"'Leave the Horcrux, ' Harry said.
Ron wrenched the chain from over his head and cast the locket into a nearby chair. He turned to Hermione.
'What are you doing?'
'What do you mean?'
'Are you staying, or what?'
'I...' She looked anguished.
(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pg. 343-344, J.K. Rowling)


"I can't just choose between the two of you! You are my best friends, please don't make me choose!" Hermione begged as tears spilled from her dark brown eyes down her cheeks. She looked exhausted and stressed. Harry couldn't recall a time she looked as distressed as she looked now. It has been seven years since their extremely close friendship started. The weary teen felt his heart ache at the sight of his best friend, his sister in everything but blood, having to make a choice that he knew he wouldn't have been able to make if he was in her position. However, Harry knew that he couldn't interfere, Ron has chosen and it was time for Hermione to make her own decision.

He looked at the red-haired teen, his closest friend since their first ride on the Hogwarts Express. It was hard to believe that they have come to this after so many adventures together. Harry couldn't even see the insecure awkward boy he met on the train; gone were the innocence and naivety, the happiness simply vanished from the blue eyes that were set on Hermione as her mouth moved wordlessly.

They have gotten into so many fights and arguments. Yet this one seemed to be the biggest and most likely would have an unforgettable impact on the three of them.

"I'm sorry Harry," Hermione's broken voice shook him out of his thoughts. His emerald green eyes widened in surprise as he heard the three words that held a tremendous meaning behind them. He looked at the young witch whose eyes were red and wide as the words escaped her mouth. Harry could see Ron in the corner of his eye, looking surprised yet triumphant as their bushy-haired friend went on apologizing and explaining.

Harry however wasn't listening, his mind was frozen on the fact she chose Ron over him, what about the mission? What about the promise they made to Dumbledore?

His anger diminished quickly. Since when was it the promise they made to Dumbledore? It was only him, Harry, who promised to search and destroy the Horcruxes. Hermione and Ron joined him in their own insistence.

Another wave of anger washed over him. Did they expect this to be a luxurious field trip? Being the big fearless heroes, defeating the evil Dark Lord Voldemort single-handily?

A soft voice whispered in his head, calming him down, making him breathe deeply before thinking rationally about it.

Perhaps... perhaps it was for the best. He hummed inaudibly. Yes, he smiled, it was. Wasn't it his wish for them to stay out of it? Didn't he want to hunt for the Horcruxes by himself to keep his friends safe?

He breathed in sharply as the next line of thought came into his mind.

They presented him the opportunity to make sure they won't endanger themselves.

He simply had to let go.

But they were his friends! His best friends!

How could he let them go?

The voice resorted, would he be able to face their deaths? Would he be able to keep going if he knew that his best friends whom he loved so deeply were dead because of him?

No. Harry knew he'd break down, unable to keep fighting Voldemort.

He had to let them go.

With a faint smile, trying to hide the pain his next actions will cause him, Harry looked at his two closest friends, knowing it might be the last time he saw them. Warm memories washed over him: his love and care for them, accepting their flaws and being accepted by them as Harry, not some kind of a bloody hero that he had to be right now.

As much as it hurt him, he knew he was ready to let them go for their safety.

"It's ok Hermione, I... understand." Harry said, his uncharacteristically calm voice sounding odd to him. They both looked at him in surprise, expecting their black-haired friend to be angry as he was a moment ago. He felt a stab of guilt from that. Harry realized that his friends grew accustomed to his unjustified anger and snapping. He always wondered why they endured him and his problems; his heart warmed from the acceptance they always showed him.

"I want you guys to find your families and go to a safe place. This war isn't going to end anytime soon and I want you to be safe." He spoke quietly, his tired eyes shining with emotion. Harry could see that his female best friend was having trouble keeping her sobs quiet, her eyes wide and panicked; he realized that she was suffering from her decision. Ron was looking stunned at his best friend, listening to him speaking with disbelief. Harry smiled for a moment. Of course most of what Ron said was because of the darned locket. Now that he was coming out of the suffocating influence of Voldemort's Horcrux, he was starting to realize what he said and the consequences behind it.

Harry brushed his thoughts aside. The teen knew that he had to act while his friends were still in shock and caught off guard. He swiftly summoned the locket with a silent accio, making sure his cloak and map were on him. They were in his mokeskin pouch, as well as the snitch. Harry didn't bother to take anything else; all his valuable possessions were in his pouch and his wand was in his pocket. Everything else belonged to his friends.

Harry spared his shocked friends a brief warm smile, his eyes lingering on them for a long moment, memorising them as he said his silent goodbye.

The teen quickly made his way out of the tent. He could hear Hermione yelling his name desperately but it was too late, without another look at the tent, Harry disapparated with a faint pop.

To be continued?

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