"So I am correct, you do like her." Harry didn't answer, and for the briefest of moments I had a massive smile on my face "And from her face, she likes you too." The smile went, as I realised how many people had seen it.

Voldermort started to circle again, stopping when he had his supporters behind him. "Lets take this outside." He said, before turning and running through the gap. His followers following him. For a second, no one was sure what was going on, but Harry let out a roar of anger, and followed, pushing his way through the parting crowd. I followed closely behind.

Voldermort ran, until he was in Hogsmead, and then stopped, his followers forming a circle around him, only letting Harry through. "Scared?" Harry laughed

"No. Just wanted some more space."

"Of course. That's what they all say."

"So, now we can fight." Voldermort bowed, and Harry did the same. Then the fight truly began.

"I cant wait." Harry said, pulling himself off me "I wont you to much."

"Don't then." I replied, pushing Harry's trousers down, while lifting myself up to help him take mine of "Make me yours." I said

"Always mine." Harry replied, before ripping my under wear off.

"You need to balance your body." Voldermort said, after blocking yet another spell. He hadn't sent any spells at Harry yet, only corrected Harry position. This was making me nervous.

"Stop talking, and FIGHT!" Harry shouted, his anger rising.

"But I can not fight you."

"And why is that?" Voldermort seemed to consider Harry for a moment, looking him up and down

"I know lots of things. Things that you should have been told, the truth to lies that you have been told."

"Like what?"

"Like your mother."

"Do not talk about her"

"Your mother, was a truly amazing woman. She held many men by the heart, me included." A shocked gasp went around the circle, and everyone pressed closure. The death eater in front of me, looked over his shoulder, and recognized me. HE grabbed me by the shoulders, and pushed me in front of himself. "She broke my heart when she ran from me. Taking you with her."

"You do not talk about my mother!"

Harry took of his own boxers, before positioning himself at my entrance "Are you sure?" He asked,

"Yes." I replied, opening my legs that bit wider. Harry nodded, before pushing inside.

Everyone always told me about the pan of losing your virginity, and I felt it. Although, it was not half as bad as I was expecting.

"You okay?" Harry asked, pressing kisses over my face to try and take the pain away as he laid still inside me. After a moment I replied in the positive.

"I was their when you were born. I was the first person to hold you. You weighed seven pounds exactly, and you caused a power shortage when you were born. The nurses said that showed you would have great magical power. They were correct."

"Stop LYING!" Harry shouted

"I am not. Everything I say is the truth. I may be they only person who ever told you the full truth."

"No." Harry muttered, his voice shaky. He knew what Voldermort was saying. I struggled in the hold the man behind me had, wanting to go to Harry, even though he was in the battle to end all battles.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Said you were attacked by me. Lies. Harry Riddle, the boy who lived, attacked my James Potter."

Harry started moving, rocking slightly into me. I gasped at the sensation he was causing, bending my legs at the knees. Harry smirked down at me, and grabbed my legs, wrapping them around himself. The new angle made me scream in pleasure, as each thrust hit me on that perfect spot.

"Your lying."

"I assure you I am not. You are they only one who does not know the truth. Even Mrs Weasley knows." The silence from the woman I knew was around, confirmed that Voldermort was in fact telling the truth.

"Harry." I whispered

"HARRY!" I shouted, starting to meet his thrusts "harder...please." Harry did as I asked, starting to go harder and faster. I put my hands on his shoulders, grasping them tightly

"Hermione." Harry said, "Mine. Always mine."

"Yours Harry."

"No." Harry gasped, I could see the tears in his eyes.

"You are my son." Voldermort said, in a voice that was far to full of love to belong to him.

Harry screamed in rage and hurt, as Voldermort stood their for another second "Here." HE shouted, throwing something at Harry before apparaiting. I was pushed forward, and stumbled, before running to Harry, who was on his knees. I pulled him to me, holding him tightly as he started crying.

I took the thing that was on the floor, pocketing it so it wasn't lost in the crowd.

"Now." Harry shouted, his thrusts becoming unpredictable, as the pleasure took me. Making me arch and scream at the same time. Harry tensed and released inside me.

Continue? Finished? Let me know. What did you think?