Hey there! I've always wanted to try a crossover story. For people who aren't Pokespe fans (yet), please go ahead and use the link at the bottom of my profile to read it!

The reason I made this is because there are absolutely NO PokemonxFairy Tail stories out there, so I said "I'll make one!" and I think some of the characters are pretty compatible with each other.

Also, I'm NEVER doing one with the anime, because, to be honest…it's shitty nowadays (don't get me wrong, the earlier seasons rocked!).

Hope you enjoy! But first,

Warnings: *SPOILERS for anyone who isn't up to date with both mangas

*This story takes place after the battle with Grimoire Heart. The exam is on hold for a while.

*In Pokespe, it's presumably after the HGSS arc and during the BW arc.

*Black and White didn't meet the other Dex Owners yet.


*Some violence/fights

*A few OCs will appear

*The fic is only slightly AU, but come on, I'm connecting two universes here!

*Many possible hints of many possible pairings

Full summary: In August of the year X777-right after the dragon's disappearances-Gold, the real Thunder Dragon Slayer raised by the Thunder dragon Senki, is invited to join Fairy Tail guild. There, he meets friends that he'll never forget. Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lisanna, Happy, Gildarts and finally…Sapphire, the Water Dragon Slayer raised by the Water dragon Mizaqua. But what if, on December 5, X779, Gold and Sapphire are sucked in by a giant hole called the XAnima, a portal that connects different universes. They fall into the Pokémon world, leaving them to wander hopelessly. Somehow, instead of being orphans like in their home world, they have loving human parents. Up to this day, the duo searches for a way to return to Earthland, and it seems that the Distortion World might be the answer…

Pokespe and Fairy Tail Crossover:


Chapter 1:



I called your name so many times it can't be counted,

I wonder if you're smiling somewhere…


"WELCOME TO FAIRY TAIL!" the Guild cheered as a black-haired boy entered through the door beside the resident male S-Class, Laxus.

"Oh, it's you!" a little brunette girl called out to him, "I'm Sapphire. What's your name?"

The boy grinned, "Gold!"

Cheers were heard all over the guild as the celebration started for the two newest members.

"Hey, you!" A boy with pink hair yelled out to Gold from afar, "Fight me!"

Gold fell into deep thought as he examined the other boy's features, one of which made him laugh out loud. "Sure, I'll fight ya…Pinky!"


"Too bad, that's gonna be my nickname for you!"

The boys flew at each other as Sapphire cheerfully observed.

Everyone sweatdropped, 'So this is how it's gonna be…?'


Our voice that we released into the night sky…


Friendships were created and bonds grew stronger between the members of Fairy Tail. Everything was just perfect.

Until one fateful day…

Natsu's screams could be heard from inside the building.


At first, only a few people came to check on them, presuming it was those three just playing a game, before calling the rest of the guild for back-up.


Disappears within the hustle and gently wraps around us…


Gold and Sapphire struggled in the air, trying to defy the forces of the hole that was slowly sucking them in.

"Gold! Sapphire!" voices of a worried guild called out. They were trying to use their magic to somehow make the hole disappear and save the two children.

"Waaaah…!" six year-old Sapphire cried. Being so young, she was completely terrified of this unknown thing. Almost all of them were.


"Take this, portal-thing!" Natsu yelled, punching his fiery fist towards the sky.

"Go, Natsu!" Happy cheered. Although, the fierce winds blew it out in an instant. Suddenly, Natsu was getting pulled by the forces of the portal. "Wh-whoa!"

Luckily, Erza grabbed his foot before he went anywhere. "You idiot! Don't get so close to that thing! You're going to get sucked in as well!" she yelled, yanking him down.

"Then what are we supposed to do, Erza? !" Natsu yelled back angrily. Erza glared at him. Natsu silenced immediately.

"Damn… if we don't do something, the two of them will …" Macao cursed, thinking of the horrible possibilities to come.

"Calm down, buddy. They're not going anywhere on our watch!" Wakaba said, determined, "We can't lose Sapphire-chan. She's too cute!"

Macao sweatdropped, "You only care about her cuteness?"

Meanwhile in the air, Gold attempts to use his magic. Only tiny sparks fly out of his hands. "Shoot…this thing is draining my magic big time." He said to himself. He looked over at the sobbing girl, then at the gaping hole behind them. Everything seemed so hopeless.

What was on the other side of that hole?

"You guys!"Lisanna called out, "Gold! Sapphire! We're gonna save you! For sure!" Gold grinned. Even in the worst situations, Lisanna stayed positive. That was one of the things he liked about her.

Gray gritted his teeth. His ice magic wasn't working. He turned to the Master, "Oi, Gramps! Can't you use that really powerful magic of yours? You know… Fairy…Claw, or something?"

Makarov fumed, "Fairy Law, Gray. I told you, it only works on enemies! This is obviously not a living being!" As much as he wanted to use his magic to help, nothing would make that hole go away. Gray sighed in disappointment. That was his last idea.

"Urgh!" Mirajane fell to the ground with a grunt in her monstrous Take Over form.

"Nee-chan, are you okay?" Elfman helped her up, "You should stop flying into the hole. It might suck you in. I don't wanna lose you."

"Elfman…" Mira says breathlessly.

Suddenly, the wind grew stronger. The guild held on to various objects, some to each other.

"Uwaaaaaaah!" Sapphire screamed. Everyone's eyes widened at the same time.




She disappeared into the portal.

Lisanna teared up. Her best friend…was gone. "NOOOO!"


Breath also dies out along the loop road line…


Makarov looked furious. Or rather, frustrated. How could he let his children be taken away? Screw it if his magic didn't seem to have any effect on the portal! He had to at least try, dammit! He turned into his giant form. "GRAAAH!" he attempted to punch the portal somehow, but came unsuccessful.

Natsu, now released from Erza's grip, stood and stared at the sky. His remaining friend was being taken away right before his eyes, yet he couldn't do anything to save him. He slumped down to his knees and punched the ground. "Damn it…"

Seeing this action from the usually brave young boy, everyone was shocked. In the sky, Gold felt terrible. There really was no hope left…Sapphire was gone, some were crying their eyes out, some members looked ready to, the Master was rampaging…even the strong and scary Erza looked frustrated and helpless.

"GAAAH!" Gold held his head in confusion and frustration. At this rate, he might never…see his friends again.

The portal sucked him in before there was a chance for any last words. That triggered everyone's tears in an instant.

"Gold…" Natsu whispered as tears trickled down his cheeks. Happy was wiping his own tears as he looked down at his partner.

"I'm sorry…"


Underneath the faded stars and dark sky…


In another distant world, Gold woke up on a grassy hill, rubbing his head that was sore; most likely from the presumed impact from the fall out of the sky.

"Wh-where am I…?" he looked around. Sapphire wasn't there- heck, nobody was there. Nothing felt familiar. It was as if he had fallen into a completely different universe.

Though Gold didn't know it yet, he did fall into a completely different world.


I wonder since when I've been looking for…


Landing on a soft bush after the fall, Sapphire groggily rubbed her eyes and took a good look at her surroundings. A forest.

"…Is anyone there?" she called out. No one answered. The silence was deafening, as if the whole world had vanished.

At least, her world did.


My individuality and the recipe of the way of life…


On Earthland, no one was unaffected by the incident. Even the people of Magnolia had bowed their heads whenever they passed by Fairy Tail in respect for the children who had disappeared. And speaking of Fairy Tail…

"HOW COULD YOU LET THEM DISAPPEAR?" Laxus roared at his Grandfather, receiving the attention of many grieving guild members, "GOLD AND SAPPH…!"

"Laxus…" Makarov sighed, "There was…nothing we could do…"

"BULLSHIT!" Laxus stormed out of the building, raging at the weakness of his guild. Seeing him blow up, some grieved harder than before.

Laxus…truly cared for those two.


Laugh, cry, sing! Become a flower!

Be in full bloom and one day overflow with radiance…


He found out about the new world he was in, the creatures that lived there, and most importantly, that he had a mother-which surprised him, since he was supposed to be an orphan, only to be have raised by a dragon.

Over the years, Gold grew up with Pokemon, treating them as partners. They reminded him of the guild back on Earthland. Gold met many friends in his life in the Pokemon world, making important impacts in his current life.

But he would never forget his old life- his powers, his home of Magnolia town, and of course, all the friends he had in Fairy Tail.

Staring at the bright blue sky, Gold chuckled.

"I can go back to that old life. Very soon. If this works."


I called your name so many times that it can't be counted,

That warmth lingering in the palm of my hand.


Meanwhile, Sapphire was eventually found by her 'father' and was brought 'home'. Sapphire was going to tell the man that he was mistaken, but couldn't find the words to say so, due to the warm hug she hadn't received in years.

As time passed, Sapphire's father taught her about all the 'Pokemon' in the world, and the grand world they 'lived' in. He had even caught one of those creatures for her!

Even so, she would definitely never forget about the life on Earthland-having magic, Magnolia's welcoming warmth, and last but not least, the friends she loved in Fairy Tail.

Glancing at the endless blue sea, Sapphire grinned.

"Life on Earthland…I'll have it back soon. If this works."


Our voice that we vowed back then disappears into the hustle,

And petrifies the city that I was in with you…


Just as they had said, Gold, Sapphire and their 11 companions were climbing to the peak of Sinnoh's Mt. Coronet the very next day. A chilly breeze wisped around them, as an air of uncertainty hung alongside it…


No matter how impatient I get, I'll definitely react

Without worrying about the future…


To Be Continued…

A/N: Ch. 1 complete, Ch. 2 coming soon!

Also…I said that Gold was the real electric Dragon Slayer. It said in the manga/anime that Laxus ate an Thunder Dragon Slayer lacrima, so I'm not sure if a real Thunder Dragon Slayer should really exist. I just thought that electric powers would somehow match Gold (GSC arc ending?). Well anyhow, that would mean Laxus and Gold have the same powers. Weird, huh? Also, Sapphire is the Water Dragon Slayer, but that won't necessarily mean that she's automatically the same as Juvia, just so you know.

Finally, does anyone know that song? It's gonna be PokéTail's theme song now! (Hint: L/i…nk=on?123pr-pro…f I _le!)

Review please!

I really want to know how I'm doing!