Shadows of Darkness

A/N: I'm writing a entry for a ff contest! So yayy for me (: Sorry I just had to include Justin Timberlake and his sexy ass self =^.^= Well at least she escapes unharmed well a little harmed but okay enoguh to move! School starts in 3 days so I have the pre school jitters! I'm super nervous but hey its my 10th grade year at a really ghetto high school so I'll be fine as long as I dont piss off the afro peeps XD Yesterday I had a little dream about my childhood and I realized I missed being a child and now I want to be one and not grow up. Welll... I guess I have t ogo since I don't want people to get bored by my AN xD I LOVE REVIEWS AND READERS so please do that I'm a starving reader :3

P.S. Thanks to my wanderful beta WannabeNightmare! :)

Shadowfire's P.O.V

Ironhide cracked a smirk and opened a hidden door. I looked into the optics of the mech and what I saw stopped me from going with him. I saw a red tinge in what was supposed to be the blue of an Autobot. "You're not Ironhide, are you?" I asked suspiciously. 'Ironhide' growled, his voice deepening into the gruff sounding voice of the mech he was imitating. "No I'm not. How did you know?" I let out a sigh and pushed the mech into the hidden hallway "Optics are the windows to the spark. If you had of kept the red out of your optics you could have fooled me" I shut the door effectively shutting the mech in the hallway.

My conscience was yelling at me that I should have gone with the unknown mech but my rational side reasoned that I could have been electrocuted and placed into stasis until someone came and got me. The rational side had won. At least that was what I had thought. When I walked out of the wash rack to see the damage I saw some drones already cleaning so I decided to help. They worked with the damage caused by the explosion and subsequent pieces while I worked on the damage that occurred before the explosion.

The drones were still programmed to think that I was still a high ranking officer so they obeyed what I commanded. I sent them to the communications room to bother Soundwave. I noticed a hint of blue in one drones visor who hung back behind the group, all of which was odd. 'Eh if it was reprogrammed I can't do anything. I'm a lowly pet and slave' I thought while looking at the room and beamed at how clean it was.

Since Red Alert had been transferred to another mech it was scarily quiet which was a new feeling to me. Everywhere around me there was usually sound but at the moment I was grateful for how quiet it as knowing it could change with the flick of a wrist or a blink of an optic. I heard the door open and I was shocked to see Megatron and Starscream standing there. I froze at the sight of my ex not knowing what he was thinking. Starscream released a growl and I responded with my own preparing to defend myself from the Seeker from hell.

"Starscream stand down. Pet stand down. I won't allow my property to be damaged" I was about to reply but decided to avoid antagonising Megatron. "Well whore bot are you going to scuttle off to frag some unlucky mech?" If Starscream wants a fight I can stand up to him, if I had his arsenal. Starscream still had his range of weapons, including his Null Rays. "Nah I decided to take a vacation. Shouldn't you be fragging a mech?" Retorting with apparent sarcasm, that Starscream missed! How? I don't know.

He was about to say something as I stepped forward but Megatron gave me a look which had to be obeyed and went to do something. I turned on some music, the song Piece of Me by the human Brittany Spears, as I cleaned the floor. This song made me think of the night at the human dance club in Los Angeles when I was on patrol.

July 3rd 2009

I turned on my holoform which was considered revealing to the humans. It was dressed in a mini dress complete with flatts. The bouncer had let me in after ensuring that I was over 21 (which I was by a few billion years).

I walked in observing the pattern the strobe light made on everything which made me fizzle for a second. That fizzy feeling solidified as I made my way slowly to the bar to acquire some 'Vodka'. Some human male must have noticed me as his guard asked me to go over. "So what's your name pretty?" I didn't notice the slur as I was too busy staring at the face of Justin Timberlake. "Taylor Manning" I replied in a flirty voice. He smiled and as we talked he ended up drunk while I was only a little buzzed. "Do you want to dance?" I accepted his offer.

He danced well. I danced well too, not good, but good enough not to be embarrassed. He tried to get me to go home with him but I refused claiming I had a sick grandmother, he looked sad but I reassured him that it wasn't his fault I was leaving. The paparazzi caught us outside and Starscream was not happy when he found out.

Present Day

Still dancing I didn't noticed Megatron watching me. He was enjoying the show a little too much. Starscream, while he was just plain glaring at me, caused me to slip on my aft in shock. "That was... interesting" Megatron commented and I tried to look sheepish. "Sorry if I disturbed you Master" I apologised knowing he liked it when I was vulnerable. Megatron gave Starscream and the Seeker left grumbling having been told to 'get the hell out' by comlink.

"You should do that more. You look sexy doing that" I nodded my helm and was silent thinking 'Yeah... right. No I'm not gonna do it around you'. I didn't stop myself before I asked him "Do you want me to teach you how to dance? The humans have very catchy songs" I mentally face palmed myself thinking that the mech who was holding me as a play thing would not have anything to do with me but fragging... well raping me.

What surprised me was that Megatron agreed so I had no clue what to fragging do now. I'm not patient enough to teach so I rubbed the back of my helm nervously as I thought things over. We stood there awkwardly observing each other with nothing to talk to each other about. I made a silent promise to explore that hallway to see where it led and how far I could get before I got zapped. It seemed as though very few 'Cons went down it which made me wonder what was on the other end.

Megatron left when his presence was needed in his office to deal with troublemakers. When I knew he wouldn't be returning soon I went to the wall and pushed a section to open the door. I nervously took the one step and then another. I turned on my head lights, giving me a better view of the hallway, it looked like it hadn't been used in a long time. I hoped the wouldn't cave in.

The hall way was quite plain and I lost tack of time until coming upon some Ancient Cybertronian written on top of a doorway. It translated to 'Those who enter beware of the herald' or at least that was what I could made out. I pushed the button and it opened to show a huge, cavernous room with a sickly looking mech on a throne being supplied Energon. I saw Megatron bowing down before the mech. They hadn't noticed me as I had kept to the shadows. It was more to prevent Megatron from spotting me, the other mech didn't look like he could move much more than his helm.

"Master what are we to do with Prime?" I listened even more seriously because it was weird that Megatron was calling anyone 'Master'. "My apprentice, to get to Prime, you must injure the boy with the inf - Come here femme" The mech noticed me and I was forcible dragged before him and Megatron.

Staring into his optics I saw pure evil and I shuddered. Megatron looked at me venomously and I inwardly winced knowing I would be paying for this. "Why are you here femme?" the mech demanded looking at the Energon lines that kept him alive. I considered what would happened if I pulled them. "Oh little femme, if you do that then you would anger the great one" I looked at him in horror that he was able to read my thoughts. He chuckled darkly which made me shudder again.

"I don't know..." I started to get scared of this mech. He had mentioned the might one of Evil and I unfortunately knew who he was talking about. The mech stroked my faceplates looking into my blue optics seeing the things I had done. He eventually reeled back and let me go as if I had zapped him with electricity. "You're that Decepticon turncoat. Right?" He inquired but I gave no answer and Megatron slapped me. "Answer him now you worthless femme" I kept silent knowing he knew my answer.

Silently I wanted to attack Megatron and rip his spark out. I didn't know where it came from but I wanted to cannibalise. I got up faster than the speed of light and ran out of the cavernous space running past mechs to get out of there. I slammed into Starscream, who was standing in the middle of the hallway, apologised before running off. I needed to get out of here, away from the pure evil vibes in that room.

Once I reached the door to Megatrons quarters I looked behind me to find Starscream thundering after me. I went into the quarters making the berth a cover as Starscream managed to get into the room. I was even jumpier than before.

Wishing once again I had my weapons with me so I could as least injure him I had to make do with my skills in hand combat. Starscream walked around the berth and I lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. He grunted and threw me off. I landed in a crouch while sliding away from him. Standing up I had to think fast and block a knife thrown at me. Silently thanking Ironhide for upgrading my armour to prevent my limbs from being cut off so easily.

I grunted as I punched him in the gut before kicking him in the face. I knew it would be hard to beat him into slag. He was kneeling on the ground in the process of getting up. I kicked him once again in the gut causing him to fall back to the ground. "Think you're so wonderful Starwussy?" I goaded and kicked him in the face again. This time he landed in the glass window creating spider web cracks on impact. I smiled when I thought of a plan that would work.

Pushing Starscream into the already weakened glass caused the water to start leaking in. Starscream tried to step forward but stumbled when he lost his footing and water started to pour in. I got close to his faceplates and said "Have fun eating ms. Fish" I ran out when the glass started to break. Leaving the doors open I started screaming, earning some crazy looks from the Decepticons, warning them of the tidal wave.

Running I managed to get the bracelet off. It seemed it stopped working when water got inside the delicate wiring. I burst through the Command Centre and raised the tower to the surface. Sealing the door against the water I grabbed a jet pack and ran up to the top. I left as the tower was turning into a waterfall for water and 'Cons.

Landing near the Autobot base I was greeted by the Human forces along with a few shocked Autobots. I quickly shed the jet pack and smashed it knowing it contained a tracking beacon.