AN: I am a huge fan of The Hunger Games Series, although I do not like the way that it ended. In my opinion, Katniss is far too strong and brilliant to end up a mum in a village, so for me this is what should have happened in the battle and forward. I hope you enjoy it. All rights belong to Suzanne Collins.

Her Legacy

Chapter One: Snowfall

My heart never pounded so loudly. The corridor I was in was completely silent. I assumed it would be heavily protected, the Capitol's strongest fighting for their president- but no. He was waiting for me. I turned the door knob slowly, braced myself, and opened the door. I half expected to die right in that moment to be honest, but I did not. I was only greeted by Snow, sitting in his chair drinking a cup of tea, his eyes sparkling. He placed the cup down on his table and smiled at me, "Miss Everdeen, finally you arrive, I've been expecting you." My bow was already drawn, pointing at him yet I still couldn't form words. I wanted to vomit. "Here to kill me, the beloved Mockingjay." My grip on the bow tightened. He pulled something small out of his pocket. The small orb rolled between his thumb and his middle finger, raised so he could gaze at it. "Wouldn't it be funny if it all ended the same way it began? With a berry?" I was silent. "Come now, Katniss don't be-"

Those were the last words that President Snow ever said. I watched the blood trickle out of his chest and immediately fell to the ground and threw up. I had killed people in my life- I had been the cause of many deaths, but this- this was beyond everything. I waited. I waited for guards, for soldiers to come in and kill me on the spot. It seemed I was always waiting to die, but just like all the other times before, it never happened. I looked at his face, he was smiling. Mocking me even in death. I got up, and went to his large desk. Click to record,Miss Everdeen. I pressed the red button and a screen descended, I saw my face on it, covered in dirt, blood, and bile. I wiped my face clean, "People of Panem, I am Katniss Everdeen, the Mockingjay, symbol of the Rebellion." I took a deep breath, knowing every last person in every district was seeing me now, "Snow has fallen. The war is over. District Thirteen is victorious." I tried so hard to remain strong, to keep my voice from quivering, but to no avail, "We all fought hard. If...if you are still alive, please stay where you are, get a head count of both living and dead and wait for further instructions." I paused, "For all of those who have lost loved's over." I pressed the red button again, the screen slowly rising up. This time, I fell to the floor and I did not get up. I laid there and cried.

I cried for all I have been through, for all who have been through it. I cried about The Games, I cried about The War. I cried that Peeta may be dead, but even if he was alive he still hated me. I cried that everyone could be dead, and it was all my fault. I let all of the emotion of the past year leak out of my body, literally. I shook there, on Snow's rug. His body still bleeding and smelling of roses not six feet away from me. He seemed so small now, all of the death and misery he had caused. One man. Now departed forever. I began to dry heave, nothing left in my stomach.

"She's in here!" I heard. Suddenly I was picked up and placed in someone's lap. The comfort of human skin made me tremble. I latched onto the person, and buried myself there. Crying into them, not even knowing who it was. "I've got you, Katniss. It's okay. I've got you." Peeta. My Peeta still alive, holding me. My grip tightened, I inhaled his smell, the comforting smell that had helped me through all of this. This is where I needed to be, this was home. His hands were rubbing my hair, pushing it off my damp brow, "You're okay." He kept repeating, his voice weak and tired. More people assembled in the room, Haymitch joined us on the floor and wrapped his big arms around both of us. He didn't say anything, he was too shocked that both of us were still alive.

"Miss Everdeen, President Coin is on the phone for you."

"Does she really need to take it?" Haymitch's voice grumbled.


The phone was shoved in my ear, "Hello, Miss Mockingjay. Good work."

"Th-thank you, ma'am."

She laughed slightly, I was completely uncomfortable. This felt like telling my mother what I did in school today more than telling my leader that I killed the enemy. "The fighting in the street is diminishing, most of the Capitol soldiers have surrendered and have been taken into custody. You'll be staying in the Capitol building and the rest of the cabinet will be joining you in the next few days. You are in charge."


"No?" Her voice was stiff and filled with anger. I don't know why she was surprised, I hadn't made anything easy for her since I met her, I don't know why she assumed I would start listening to her now.

"Haymitch is in charge. I just want to sleep."

I shoved the phone in his face and fell back against Peeta. Haymitch took the phone call outside, and the rest of the people followed, doing a second round of the building. Peeta stayed with me, both of us fully aware that the other was not leaving for a very long time. And even though he was there holding me, and kissing my head, I still felt it. I still felt that he was unsure. I felt hesitation with every kiss, intertwined with relief and love. "I know you're confused," I said into his neck, "but..thank you." That was what had to be said. Not a deceleration of love. He knew damn well how I felt, yet I could never run out of thank yous. He saved my life time after time, he's made me feel better and made me feel alive, he's gotten me through the hell that took over both our lives when our names were called.

He cradled me, and kept his lips pressed against my head. Even though he had the memories of me that were fake, he also had the real ones up there in that mess. He knew- and for now that was enough. "Do you want to sleep?" My mind was still overflowing, trying to not think about who could be dead or dying. I nodded and he scooped me up into his arms, the Games leaving him a strong man, not the lanky boy I once knew. He carried me down to the room he had during the Games, or at least one identical to it. It was eerie. He placed me gently on the bed, and my head hit the pillow the same time he laid next to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and my hands found his. If it were up to me I would never let them go again.