From Parent Conferences to Dinner Dates

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any other material.

I thought I do this story as a small progect. It's just something I pulled right out of my head. If you like the parings of SmoAce, ZoLu, MiSha, LawKidd, SaNami, FrankRob, UssoKaya, RogRouge, Dragon and OC, and a lot of others, then you've come to the right place. Wow, that's a lot of parings. What have I've gotten myself into?

Oh yeah, by the way. The rating of this story might change with suggestive themes and other things. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ah well, lets cut the intro and get this chapter rolling!

Chapter One: Maniac Monday

"Hello, welcome to Whitebeard's Family Restaurant. My name is Ace and I will be your server this afternoon. What would you like?"

Ace smiled politely at the group of giggling girls that sat at table six. He knew why they were here. And it wasn't for the spaghetti special that was to die for.

"Well, I really don't know. What do you recommend?" asked a blonde girl with a high giggle. Ace scratched the back of his hair, messing up his unruly and chin-length raven-black hair.

"Well, I say today's special would suffice." he said.

"Oh, is the special you?" asked a brunette who fluttered her eye lashes in a flirtatious way. Ace gave a laugh with a shake of his head.

"Nope, sorry ladies. I'm on the clock this whole week. I got no time. Let me just get you someone to get you some glasses of water and then I'll send my friend to get your order." he said as he turned and walked away. He heard the girls sigh in defeat and he shook his head with a quiet chuckle. It was business as usual.

"Girls gave you trouble again, Ace?" Ace turned to see one of his good friends, Thatch, raise a brow at him while he was picking up some plates. The older man was a bit taller than Ace with his brown hair in a sort of punch perm with dark eyes and a goatee. The younger man nodded, his dark brown eyes filled with laughable knowing.

"Eh, they just tried to get me in their grasp again, Thatch. I swear, they try to hard." said Ace as he placed down his notepad and took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Yeah, if only they knew you were homo." said another friend of Ace, Vista. He was well-muscled with curly black hair, dark blue eyes, and a handlebar mustache. Ace gave him a light punch in the arm.

"The correct term is gay, my Vista. But you're right. I just like guys more than girls. Simple as that." he said with a shrug. The two older men chuckled at the boy's bluntness.

"Yo, Ace. Phone call for you. Something about your brother." said a man with blonde hair that was cropped in a pineapple-like way and dark gray eyes. Ace blinked and he nodded, fallowing the other man to the phone room.

"Do you know what happened, Marco?" asked the freckle-faced teen as he walked near the phone. Marco shrugged.

"Something about school, I think. It came from One Piece High." he said. Ace shook his head and he picked up the phone.

"Hello… Yes this is Luffy's brother Ace… Wow, he did that, really?… Had to get the Fire Brigade?… When did they get there?… An hour? Huh, they're losing their touch… Yes sir. Yes sir, I'll pick him up right now. Yes… Yes, goodbye." Ace hung up the phone and Marco let out a long whistle from the doorway.

"Hm, the kid must've gotten into some deep shit, huh?" asked the blonde. Ace nodded and he rolled his neck to crack his tendons.

"Yep. Something about getting the gym on fire or something like that." said the young man. Marco cocked his head.

"Fire? Huh, that sounds like something you would do." he said with a small smirk. Ace stuck his tongue out childishly and he undid the white apron around his waist.

"Whatever. I'm gonna tell pops I'm leaving early today. See ya later, Marco." said the waiter as he walked out of the phone room and down the hall to his boss's office. He knocked on the door and he let himself in.

"Oi, Ace what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be working?" asked the extremely tall and old man at the desk. He was very bulked with a white mustache. But aside from all those muscles and tough exterior, anyone who knew Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, knew that there was softness in his heart whenever they looked into his cloud-gray eyes. Sitting on his lap was his white and furry pup, Stefan*.

"Yeah well, my little bro got into some trouble at school so I came to tell you I have to leave early today, pops." said Ace as he walked over and looked at the pictures in Whitebeard's office. Several had him with the sixteen workers of the restaurant. It was pretty obvious that the old fart cared about his workers. Each and every one of them were like his own sons. Other pictures were some of the old man's many friends and others were of his deceased wife. The young man blinked at the picture of a little five-year-old boy with silver-blonde hair. He did always wonder who this kid was.

"Hm, so the runt's got in trouble again. Gura-ra-ra-ra-ra! What did he this time? Made the chemistry lab a hazard zone?" chuckled the old man as he petted his dog. Ace shrugged as he looked to his boss.

"Nah, set the gym on fire somehow. Now I gotta go save his ass." he said.

"Fire? Isn't that something you would do?" asked Whitebeard. Ace resisted the urge to roll his eyes and he waved his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, pops, we all know I'm a bit of a pyro. Lets just cut things short. I'll come by for the morning shift tomorrow. Gotta make sure Lu stays grounded." said the black-haired youth. Whitebeard nodded as he rubbed his jutted out chin.

"Fine. Go check on the runt. Just make sure you come Friday night. That's when it's Single's Night." he said. Ace nodded and he petted Stefan on the head.

"Sure, see ya, pops!" he called as he left the office. He made his way to the kitchen and he hung up his apron.

"Leaving early, Ace?" asked one of the cooks. He had short, burgundy-red hair and ocean-blue eyes. He looked fifteen but he was much older than he appeared. Ace nodded as he plucked his keys from the key rack. From the coat rack, he slipped on his black leather jacket over his dark red T-shirt.

"Yeah Haruta. My little bro set the gym on fire. Now I gotta go to some parent conference and talk to his gym teacher." he said. A man with black hair and narrow eyes, a man with blonde dreadlocks and a black mustache, and a man a black ponytail and a gray beard, otherwise known as the three other cooks of the restaurant, all shared looks with Haruta.

"Fire? Isn't that-"

"YES! I know, that's something I would do! Look, all I know is that the kid is in some crap and I gotta get him. Now cut the lame suspecting crap and get back to work!" snapped Ace, a very visible vein on his head. The four men turned back to their work, not wanting to get the young man even madder. Ace muttered something under his breath and he left the kitchen in a huff. He walked out the door of the eating establishment and over to the parking lot, where his red and black Ducati Multistrada 1200 S Sport Motorcycle was parked. Hopping on and slipping on his red and black helmet, Ace started the engine and he rode off, passing the streets and homes of Goa City.

After a long ride, Ace parked his motorcycle in the parking lot of One Piece High School just as students were walking out of it. He stepped of his ride and he was about to walk up the steps.

"Hey Ace!" the called young man turned and grinned as he spotted his little brother's friends ran over to him. They were a very odd group, mixing of people you'd never thought would get together.

"Hey guys, what's up? Did you guys get burned from the fire?" joked Ace as the group made it to him. One of the girls shook her head. She had short, light orange hair and cinnamon-brown eyes. Her name was Nami.

"No, it wasn't that big of a fire but they still called the fire department." she said. A boy with a skinny figure, curly black hair, and dark eyes, puffed out his chest with his long nose held high.

"Indeed! But the great Usopp took care of everything! I was the bravest out of everyone!" he said proudly.

"More like you ran around screaming like a girl." muttered another student, making Usopp deflate a bit. This student had a hard looking face that looked a bit scary. His eyes were dark green and sharp and his hair was messy and light green. Ace was really surprised that his little brother was dating this guy, Roronoa Zoro, considering how happy-go-lucky Luffy was.

"No one got burned but they need to redo the walls." said a the youngest of the group. He had light brown spiky hair and blue-gray eyes. On his head was a fuzzy pick top hat with a white X. A women with olive-tan skin, mysterious-blue eyes, and long, ebony-black hair patted the young bay on the head.

"Yes, and Chopper did an excellent job on checking over everyone." she said. The boy known as Chopper tugged his hat over his eyes and whispered curses of happy embarrassment at the woman, Nico Robin, the History teacher of One Piece High..

"So, Ace-Bro, are you coming with us to movie night?" asked a man with blue hair done in a Elvis-like hairdo and black sunglasses as he placed an arm around Robin. His name was Franky and he was the Machinery teacher of One Piece High. Ace pondered that for a while.

"Maybe. That is if I let Luffy scot-free on this one." he said.

"Yo-ho-ho-ho! I hope you do let him out. We're going to see that new pirate movie. They say that their going to fighting like yakuza for his one.**" said a man with a black afro and sunglasses like the other man. His name was Brook and he was the Music teacher.

"Yeah, you should come Ace. Get yourself a date. Love is a wonderful thing." said a student with short blond hair and dark blue eyes. He took the Nami's hand in his. His name was Sanji. Ace chuckled and he leaned on his hip.

"We'll see. Anyway, I gotta go get Lu. I'll see you guys later, maybe." he said as he waved to the group and walked into the school. He walked past several students and teachers until he saw his little brother sitting on a chair in front of a classroom. The younger was absentmindedly swinging his feet with a little pout on his lips. Ace would've found this adorable if it weren't for the fact that his brother was in trouble.

"Yo!" he called as he made his way to his brother. Luffy looked up and he grinned, leaping from his chair and tackling Ace to the floor.

"Hi ya, Ace! Thank god you're here!" squealed the raven-haired boy, his chocolate-brown eyes sparkling with excitement. Ace laughed and he petted his brother's hair, sitting up with brother on his lap.

"Yeah, good to see ya, Lu. So, how'd you set the gym on fire?" asked the older brother as he and the youth got up. Luffy's grin went back into a pout.

"It wasn't my fault. A guy was making fun of Chopper because of his hat! I tried to scare him off with the lighter you gave me but then I tripped and… Yeah." the boy finished. Ace nodded and he patted his brother's shoulder.

"Well, to me it sounds like it was only an accident. You were just trying to protect Chopper." he said. Luffy nodded and he picked up his straw hat that had fallen off his head when he tackled Ace." Come on, lets see if we can reason with this teacher of yours." said Ace as they walked to the class room.

"So, who's the teacher that's barking his head off this time? Bartholomew? Mihawk?" asked the older brother as he reached for the doorknob.

"No, it's Smokey." said his bother. Ace raised an eyebrow as he pulled the door open.


"I prefer Mr. Smoker, if you don't mind."

Ace and Luffy nearly tripped on their feet as they spotted the man sitting at the desk. He looked very stern, with his pale skin and rugged looks that could rival Zoro's. His hair was gray and bristled and his eyes were as gray as silver. Clenched between his teeth were two cigars. Ace wasn't surprise, since it was after school hours.

"Um, yeah, sure. I'm… Luffy's brother. The school called me?" asked Ace, quite interested in the man. Though his looks were hard, Ace thought he looked very exotic. Perhaps he was a foreigner.

"Yes, Portgas D. Ace. I assume Mr. Monkey's parents couldn't make it and they sent you, correct?" asked Smoker as he gestured for the two brothers to take a seat. Ace nodded as he and his brother took a seat.

"Yeah. Well, we're not actually brothers. You see, Lu's mom is my dad's sister, so we're really cousins. But since we're really close and look alike, we're like brothers. Anyway, Luffy's parents and my parents are on a business trip together for the rest of the week so Lu's under my care. I think they would've called our gramps but, I guess he was busy." said the dark-haired man. Smoker nodded and he looked to the papers on his deck, his eyebrows frowning.

"Yes, anyway, lets get to business. Mr. Monkey here had nearly burned down the south gym during fifth period today. He was with a lighter, which is not permitted on school grounds." said the gray-haired man. Ace nodded as he crossed one of his legs over the other.

"Yeah well, it wasn't on purpose. Luffy here was just trying to scare off some bully who was harassing his friend. He tripped when he was trying to scare away to bully with a lighter I gave. So it really wasn't his fault. Luffy wouldn't burn down something. Ain't that right, Lu?" asked the older brother. Luffy nodded his head and Smoker shuffled his papers.

"I understand that, Mr. Portgas. But, that still doesn't cover the fact that he had a lighter at school. He still deserves to be punished. So, I say suspension for a week will-"

"Hold on!" interrupted Ace. The older man looked at him with a surprised frown and Ace glared back at him. "Luffy, go wait by the parking lot by the motorcycle. Now." said the usual calm guy. Luffy nodded and he scrambled out of his seat, running out the room as if there were a free buffet right out in the hall. Ace stood up and he stomped over to the teacher, glaring at him.

"Listen Smoker. I'm usually a good guy and all, but you can't just go around and say that my little brother should be suspended just because of some accident. Now listen and listen good; My little brother is coming to school tomorrow, with no suspension whatsoever." muttered the elder D. Smoker looked at the young man calmly as he stood up and loomed over him, his stance very intimidating.

"Mr. Portgas, your brother still disobeyed the rules. Suspension is the only thing that works for this scenario. Now, I suggest you leave before I call school security to escort you to your motorcycle." he said in a calm yet forceful tone. The two stared at each other, brown vs. gray, daring the other to move. The brown eyes suddenly looked mischievous and Smoker found himself staring face-to-way-too-close-face to Ace. The D brother/cousin gave a alluring grin as he wrapped his arms around the teacher's neck.

"Really? Do you really want me to leave, Smoker? I can show you a real good time." whispered the youth seductively, his fingers brushing the hairs of Smoker's neck. Smoker was trying to his best to keep a cold composer. But that was proving to be rather difficult with this sexy, freckled young man looking rather tempting.

Smoker blew out a bit of cigar smoke and he glared at Ace. "Let go." he growled. Ace chuckled as he easily swung his left leg and wrapped it around Smoker's waist. He had to remember to thank his friend, Izou, for teaching him this trick.

"Hmmm, no. I kind of like where I am. But, I will let go," he leaned over and pressed his lips to Smoker's ear. "If you let Luffy get away with this by serving only one day in detention. Come on, Luffy's a real good kid. And besides, I would be very grateful." he said hotly. For good measure, he planted a kiss right under Smoker's ear. He heard the teacher's breathing hitch and he knew that he won this round.

He the gave a yelp as large hands grabbed his hips and squeezed them tightly. He felt hot breath at his neck and he blushed darkly as he was pulled close.

"… Fine. He serves one day of detention. But if he so much as puts a Buggy Brand whoopee cushion under a chair," the young man could nearly see a smirk on the other man's lips. "Your ass is mine."

Ace shivered at the double meaning and he nodded, pushing away from the man and straightening his clothes. He then smiled and stuck his hand out. "Pleasure doing business with you, Smoker." he said. Smoker took his hand and the two shook. Ace then walked to the door and he opened the door, looking over his shoulder and blowing a kiss. "Hope to see you soon, Sir." he said seductively as he closed the door.

"Wait, so you're serious? I'm not in trouble?" asked Luffy as he and his brother made it to Ace's apartment. The two would use it when their parents were away. Ace nodded as he opened the door to his home and the two walked in it.

"Yeah, you just gotta serve one day of detention. You're scot-free." said the waiter as he walked over to the kitchen and pulled a water bottle out of the fridge. Luffy cheered and he hugged his brother.

"Yes! Thank you, Ace! You're the best big brother in the whole wide world!" cheered the youth. Ace chuckled and he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure not to get in trouble again. Now go and get ready for movie night. The others will be waiting for you." said Ace.

"You're not coming?" asked Luffy as he fallowed his brother/cousin to the living room. Ace plopped himself on the couch and shook his head.

"Nah, too tired. You go and have fun. But don't go all the way with Zoro. Or else I'm gonna kick his ass to hell and back." he said warningly. Luffy blushed and he ran to his room to get ready.

"As if I would! Zoro isn't a bad guy, Ace!" he called. Ace waved his hand and reclined on the couch, sipping on his water. His thoughts drifted to Smoker and he smirked. He sure hoped to see him soon.

Dun, dun! How did you like it? I think it turned out pretty good, considering it's my first AU. Anyway, here's some things to clear up.

*Stefan is a real dog that was made by Oda. When a fan asked him what other uses Whitebeard could use with his mustache, Oda said that it would be used as a boomerang for his dog, Stefan. You can find him on One Piece Wiki. I just wanted to add him for fun.

**Brook is referring to the tenth movie of One Piece, Strong World.

Well, that's all for now folks. I hope you review and I'll try to get in the next chapter soon.

This is me saying, Peace!