Disclaimer: I do not own iron man. Surprised?

"You wanted to talk to me?" Tony asked as he walked into the room. Pepper was sitting on his couch looking like a goddess, how he had slept around all those years while she was right there was a mystery to him now.

"Why didn't you tell me, Tony?" she asked, her voice sounded broken.

"We've been through this Pep, I really was going to tell you I just-"

"Just what? Didn't trust me?"

"Don't say that. I- Why do you need to know anyway? It's over, you know now and it's over!" He needed some air, or a drink. He stood up and walked over to lean against the wall, his back to her.

"Why do I need to know? Tony, you were dying!"

"EXACTLY! Exactly, Pepper. I was dying and… I don't know. I couldn't face the thought that, you were right."


"You said, after you caught me in the suit that I was going to kill myself by being iron man and I denied it, but you were right. The big problem was that I was scared Pepper. I was scared and I didn't want you to see me scared. You would want to know why I was dying and because you're, well, you I would tell you. You would know that the suit was speeding up the process and you would want me to stop. I wouldn't stop and I would die with you angry at me."

"I'm always angry at you." She said. Tony smiled.

"How about now?"

"Now is one of those rare times I forgive you."

"Good. Apology accepted." Tony said smugly.

"Apology? What did I have to apologize for?

"For starting this conversation again!"

"You're very lucky I love you, Tony."

There was a stunned silence for a while.

"What did you just say?" Tony asked.

"That you were lucky I loved you." Pepper said, wondering if she had made a mistake.

"I love you too, Pep." He said. "Will that be all, Miss Potts?"

"That will be all Mr. Stark."