Hello! It is me, Dadles, finally here to present the FIRST LeMimexJack fanfic EVER! I guarantee you'll love it. The reason for this pairing is because I am a rebel. Fanfiction doesn't have LeMime in the character lists, so just to be spiteful, I have created this lovable monstrosity that is SLASH. (Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING from Xiaolin Showdown!) So please, Read & Review!

Also, word of warning: There is slight OOC-ness and I'm not linking this story up to the actual events that happen in Xiaolin Showdown. So to all the hardcore fans out there, Jack may or may not actually have the specific Wu as written here, and I haven't linked it to any specific time period within the series. So. Continue!

Chapter 1: Mimes can be helpful

Jack sighed as he trudged along the streets of Paris. He had been thrown out of his house by his parents, turned away from the Temple, and chased away from Chase's evil fortress. Jack cursed his bad luck. How he wished that something in his life would go right, just once!

Here's how it was: he was alone and he was broke. He had no robots; they had all been smashed by the Xiaolins. He had barely any possessions; his parents wouldn't let him even pack before he left. The only things he had were the few things he had managed to stuff into his pockets before he was shoved out the door and tossed off the property.

Of the few valuables in his pockets, two were Wu; The Shroud of Shadows and The Falcon's Eye. With those two, he would be able to go to Showdowns, but really, how likely was it that he would win? He would've grabbed more, but it's not like The Monkey Staff would fit in his jacket.

At least he was able to snag the last of his pudding-cups. He only had three left out of the original five though. Thirty hours is a while to go without proper food.

SPLASH! A passing car hurtled through a giant puddle at the side of the road, soaking Jack as the wave of muddy water washed over him.

"AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHH! WHY ME?" he screamed, shaking his gloved fist at the driver disappearing in the distance. Groaning and trying to shake off the excess water, Jack squished onward in muddy misery.

Eventually, cold, hungry, and too tired to walk anymore, he sat down on the curb where he was. Looking up, he saw that he was right across the street from the cafe he'd been to only once before. Staring at it, his stomach rumbled at the memory of the many pastries lined up in the glass display center. The sweet aroma of freshly baked sweets, smothered in glaze, and delicately placed just so on their individual plates. Jack's mouth began the water and his stomach shouted at him to eat something, anything.

"Dammit, stop thinking about it!" he shouted inwardly at himself. Jack crossed his arms and set them atop his knees, then placed his forehead down on top of his arms. He sat there, miserable, tired, and hungry, and he began to cry.

LeMime had watched the boy trudge up the street, sopping wet and dripping water everywhere. He had seemed familiar to him, but LeMime couldn't quite recall why the boy tugged at is memory banks.

The boy flopped down on the curb on stared longingly at the cafe. LeMime stepped away from the window so as not to be seen, but he watched the familiar boy as he broke down and cried. A brief flash of memory restored itself in his mind, and LeMime received a quick, sharp image of the same blazing-haired boy sitting and sipping coffee in front of the shop, talking to a ghost. He remembered the fair skin and the indifferent look of distaste upon the boy's face as he conversed with the purple specter. And as he remembered, LeMime made a decision in his mind.

He sauntered over to the front counter and gave the woman working there a meaningful wink. She got the message (she was used to the mime's communicative antics), and she fixed up his usual dessert. The mime received free meals; he did, after all, own the cafe.

He looked across the street again and, on a whim, mimed peeling a banana to the woman at the counter. She sliced up a banana and fixed it into the dessert and returned it to him.

LeMime walked outside with it and crossed the street to the boy. Jack still had his head down, just barely getting started on the self-pitying tears. He couldn't hear LeMime approach; of course, the fact that it was LeMime in the first place could have had something to do with that. LeMime approached with caution, though, as he saw more clearly the subtle shaking of Jack's shoulders as he quietly cried.

Jack felt a light tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a face he thought he'd forgotten: LeMime. At the same time, LeMime remembered the boy's name, recalling it after listening to that ghostly witch berate him for something or another. Jack Spicer. LeMime smiled a little, to try and comfort him. Although he couldn't quite remember all of the details of their encounter those two years ago (when he Tabigonged himself in the face with his mime-magic, he lost most of the memories pertaining to that day), LeMime remembered Jack and the affection he held for him upon first sight.

Jack did not smile. LeMime leaned down and offered the plate of dessert to Jack. He touched his hand with just a finger and before Jack could flinch away, he sent him a message through his mime-magic.

"Are you okay?" Jack's eyes went wide. "Here, come with me. I'll help you." LeMime 'said', concerned. Without a word, Jack stood up and followed LeMime across the street to the nearly empty cafe and followed him in.

Aaaaaaand there you have it! Next chapter, coming up next! Read on!