Disclaimer: This all belongs to J.K. Rowling not me.

A/N: This story is based on a picture by burdge-bug on deviantart. This is the link: http : / www. burdge-bug. deviantart. com / gallery / # / d39eu70

They're lounging around in the head boy and girl common room late in the evening. Lily is studying for her NEWTS when James unceremoniously drops himself onto the couch, his long legs hanging off of the couch awkwardly, and rests his head in her lap.

Nonchalant, Lily rests her book on top of his face and continues studying, as if he isn't there at all.

"Lily?" he says but receives no response other than her turning another page. "Lilykins?" he tries again, knowing he will get a reaction.

She sighs impatiently, "Yes, James?"

"I can't breathe."

"It's better that way."

He grins crookedly, considering that there is a book resting on his face. "Oh, c'mon Lily. You know you don't want that," he reminds her with a wave of overconfidence.

In spite of herself, she smiles. "Oh really, now why is that?"

"Well, who else has my extremely impressive snogging skills?" As if to prove this point, he grabs the book right out of her hands, flings it across the room, where it thuds loudly on the ground, and leans up to kiss her but is instead met with her hand blocking his way. Hardly bothered, he proceeds to place sloppy kisses into her palm.

"You had better get that back," Lily says indignantly and pulls her hand away in distaste, but James swears that there is a hint of a smile across her face.

He pulls his wand out to summon it, but Lily snatches it and says, "No. I'd prefer you to do the manual labor."

"Fine," he huffs childishly, "whatever pleases Lilykins."

He leaps up from the couch, making a big show of it, and looks around for the piece of nonfiction as if it is the very source of all his problems.

He leans down to look under the table and as he does so, runs his hand impatiently through his hair.

That bloody hair, she thought. Not for the first time, Lily wondered what the big deal was about James Potter's hair. Yes, it was lovely but he seemed to put so much effort into messing it up, when it had so much potential to be nice-looking.

Though she could see the appeal in the look, a fact that she would never divulge to anyone. He was quite a beautiful boy and the disarrayed black hair did add to the charm, but at the same time managed to be a great source of irritation for her.

She was so baffled by the fact that this habit that he had could annoy her so much, but at the same time she wanted to try it. The thought was simply ludicrous, and her pride did not take it very well.

Yet as James bumps his head on the table and stands up so quickly, all the while running his hand again through that hair, Lily thinks, damn him, rises from the couch and takes determined strides towards the boy.

Just as he is turning to face her, Lily reaches up, runs both hands through his silky hair, and proceeds to fulfill the most stupid of her wants.

James for the most part, just looks confused. It can only have been a few seconds before he says bewilderedly, "Er, Lily – what are you doing?"

"Oh hush," she says. "I've wanted to do this for years."