The Email

Azimio looks at his Aunt's e-mail again, but he cant really find words to describe how he was feeling.

He always knew it must have been hard for his cousin to be openly gay but he never thought it would be so hard he would kill himself.

Az and his cousin were never that close, but that doesn't mean he didn't care about him and the death of a family member even a gay one. Not that he has a problem with gay's it's just a reputation thing is always hard to handle, especially when his cousin is no, was, no older then he is.

The reason why he killed himself sickens Az to the core. His cousin couldn't handle the bulling, he couldn't handle the locker shoves , slushy-facials , dumpster dives or the insults. It makes him sick because he knows he is a bully like the ones that drove his cousin to kill himself.

He can't help but think, what if he had bullied someone to death. He mentally scolds himself, reminding himself that he doesn't care about the losers in his school and goes to bed.

After all a bully can't care without destroying his reputation.


The next day at school was relativity normal he hung out with Dave and pushed a few nerds into lockers when they got in his way.

At the end of the day he heard a few jocks talking and laughing while he was on his way to his car.

"Who does that Hummel boy think he is?" says one jock.

He thinks he recognizes his voice as Tim from the hockey team.

"Coming right in to our locker room"

He hears a voice who he recognizes as Nick, the kicker for the football team.

"Yea he deserved every thing we gave him, it's a lesson he'll never forget."said the first one again.

"yea" came the reply from like 5 other people

"I bet he's still laying on the floor like a baby." Said someone who's voice he didn't recognize. They all started to laugh.

Azimio didn't know why he was going to the locker room but he went anyway, and when he got there he was not prepared for what he saw.

Kurt was laying on the floor with his feet under him in a pool of blood, holding his stomach, curling around himself. Desperately trying to catch his breath while coughing up blood.

When Kurt looked up and saw Az, he looked so scared, he doesn't think he had ever seen him that scared.

He curled even further around himself and started to shake. Still desperately trying to breathe, he stopped spiting blood.

Az wasn't sure what to do but in his mind he couldn't forget that e-mail and he just keep imagining his cousin instead of Kurt and then all he could think is nobody deserves that.

He approached Kurt and sat down in front of him carefully to avoid the blood.

He looks up at him again, all he could see in his eyes was fear and pain. Kurt tried to back up but he was already backed up against the lockers.

"Please" he says "Please no more please." He looks so small and afraid Az dosn't think he's ever seen him this way.

Even when Az had him backed up against the dumpsters, Kurt would just glare at him.

Az couldn't imagine what they had done to kurt to make him act this way but he wasn't sure he wanted to know ether.

"shhh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you" Az said with a kindness in his voice he bearly remembered was there."come on can you stand"

Kurt looked at him as if to say, what are you really doing here? He tried to stand up on shaky legs only to clench his stomach even tighter and fell back to his knees.

He looked back at Az and said. "No it hurts too much."

Az picked him up bridal style just because it was the easiest way and put him on a bench near a sink.

Az wet one of the gym towels and started to clean Kurt up and for the first time Az realized Kurt is covered in cuts and bruises. Az finished cleaning Kurt's face and started to clean the towel.

"wh-why are you helping me, I thought you would be one of the people that would love to see me like that?" Kurt asks really unsure of himself.

Az came back with the clean towel and sat on the bench in front of him

"Kurt look, ok yes, I'm a bully, yes, I beat people up" Az looked him right in the eye.

"but, I'm not cruel ok, I would never leave someone like that, ok, nobody deserves that, ok "

"Not even the school fag" Kurt tried to joke when he didn't get a response he tried something else.

"Why are you helping me. I mean, I know you said you are not cruel but that could just mean not kicking me when I'm down. Why are you helping me?"

A little frustrated, Az said "what do you what from me Hummel? Do you want me to be like them, just beat you up and leave you in a pool of your own blood?"

Kurt was huddled up against the locker, because half way through Az started yelling. He looked so scared, so Az forced himself to calm down.

Az was answered with a meek. "no."

"Then what do you want?" Az asked in a softer tone.

Kurt relaxes a Little and answers " I want to know why? I want to know why your spending your time with a fag like me and not beating me up? I want to know that this isn't some kind of cruel joke? I want to know there's not something worse waiting for me outside? I want to know why your here and why your being nice to me?"

"Look Hummel, I don't have a problem with gays, I never did" he looked at Az shocked.

"There's nothing waiting for you outside, not a barrage of pee filled balloons nor a mob ok." he gives a little nod.

"This is no joke, I'm here because I heard them talking about how they beat you up, so I came to check on you, ok."

Kurt still looked like he wanted more answers, but he didn't ask, so Az finished cleaning him up, he looked better.

"There, you should stay away from them from now on" Kurt gives a little nod and stands up only to fall back down.

"Are you ok, whats wrong?"

"My ribs hurts, I think it may be broken." he says still clutching his stomach.

"Alright lay down and let me take a look." In that moment he looked ready to shit himself

"If I wanted to hurt you, don't you think I would have done it by now?"

He just looked at Az while studing his face then he lays down on the bench.

Az kneels in front of him and lifts up his shirt so he can see all of his ribs. he slowly puts pressure on the rib Kurt said was hurting him and figured out it's only a sprain.

Az rapped his ribs and made sure he could stand and walk without too much trouble before Az was about to leave.

"Amizio." he turned to see Kurt sanding behind him looking a hell of a lot better then he did before.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome Kurt." giving him the slightest smile, then he left. Az didn't know if this would change anything he did to him at school.

He didn't really know why he did it, he just knew it was the right thing to do. He went home, and hoped that Kurt got to his house ok.

Reviews are love and love makes the chapters come faster.