So it is next chapter and I hope you will like idea which is going to appear. I hope you like it



"Could you now explain me what's going on?" Vanessa gave Alaric peeping look "Your last research went for nothing? You still didn't move anywhere with solving your problems?"

Alaric denied instantly "Not really. This one is over but we have life full of adventures." He started but he wasn't sure how much he can told her. She seemed to be on their side but still she didn't specially liked them, they never had chance to make any friendship. But he felt somehow that it wouldn't be so hard change that fact. There was piece of understanding between them when they met last time few months ago.

"And what's now?"

"We saved Elena, actually Bonnie and her father did, we threw werewolves out from town but we still have Klaus alive" he decided to left some information unspoken but it didn't mean that he wasn't going to tell her it someday. Even in this conversation.

"And Klaus is someone powerful, I guess original?" Vanessa stepped back and took something from the table located next to front door. With curiosity he tried to see it wondering if it was any weapon that she could use versus him. It would be rational, trying protect herself from someone who claims that the most powerful creature he ever heard about is going after him. But he didn't want to be killed by human because it simply meant that it would be real death. It was better to be killed by supernatural, at least when he had his ring. Fortunately Elena borrowed him it.

"Worse. He is hybrid. Half vampire, half werewolf. That legend about moonstone was fake because it helped Klaus to complete his transformation"

"What? You let ritual happened?"

"We had no choice" he breathed with relief seeing notebook in her hands. He probably was mistaken suspecting the worst things. But life taught him that trust is something you can't present everyone. No matter that person looked so innocent like Vanessa did. Her big hazelnut shape, blue eyes were something that could make every man dizzy. It felt strange to think like that about woman after Jenna's death but it was only observations, right?

He was staring at her for a moment until she exchanged his gaze. He grinned shyly like children caught with hand in the jar with cookies.

"Am I dirty or something?" she touched lightly her cheek looking for leftoversof chocolate or anything. He finally managed to smile at her but he was still agitated.

"No, no."

"Good. So explain me, please, why you had no choice?"

"It's a long story..." he sat on the sofa which was placed in room that he could call office. She probably worked there but he couldn't say what was her subject of research. He could only guess that it was something supernatural because Vanessa was his death wife's pupil and Isobel used to think only about vampires. When he was now thinking about it all his adult life was condensed on vampires. He met Isobel in college. Since they have started going out there was no way for him to run away from this world.

"We have a lot of time" Vanessa opened little cupboard under her desk and she took bottle filled with red substance "Do you like vine? I have also bourbon"

"I don't think that you have" he nearly giggled looking at her surprised face. "Damon was here earlier so I think you are run of it"

"You have wonderful company" she grizzled "Bloodthirsty vampire, alcoholic one with kleptomania plus exact copy of Katherine Pierce"

"And I'm vampire slayer" Alaric enjoyed their conversation it was nice to talk with frankly someone who wasn't involved in this mess they lived in "We have also witch, neurotic vampire and boy who woke from death"

"Wow" girl poured vine for them and gave teacher his calyx "It sounds even better than Robin Hood team including that fat monk"

"We'd rather like Scooby's Gang no matter how hilarious it sounds" he raised dish with tiny smile that she returned "Scooby used to have hard time with monsters so do we"

"Especially with one standing behind you" they heard amused voice that could pertain to only one person. He raised his eyebrows with annoyance.

"Thank you Damon for memorizing that"

"Oh! It's my pleasure. And I'm sorry to interrupt your touching and romantic chat but we have some work to do. Hurry, hurry!"

After two hours of research, approximately 100 books they had nothing more than before. Like in huge Isobel's archives was everything about vampires excluding things they really needed to know. Damon sighted bored and took one more book that was lying right in front of Elena's eyes. She ignored it and shrugged coming back to the chapter she was reading.

Alaric and Vanessa also were surroundedby many different covers and vampire was nearly sure that their mood wasn't much different than his own. It crossed his mind that his idea wasn't as good as he used to think at first. Ok. He must have agreed that it was probably wasting valuable time but he wasn't going to give up that easy. Not yet. Even if he had to spend all night and day reading and analyzing. Of course with some breaks to visit Stefan in his apartment. And he hoped that this time his innocent brother won't be so willing to snap his neck or do something more dramatic.

"I feel like before my last history exam" he heard Elena griping and he couldn't help smiling. Especially because she's never liked grumbling in front of audience.

"Should I read it as an insult?" Alaric raised his head amused and looked at girl.

"Ric, you should accommodate with fact that not everything is about you. It's me, all world is going around" with his regular smirk he averted page and suddenly gasped. For few second, which felt like hours he was only staring at painting inside book and not singe muscle moved in his handsome face. No, it wasn't likely at all. It must have been some insipid joke. Hidden camera somewhere. Definitely it couldn't have been truth. "Impossible…" he whispered.

"Yeah. I was waiting for the moment when you will realize that you overrating yourself"

"Nice try Ric" he cocked not looking at teacher. "But you failed" This image in front of him was taking all his attention. Like it was calling him, not letting to move his eyes. But he just couldn't believe in it. It was photo of some painting from X century. Artist painted portrait of two brothers, or maybe this time just friends, in clothing adjusted to period. They had different hairstyle but he couldn't mistaken them with anyone else. They looked exactly like him and Stefan. No matter how strange it sounded they were looking absolutely alike. He moved his eyes to text next to it.

"Hey Damon. What did you find?" He jumped when Elena touched his shoulder. He had to come back to them from world of his thoughts.

"It sounds that we have more in common than I expected"


"You, me and Steffy" Damon explained with unconscious voice, trying to make himself read article about his descendants or something. He revised it rapidly, with each sentence is eyes became bigger and bigger. He expected a lot of things because he wasn't living in ordinary world, in ordinary world he wouldn't exist but it was really crazy. Yes, crazy wassuitableword. "Excellent" he mumbled "We have more doppelgangers"

"Damon?" This time it was Vanessa who was trying to catch his attention. Without success.

"Buddy! What the hell?"

"If I knew I would be some fucking genius" He wanted to throw away this idiotic book, he wanted to forget what he just read but he wasn't able. It was burnt in his brain so hard that it hurt. He had this stupid luck that was throwing at him all bad news. Like god or something like that wanted to have some fun looking how he will manage to work it out. "I should have expected that you are not only one" He turned to Elena "But doom in all likelihooddecided to make our life funnier. You know hybrid, bloodthirsty Stefan it's not enough!"

"Explain yourself" girl next to Ric stood up. She as a little quaint what vampire was talking about. Yeah, everything was extremely interesting

"It would be like that. Once upon the time in fairy land where people were kind blah, blah blah there used to live two handsome sexy brothers. Actually it was like thousand years ago. And one of them wasn't as handsome as second one but does that matter? Fact is that one of them was descendant of my mother and second one of my father. Salvatore marriage had sons and, how astonishing…" he added with irony dripping from his words "Appeared two clones! Bum! And by the way it was all fate. That my mother died giving birth to Stefan!"

Damon didn't want to show how much that information moved him. That this time it was him on the edge. And he didn't want compassion from Elena or anyone else. He didn't deserve it. He slapped book and dashed out with vampire speed. He couldn't stay in this house, he just wanted to be alone for a while and he was sure that no matter where he would go someone would find him in this place. So he found himself in his car, starting engine. Elena would probably hate him for hunting in this town but he needed warm human blood. At least he could promise not to kill anyone. Only few sips, some compulsion that's everything.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tyler approached Matt and lightly touched his arm. He didn't like what he saw, Matt was sniffing. And he was sure that it wasn't this good type of it, when you care for someone and you want to make sure that with that person everything is ok. No. He wanted to find something that could prejudice Caroline. And he, as long as his name was Tyler Lockwood and she was his friend wasn't going to let him harm her. He cared for her too much, even for him it was too much.

"As far as I know I'm working here" Matt was acting bravely but he was fearful inside. It was one of this times when Tyler felt pleased because of being werewolf. Matt knew that and he felt respect.

"I mean you spying on your ex-girlfriend"

"You replace me" Matt gave him deadly look. Maybe he felt better in crowd where Tyler couldn't use his supernatural abilities. At least Matt thought that. "And why can't I check how is she doing"

"Because I don't like your reasons?" he answered with a question. They used to be friends since age of five but situation changed. Caroline was more important to him than good relations with Donovan and as long as she was in danger he wasn't going to care about that friendship. "You were reporting to her mother, you wasn't able to accept that she is more than human which doesn't mean that she is something worse and now who are you working with? My mother? You want to let her kill Caro?" he muffled his voice not wanting anyone else to hear their conversation.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt. And I think that you have priority in hurting people"

"I believed that you had more faith in us" Tyler looked at him disappointed. Now when his friend knew about his nature it seemed that everything between changed. He wasn't able to see through stereotypes. yes, he was dangerous creature but it was only in full moon.

"I had in you when you were humans. But now it is different"

"Nothing changed" he denied angry at Matt. He was blind and didn't wanted to see the truth. He wanted only to see in him and Caroline monsters, nothing more. He couldn't imagine how it was possible that his feelings changed because of only one information. Like there was no love for his ex-girlfriend left in him. "We are still the same people. We have some super powers that's all"

"You are not objective. You are one of them. Any normal person wouldn't say what you are saying"

"And what about E..." he didn't finish not wanting to involve him to all their secrets. He wasn't sure how much he knew so compounding his knowledge wasn't really good thing. With attitude like that it was safer.

"You mean Elena?" he laughed aloud "You believe that they didn't compel her! But they are able to mess with our heads. I'm not even sure if you don't have this ability"

"I don't have"

"Great! So let go of me" Matt turned from him and went to table where sat new guest. Tyler didn't wanted to fight with him.

What do you think about descendants of Salvatore brothers? Let me know in reviews what do you think, I would be glad

Please review!