Well, this was a rather interesting idea for a YuYu Hakusho fanfic that I had for a while, and I wanted to get it just right after five years of editing and changing character development and various plot points, and I think I have done enough editing to do a fanfic that I could be satisfied with. I hope that you all enjoy this, and constructive criticism is always welcome.

Chapter One: "The Offer"

I did not want to stop running. Even if my chest was on fire and I was ready to pass out, I did not want to stop. My life was on the line, and they already had Mei. I would not let my friend's sacrifice be in vain.

The dogs were closing in, they were quite fast runners for having such a bulky build. I looked behind me and immediately snapped back.

So close.

What I needed were trees. I was rather good at climbing them, but there was nothing to be seen but open plain. I collapsed on the grass for a moment before getting up again. I looked at the horizon, and made out the shape of a large tree on the blood sky.

"There." I breathed.

My pace quickened, even though I thought it was impossible. A new vigor came with newfound hope of escaping them. I soon reached the tree and jumped onto the first branch, and climbed two more. I leaned against the bark, catching my breath before looking down. The dogs were looking up at me, their perfectly circular red eyes glowing as the darkness reached the sky. They sat down, and a few attempted to climb the trees, but none could reach me (for the moment, anyway).

"You have Mei already, so go back to your Master!" I called.

The larger dogs growled, as if they understood me. I grabbed a large, disconnected branch to hurl at them, but I hesitated and let it go.

"Go back! You stupid creatures, go back!" My throat began to hurt.

Thunder above clashed and it slowly began to rain.

Goddamn Makai weather.

I closed my eyes and hit the back of my head against the bark softly, almost crying in frustration.

"Leave me alone you bastards…I just want to be free." A whimper escaped my lips.

I looked down again, and the dogs were still there, their eyes glowing red. I sighed sharply again, and even if it was against my better judgment, I fell asleep right on the branch.

The rain was done by the time I woke up, thankfully, and I looked down. The dogs were still there, but they were asleep. I looked at the leaves surrounding the trees, but sighed. I was not taught in the ways of Tanuki magic by my family. I left before they could. I gently climbed down from my place and reached the muddy ground. I shuddered in disgust as the runny stuff came in between my toes.

"Fuck..." I muttered, before putting my hand over my mouth.

I looked at the dogs, and they were still asleep. I started to walk slowly, and once I thought that I was out of earshot, I looked over my shoulder and broke into a run. I swore I saw a red circle open and close after I checked, and if they were awake, I had a good start. I looked into the distance, and saw the large scrapers of Gandara. My heart sunk slightly. I knew someone who lived there who could tell my Mistress where I was, but I reassured myself that if I lay low, I should be fine. Each step took me closer to the demon metropolis, and hopefully to true freedom.

Gandara got closer and closer by the minute, and I stopped for a few minutes to catch my breath. My heart was pulsing with excitement, and long-forgotten happiness.

"There…I did it." I sighed sadly once I remembered that Mei was supposed to be standing next to me. "You died bravely."

I began to walk, but a growl stopped me dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around to see the alpha dog standing behind me, his bearing his fangs and red eyes flashing dangerously. I screamed and ran away, but the dog pounced on me and bit me on the right shoulder. I yelled out again and tried to get up, but the dead weight refused to budge.

"You damn dog!" I managed, trying to kick him off me.

He bit me on the other shoulder, earning another pained scream. The next thing I knew, the weight was suddenly lifted and I heard a deafening crack and then a thud. I was too shocked to look at what happened to the dog, but I saw a young man standing in front of me. He knelt down and looked at me with kind, green eyes.

"These herbs will help." He said.

I felt some sort of leafy substance being stuffed into my wounds.

"…Go away." I groaned. "Get your hands off me."

"These will help you, I assure it." His voice was light, and flowing.

"Go away! I want to be left alone." I said, loudly this time.

"If I did, you would lose consciousness and be subject to the other dogs surrounding this place."

I looked up at him and sighed.

"They will attack soon."

The boy chuckled. His voice was now slightly cold.

"After the stunt I pulled, they will not come near me."

"Please… do whatever you wish with me." I finally begged. "Just don't take me to Yomi."

"I had no intention of it." He said calmly.

I know that he said something else, but I was losing myself in unconsciousness. His voice echoed in my mind before I began to dream.

Once I awoke, it was night. There was barely any pain from the bites and I had been bandaged. I was also on a small, but comfortable futon in the middle of a dimly lit room. The green-eyed boy was sitting across from me. He looked up at smiled. I noticed that his hair was red, and long. I felt my very short, raggedy black hair being put to shame.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

I looked at him and then turned away.

"Yes." I got up from the futon, but collapsed again once I remembered how tired my muscles were.

"You kept muttering in your sleep." He pointed out, slightly bemused. "Something about having freedom forever and a young lady named Mei."

"Is that supposed to be an insult? I lost her to those goddamn dogs." I hissed.

"I did not mean it as an insult, and I am sorry."

"You are forgiven, I suppose." I looked into his green eyes again and pulled my knees to my chin.

"I am Kurama." The redhead stated.

"Kurama? As in…Youko Kurama?"

He nodded, not very surprised that I had heard of him. I looked at him with disdain in return.

"You're such a liar! You will take me to Yomi, won't you?" I got up to leave, but Kurama had gotten up and gently put a hand on my shoulder.

"Even though I do know Yomi, I will not take you to him if you are that keen on avoiding him." His voice was soft, matching the light that was thrown onto his skin.

I gave him a look, and did not avert my eyes until I sat down on the futon again. He smiled slightly and sat in front of me.

"You would not mind if I asked you some questions?" Kurama asked.

"…I guess." I shrugged and gave off an exasperated sigh.

He nodded in thanks and chose his words carefully. I was impressed with his good manners (well, good manners so far).

"You're not dressed for long travel. That, and coupled with the fact that you were muttering 'I'm finally free' in your sleep, I assume that you are a runaway?"

He was right: I was not dressed for travel. I was in a black dress, which barely covered my thighs and was held together by a thin sash. I also remembered that I was not wearing any undergarments, so I noted to be careful how I sat.

"Yes. I'd rather not talk too much about it." I hung my head to look at the wooden floor, which suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.

He looked at me expectantly, smiling slightly.

"Mei was my only friend in that place. She was never well. It was a wonder that she made it with me halfway..." I choked slightly. I could feel the tears coming, but I held them back. "I guess she is better off dead."

Kurama put a supportive hand on my shoulder (which, thankfully, was not hurting as much anymore). I normally would have brushed off such contact, but something in my gut told me that he was actually sincere, so I allowed him to remain. I sighed softly and put my hands around my sash, allowing my dress to flow away from my body slightly. The redhead seemed surprised, and he even blushed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Do you wish repayment for saving me?" I escaped the dress by slipping through the sleeves. It fell weightlessly onto the futon, and before he could do anything, I knelt in front of Kurama, fully exposed, my lips mere inches from his.

"I do not." He was calm, yet his face was still reddened.

I was the one to blush this time, and sat back on the futon, covering my body with my arms while looking away from him. It was silent between us, and the shadows continued to dance from the candlelight.

"I am sorry." I whispered.

"It is quite alright." He gave me my dress and sash, which I effortlessly put on.

I looked at him and then out the window.

"Why did you run away?" He broke in.

I was still looking out the window when I began to tell him.

"My new Mistress became a bitch, so Mei and I devised a plan. It went awry, as you could see." I indicated the wounds he had healed.

"Mistress?" A dark look formed in his eyes.

"Yes. In case you could not figure it out, I wa-…am, a prostitute. I was unhappily kept in a brothel." I finally looked into his eyes.

"You seemed hesitant to say was." Kurama noted, crossing his arms.

"You already forgot on how I tried to repay you for saving me?" I raised an eyebrow.

Kurama did not respond, and only got up.

"And you yearn for freedom. Even though you escaped your Mistress, you still sound very unhappy."

"Of course I am! I'll never be happy until I know that I am far away from her, where she cannot do harm to me again." I snapped.

He held his forehead in his hands, probably from the immense headache I was giving him.

"I have a key to your freedom, but you will have to go through training."

I crossed my arms and frowned at him.

"What kind of training?" I had some hostility in my voice.

"Combat training, to be precise. In the Nigenkai, there are some humans and demons who train together to protect mankind. They are very powerful, and if you truly want to escape the Makai…then this is your best option." Kurama explained.

I looked at him, utterly shocked. I wondered if I was dreaming: I encounter the reincarnation of the greatest Demon Thief in all the Makai, and now I was being offered by said boy to fight for humanity to attain my this freedom.

"I understand if you are shocked-" He started.

"Do not…baby me like that." My words did not match my shocked tone. "What the fuck is going on?"

"I assure you, I am not leading you into a trap." Kurama was earnest.

"I know that! But you to offer all this? Out of the kindness of your own heart? There must be a price!" I reached for my own sash again, but he grabbed my hands.

"There is no price, and stop trying to use your body to repay me. Your happiness is all I want."

I stood up and crossed my arms, pacing around the room. There was not much of a choice.

"Very well, then. When will we leave for the Nigenkai?" I asked.

"We will leave once you wake up. Sleep, now. Even though I can go to the Nigenkai at will, I cannot send us to the direct location."

I sighed sharply, but lied down and wished that I would fall asleep immediately. I heard him roll out another futon near mine, so that he could get rest as well.

"By the way, you never told me your name." His voice rang in the darkness.

"…Unaiga." I grunted before I closed my eyes.