Hey everyone~ Obviously this isn't another chapter, just an author's note. I want to let you all know that this story is going to be moved to another account. I don't know when, maybe in a week or a month or whatever, but it's going to be moved to my joint account with KagamineRinChan. Why? Because it has smut.

On our joint account (Zade-And-Alex), we will be posting any and all of our collabs and smut fics, to keep our own accounts "clean." See the account itself for more info, although there really isn't much more to say on that. If you really like this story, feel free to find it on the new account sometime and leave a review there once it's moved because it will NO LONGER BE ON THIS ACCOUNT. All my other fics, yes; smut, no. Soooo, if you really like my writing or Alex's put that joint account on alert to see when we post stuff there.

I'm really sorry to do this, especially if it comes as an inconvenience to anyone, but I have my reasons.

On a side note, I know I've been on hiatus, but I've been working on a USUK multichap (which will be on the joint account hopefully in a few weeks) among other things. Plus, I hope to get a new laptop soon to be able to update more regularly. :)

Well, that's all~ Hope this isn't a bother to anyone!