Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible or any of its characters. They belong to their respective owners/creators! And I also don't own the name "Matter Cutter" I used for Shego in chapter two! It belongs to Iapsa, who came up with it and is also an author of quite a few KP fics! What I do own though is my ideas and any possible OC's I might have in this fic!


By: Ulquishinee

Chapter five – At the scene




Drakken's lair~~

Two hours later, Kim and Ron arrived at Drakken's lair, as promised. It was just as dark and lair-like as they remebered. The two immediately felt uncomfortable. Not only they didn't have to sneak around the lair after a breaking-and-entering and were actually let inside through the front door, but Drakken was actually acting somewhat civil towards his arch enemy and her sidekick boyfriend. Some part of them didn't trust Drakken to not try anything, so they were wary of his behavior.

Rufus had been especially untrusting of Drakken at first, but when Drakken dropped a big bag of chips in front of him, he forgot all about it and the two became best of buddies right away. Ron scowled at his mole rat.

"So, Drakken, why do we need to find Shego again? Is she in trouble?" Kim asked after the three – the chip-eating mole rat including – had settled in the main room of the lair where all kinds of strange machines, large-screen computer monitors and other what not's were situated or just randomly strewn around the room.

Drakken looked uncomfortable. "Not exactly," he hesitated.

"What does that mean?" Ron frowned.

"Drakken, if this is a joke, just say it's so, but don't waste our time," Kim said in exasperation. She could imagine it now: Shego would jump out from some dark nook in the lair and scare the crap out of them and it would just be a stupid, immature joke the two came up with for a laugh at their enemy's expense.

"It's not a joke!" Drakken snapped. "It's just hard to explain, okay?"

Now Kim and Ron were intrigued. They wondered what could have happened between the two that could make Drakken so tense. It was definitely something out of the usual. Rufus was already halfway through the bag of chips and had very much devoted his attention on munching on the cream and onion flavored goodies. Plus, he couldn't hear anything through his loud crunching, anyway.

"Well, try to explain because Ron and I don't have all day," Kim said impatiently.

After about five minutes of debating whether to tell them or not Drakken launched into an explanation. It didn't take him that long to explain to his arch enemy and her boyfriend what had happened early that morning. He spared them the juicy details, though.

"So let me get this straight: you had sex with Shego?" Ron said after Drakken had told them what had transpired and that Shego had left and he didn't know where to look for her and he was hoping that Kim Possible could help him. Drakken gave him an annoyed look.

"Watch your tongue Stoppable! It's none of your business. I don't ask you how often you screw your girlfriend, now do I." Kim went beat red and huffed indignantly. "How did I get involved?" she muttered to herself, as the two continued to argue.

"Now who's being nosy, huh?" Ron mocked and Drakken glared. "Besides, no offence, but I thought you were gay," he added and guffawed at Drakken's purple face. Kim stifled a laugh herself.

"Gay?" Drakken exclaimed. "Why would you?–"

"Well, Shego's hot–" Kim hit Ron on the arm, hard, and huffed. "–But you never ever made a move on her before–"

"Maybe because she would have his balls, if he did–" Kim volunteered off handedly.

"–And, frankly, was there any other woman in your life, except that DNAmy woman? She was a nut-case, anyway, and you used her only for another one of your take-over-the-world scheme."

Drakken looked like he was ready to blow a gasket. "How can you assume I'm gay from that bullshit observation? I am Not GAY!" he screeched.

"Okay, that's enough!" Kim snapped. "We now know, you're not gay, Drakken. Now, I think you might be exaggerating all of this. I'm sure Shego will come back eventually," she reassured, but Drakken only looked dejected.

"No, wait, you have to help me! Please?" Drakken pleaded.

Kim and Ron shared a look. Had they heard right? Had Drakken said the 'P' word? An ice age had just started in hell, they were sure.

"I know, I'll pay you," Drakken suggested hopefully.

Ron looked eager, while Kim looked revolted. "No, keep your money." Kim had never taken money from anyone she helped and she wasn't about to start. Not even if the person was her arch enemy. "Fine, we'll help you find your wayward sidekick, but then again, you have to accept the fact that she might not want to come back."

Drakken looked resigned. "If she doesn't, I guess I'll have to deal with that. I just want to know that she's okay."

Kim suddenly felt bad for her arch enemy. She still thought that there was a possibility that Shego would come back. Maybe she regreted what happened with Drakken and had to leave for a while and wait till things settled. Drakken was her boss after all. She probably didn't want to face the possible awkwardness of the morning after. But Kim decided to humor Drakken. It wasn't every day that your enemy asked for your help.

Besides, she had never thought Drakken was capable of caring about another person, but he obviously cared about Shego. She was sure they would find her soon and then Drakken would go back to hating her and Ron's guts. The end. How hard could it be to find her, right?

"I never thought I would say this, but this is a new side of you that you should explore, Drakken," Kim suggested after the momentary pause after Drakken's last admission. Drakken gave her a confused look.

"What side?" Ron asked before Drakken could. Kim rolled her eyes. Sometimes Ron was so clueless, but she still loved him, anyway.

"This softer, kinder, caring side," she pointed out and Drakken looked horrified. Ron guffawed. Kim had to admit, it was funny to see Drakken so loosened up. He was always so rule-the-world obsessed.

"You're wrong Kim Possible. I'm a mad scientist, bent on taking over the world–" Drakken was saying, but was interrupted.

"Well, I think you should put that plan on pause–" Kim suggested.

"If you ever mention this to anyone–" Drakken threatened, but Kim laughed.

"Don't worry, this will never leave this room," she promised.

Ron looked annoyed. "Aww, Kim. This could be the story of the year!"

Drakken grumbled something under his breath. Who knew he could actually talk to his enemy. It was almost surreal. But some part of him didn't regret getting help from the world-saving heroin. He knew that Kim Possible was one of the only people he could actually trust with something like this. She was a do-gooder.

The next two hours were spent discussing the possible places Shego could have gone off to or people she might have gone to. Drakken suggested she could be with his cousin, Motor Ed, though, he hoped that wasn't true. He couldn't take the thought of Shego with another man, even if it was his annoying cousin. He knew for sure that Motor Ed had a thing for Shego.

Kim suggested they check out all the places and people, so Motor Ed, who surprisingly wasn't in a prison for once, was left on the list. Next came Senor Senior Junior and even her brothers of Team Go were included.

Drakken wanted the search to start immediately, but Kim pointed out that she and Ron had a life too, so the search would be started the next day and they'd start by checking out the villain scene. They needed to find out if any of the villains had seen Shego. Drakken had no other choice but to agree.

After the two world savers left, he decided to start the search on his own. He checked out his whole lair, looking for clues. He found out one of the planes was missing. That left him no doubt how Shego had left. Now only he had to find the plane and he was sure he would find Shego as well.


Back at Camille's house~~

It was only lunch time, but Shego was already bored. She didn't feel like going outside by the pool like Abby had suggested she do after she finished her breakfast. The old woman was insistent, but Shego's mood was more gloom than anything else and she, at the time, thought it would be better for her to spend the rest of the morning cooped up in her room. To brood alone, so to say.

Now, she had nothing to do, but to stare blankly at the four aquamarine colored walls surrounding her. She'd closed the curtains because the sun was hurting her eyes and frankly, she didn't feel like basking in the sun. That was reserved for people who actually had a good mood to begin with.

She was about to sink deeper into despair, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. She sighed in relief. She would never admit it to whoever was behind the door, or even to herself, but they had saved her from falling into a catatonic state.

"Shego, sweetie, it's Adrena. May I come in?" came the voice of Adrena Lynn from the other side of the door.

"Yeah," Shego called.

The door opened – more like swung open – and Adrena Lynn skipped inside, clad only in a bikini of purple and yellow. "Abby told me you wouldn't leave your room. What's the matter? I know it's not my business or anything and of course you can always throw me out of your room if you want to, but I think I have given you enough time to rethink your plans of brooding the day away in your room–" Adrena Lynn giggled at Shego's wide eyed, shocked face. "–and come outside with me."

"Adrena Lynn–" Shego started to say.

"Don't you 'Adrena Lynn' me, honey! Have you looked in the mirror? You're so pale and you have bags the size of the Grand Canyon under your eyes."

Shego glared, but Adrena Lynn was already rummaging through her bag, Shego had carelessly thrown in the corner of the room. "You did bring a bathing suit, right?"If not, I'm sure Camille has some lying around that might fit you. None of mine will. You're curvier and you have bigger boobs," Adrena continued to ramble, mostly to fill the silence.

Shego smirked a bit and rolled her eyes at Adrena Lynn's comment about her figure and her breasts.

"Found one!" Adrena Lynn exclaimed. "No, wait, I found two, you pick," she said and held up a one-piece bathing suit in all black and a bikini in green with black trimming. Adrena Lynn waited patiently for Shego to get off the bed, but she stayed in the same position as before, sitting on a pillow with her back propped against the headboard and her legs stretched out in front of her on the bed.

"Now, Ms Broody pants, get out of those clothes and put this on," she said, putting the bikini on the bed. "Don't make me do it for you," she warned.

Shego rolled her eyes, "Why would I go outside?"

It was a rhetorical question. Adrena Lynn scowled. "Listen, Ms Go–" Shego shot her a dirty look Adrena Lynn ignored. "–I understand a persons need to self-pity, but this is going too far. You're going outside by the pool and I don't care if I have to carry you or throw you out the window, but one way or another, you'll be down by the pool. Is that clear?"

After Shego nodded – reluctantly – Adrena smiled. "Okay, see you in five." She skipped towards the door, but then paused just outside the door. "And remember what I said. Five minutes."

Shego grumbled to herself after Adrena Lynn left, but did as her pushy friend told her. Adrena Lynn could be pretty scary and she obviously knew it too well. After she stripped off her top and jeans, along with her underwear, she put on the bikini. After grabbing a towel she made her way down to the pool. Let the torture begin.


"I thought you'd be late. One more minute and I would have gone to get you," Adrena Lynn said as soon as she saw Shego. She watched in amusement as Shego stepped outside into the sun. It was like she was afraid the sun rays would burn her like if she were a vampire. Or maybe she would shine like one of those sparkle-like-diamonds kind. Adrena Lynn snickered to herself. She was sure Shego wouldn't get the pun, so she kept it to herself.

"C'mon, Green Sparks, it'll be dark by the time you get here." Shego grumbled to herself and Adrena did a little victory dance.

Ten minutes later, the two friends were situated by the pool under a big, yellow umbrella lying on white, cushioned deck-chairs. "The sun feels nice. Doesn't this feel nice, Shego?" Adrena Lynn asked her eyes closed as she reclined on the chair, completely comfortable.

"Sure," Shego mumbled. It wasn't as bad as she thought. She had put on some sunscreen and the shadow their umbrella cast upon her set Shego at ease. She felt like she could fall asleep, but then again Adrena Lynn kept talking to her almost to the point of being annoying. Abby brought them ice cold lemonade and an assortment of finger sandwiches since both girls had declined lunch.

Shego and Adrena Lynn spent the next two and a half hours doing nothing but lounging in the sun, until Camille arrived looking like she'd stepped out of the latest fashion magazine. The woman lived for fashion and expensive and glamorous jewelry.

"Hey, what's up, you two?" she asked as she joined the two on one of the deck-chairs.

Adrena Lynn grinned. "I got grumpy-pants here to come outside."

Shego rolled her eyes. "I would have left my room eventually when I got bored," she retorted not admitting how right Adrena Lynn actually was.

"So," Camille started, "when are you gonna tell us what happened with you and Drakken?"

Shego sighed inwardly, having anticipated the question. Adrena Lynn had displayed open curiosity before, but had not pressured her to say anything. Now that Camille was there, Shego knew she had to tell them everything. So she did.

She told them how she'd slept with Drakken after he told her he had feeling for her. Now, she could only describe it as a mercy fuck, but then again, she probably would have slept with him anyway, even if he hadn't told her how he felt. It was pure physical attraction fueled by her desire to make him happy, which in turn was fueled by her fondness for him.

When Adrena Lynn suggested she might have felt the same way, but Shego was on the offensive immediately. There was no way she loved Drakken back. She said the same to Adrena Lynn and Camille, but she had a sneaking feeling they didn't believe her.

"Oh, please, Shego, if that's true then why didn't you sleep with Junior? You didn't have feelings for him either. You had the chance that one time, which you didn't take and now you go and sleep with your boss," Camille tsked.

"You promised never to mention that ever again," she accused. Camille shrugged.

"Wait, you and Junior? Senor Senior Junior?" Adrena Lynn asked.

"Don't, Cam," Shego warned, but Camille ignored her.

"You didn't know?" When Adrena shook her head and Camille continued. "Last year, Senor Senior Senior, threw a birthday party for his son and he invited his closest villain friends. Shego was there, too," Camille explained and Adrena Lynn nodded.

"No wonder I didn't know about this. I wasn't invited," she grumbled.

Shego huffed. "I didn't want to go to that party, but you dragged me there."

Camille smirked, "Yeah, and then you started drinking and got frisky with Junior."

"Like you so kindly pointed out, I was drinking. As a matter of fact, I believe I got shit-faced drunk, since I didn't remember much of what happened."

"Well, good for you, but most of the villains there didn't."

"Wow, Ms Go, who knew you actually knew how to have fun," Adrena Lynn teased. Shego grumbled expletives under her breath.

"So, how far did you go with Junior, if you don't mind me asking?" Adrena Lynn asked.

Camille answered for her, "Oh, not farther than second base, I'm sure, trust me," Camille laughed, "Junior took our inebriated Shego upstairs to his room, then five minutes later," she paused for effect, "then suddenly: BOOM! Junior came running down the stairs screaming that Shego threatened to use her plasma hands on his 'unmentionables', if he ever tried to go to third base with her!"

The two friends cracked up in laughter, mostly at the mental image, while Shego tried to remember something that had happened a year ago. What she did remember was getting drunk and then there were hazy moments of kissing Junior, but that was it. The next morning she woke up at Camille's – her friend had obviously helped to get her there since she didn't remember that either – with a massive hangover. Camille had filled her in on what happened the same afternoon when she came down for lunch. Shego had made Camille swear she wouldn't tell Adrena Lynn, but now she had to relive the embarrassment a second time.

Seeing the expression on Shego's face, Camille smiled. "Oh, lighten up." Then the smile turned devious, which was never good. Shego braced herself. "Okay, enough about Junior. Now tell us about Drakken."

"Yeah, we want all the juicy details," Adrena Lynn gushed.

"Was it good?"

"Did you, you know, come?"

"How many times?"

Shego scowled and turned her head away from her two friends, only so they wouldn't see her slightly flushed cheeks.

"How's that relevant?" she said in annoyance. She hoped her cheeks were back to normal.

"Shego, were you even listening? It's not so much as it's relevant as we'd really like to know what your blue-skinned boss-man is like in bed," Adrena Lynn exclaimed.

"That's not relevant," Shego snapped the blush returning.

"Oh, c'mon, we always spill our juicy details, now it's your turn–" Camille pointed out.

"Which, by the way, I don't ask you to," Shego interrupted.

"Tell. Tell. Tell. Tell–" Camille and Adrena Lynn chanted and Shego gritted her teeth.

After the fifteenth 'tell', Shego gave in. "Fine, but only to shut you up." She braced herself, but this time for another reason. "It was good, okay? Great actually," she admitted and Camille and Adrena whooped.

"And?" Camille prompted.

"Which part of 'great' did you not understand?" Shego huffed.

"Oh, c'mon!" Adrena Lynn complained. "Did you–"

"Yes, twice actually."

"Woo hoo!" Camille and Adrena Lynn squalled and high fived. Shego rolled her eyes.

After Camille and Adrena were done gushing, Camille went inside to change clothes, while Shego and Adrena Lynn decided to take a dip in the pool. Shego actually felt better after their talk.

Shego had always had only guy as friends, mostly because she never could make friends with women. It was probably because she had been an only girl among four boys when growing up. But she'd gotten lucky with Camille and Adrena Lynn. The three had been best of friends for a couple of years now and in this situation, she was in now, she was happy she had them.




A/N: Finally, another chapter! Sorry for taking so long, but I'm updating another story at the same time and then there are four more I need to finish, so the updates may not come as soon, but I'll try to update this story regularly from now on! Thank to all the people who reviewed. I really appreciate it! As usual, reviews make my day! C:
