A/N: Hi, there! Chapter 2 is new today as well, so make sure you read that first; they're sort of connected! ;) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Again. I'm just borrowing it all.

How Kurt Fell In Love With Blaine - End of Year 2

Kurt hadn't expected anything in particular from this day's glee club session. Well, except that he would completely rock that song and make them all gasp, but beside that, nothing too special. He saw that Rachel had brought someone unfamiliar to glee club but that was about it. He didn't pay much attention to the stranger. Probably a Gryffindor anyway. How the hobbits always ended up in Gryffindor was kind of funny to him. He finished his song the way he had planned and everyone was speechless and Puck was whistling and yeah, it was all pretty cool. He went back to his seat to sit with his two best friends Quinn and Santana. Which was the exact moment Professor Shue started talking about the new kid and then the boy stood up and turned around.

He was cute, Kurt thought. Very nice face. It wasn't uncommon for Kurt to think that though. He had been pretty sure about his sexuality and he was aware that there were attractive guys out there. The boy introduced himself and Kurt was reminded that his name was Blaine. Then Rachel Berry said something and then Professor Shue gave Blaine a guitar. Kurt had to admit that Blaine looked kind of sexy tuning the muggle instrument.

"So, uh, magic and muggles was the assignment, wasn't it? I think I'm gonna go with something Disney then." Kurt gasped. Disney. Kurt's very secret obsession, for his father wouldn't exactly be happy to know that he watched muggle stuff.

It was when Blaine started to sing though, that Kurt felt like he was falling. He was definitely being sucked into something. Something big and terrifying and all of a sudden the hobbit didn't just seem cute and he didn't just seem mildly sexy. His voice was the most beautiful thing Kurt had ever heard in his life. He seemed so tender in the way he sang the words and the way his fingers brushed over the guitar strings and Kurt's eyes wandered to Blaine's finger tips and wished to feel them on his hand or face. He had read that if muggles played guitars often they would get calloused fingers. Nothing seemed more inviting to Kurt until his eyes started to linger on Blaine's eyes and then on his lips and by now Kurt was pretty sure that he needed to know more about Blaine Anderson than just his house and grade. He needed to know everything.

Blaine finished the song and everyone was clapping and Kurt especially loudly, he just couldn't help it and Santana was giggling next to him and whispered in his ear, "Someone has a crush." Kurt blushed.

"Well, if you'd like, you should definitely consider joining glee club, your voice is great," Professor Shue said.

'No kidding,' Kurt thought.

As glee club came to an end Kurt couldn't help but go up to Blaine to introduce himself.

"Hey, I'm Kurt Hummel," he said trying to make it sound casual, "Your voice is great, you should totally join." Yeah, totally casual.

"Thanks," Blaine answered and they shook hands and - yes, calloused fingers he could definitely live with, thank you very much. He didn't wanna let go. Blaine's hands felt nice, warm and just really, REALLY nice. Reluctantly he let go, "I'll definitely think about it."

"Hey, didn't I see you on the Quidditch field about a week ago?" Kurt asked. Blaine blushed.

"Yeah, i was practicing. I'm gonna try out for the team next year," he answered.

"I don't remember much but you looked like a good seeker. Fast and very much in control of your broomstick."

"Oh, thanks! That's so nice. I haven't had much opportunity to practice before. I'm a muggle-born, so the first time I flew was literally during my first year here. So I'm still pretty bad but I'm working on it."

"And he has no self-esteem. He's amazing, but doesn't know it," Rachel said from behind Blaine where she had been talking to Mercedes. Blaine blushed even more.

'Huh,' Kurt thought, 'What if they are together?' He recalled some rumor that Rachel Berry and her hobbit friend were more than friends and his disappointment hit him full force without a warning.

"Hey, you're a seeker, maybe you could practice with him," Rachel said and Blaine turned around rather frantically. Rachel shrugged. Kurt thought for a second.

"Sure," he said then. Blaine turned around again.

"Really? I mean, I appreciate it, but you really don't have to if you don't want to, I mean. She's just. Sometimes Rachel opens her mouth without thinking. You certainly don't have to-"

"Blaine, it's fine, I'll practice with you. No big deal. Even though your my competition. I guess I like a challenge," he said and winked and why on earth had he just done that? He couldn't have been more obvious and oh my gosh, Blaine would probably think he was a total weirdo.

"That is so incredibly nice of you. If you don't have anything to do, I'll be on the field this evening again. At like 6, I mean, only if it's convenient-"

"I'll be there," Kurt said smiling before Blaine would start rambling again. Which was kinda cute. Blaine rambling. But then again, Blaine seemed kinda cute. As in just him, no matter what he did. He walked out the door to catch up with Quinn and Santana who he was sure would give him hell about this little crush. Or make that a big crush actually. He couldn't wait till 6pm.

A/N: Yes, I am a review whore. Hello.