
This is my first fanfiction and I'm really nervous because I want this to be amazing! My sis and I have been coming up with these ideas for a while. Hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, or anything else recognized. The plot is mine.

Big Time Traveling Pants

Chapter One: A Bad Fall

Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Logan Mitchell, and Carlos Garcia had just finished having their track practice and were heading over to Kendall's.

"I can't wait to get to your house Kendall, I…am…starving," Carlos said panting as he wiped some sweat off his forehead.

"Don't worry, mom will probably have dinner done or at least be getting it ready," Kendall said. He smiled while he thought about the long weekend ahead of them.

"Man, that was a tough practice, but it really put me in a good mood," James said seeming to not be able to keep still. He jog/walked beside his friends. "I don't think I can make myself stop."

"Well, I know that I can. Come on James, you need to quit and cool down," Logan said shaking his head at his friend.

"Just one more… lap," James panted.

"Dude, come on you're tired, we all are," Kendall said advising his friend against overworking himself.

"He's right, James. Plus I neeeeeed food!" Carlos exclaimed with a pleading face at James.

"Okay, I give up," James said standing completely still in place.

"Oh no…" Kendall said his bushy eyebrows furrowing.

"He's going to…." Logan gasped.

"Faint!" Carlos finally exclaimed.

"No, you see I-I'm cool…." James said before he fainted onto the grass from heat exhaustion.

"Hey, are you okay?"

James could hear a girl's concerned voice, but he couldn't make out what she was saying.

Where am I? And where are the guys? What's that throbbing sensation at that back of my head?

"James? James, come on you gotta wake up," Kendall said perfectly clear. But to James it just sounded like a big jumble of sounds. He did recognize the sounds as Kendall's voice though.

"Huh," James mumbled trying to answer.

"He's coming through," Logan said excitedly with a smile.

James only moaned in remark.

"Oh, I should go get you some ice for that bump," Lena Kaligaris, the concerned girl, mumbled as she began to stand up from kneeling beside James.

James' signature high-pitched scream erupted from his throat. This took all of his friends, and Lena, by surprise. But made them relieved to know James was okay.

"What bump?" He nearly demanded as he pulled Lena back down to his level.

"Thanks Lena, we'll take it from here," Logan said as he gently took James' hands off of Lena.

Lena was so dazzled by the contact of their hands that she forgot to reply.

"O-oh uh sure any-anytime," she stuttered hurrying off embarrassed. Her cheeks had been going through various shades of pink and red.

Logan became distracted with her, but only for a few minutes when he heard James' comment.

"There isn't really a bump on my head is there?" James asked Carlos as he dragged him downward so they were sitting side by side.

Kendall, who was behind James, tried to get Carlos to not tell James.

"Yeah and boy is it big," Carlos said completely ignoring Kendall.

"How big?" James asked as he felt the top of his head for the bump.

Kendall and Logan tried to advise Carlos with their hand gestures and expressions to say nothing else.

"Like this big," Carlos said make a large separation between his thumb and index feeling.

Kendall slapped himself on the forehead in frustration.

"Carlos, why did you just tell, James that?" Kendall asked, trying to stay calm.

"Because he asked me," Carlos said in this 'duh' kind of voice that made you seem dumb not to understand.

"Yeah, but you know… how James gets," Kendall said, leaning in closer to Carlos now whispering so James wouldn't hear.

"How do I get?" James asked huffily finding enough strength to get to his feet.

"You just get a little…" Logan trailed off trying to find the right words.

"A little what?" James asked furrowing his brows, making a crease appear in his flawless forehead.

"Upset," Kendall concluded with a shrug.

"Up-uspet? You think I get upset?" James asked.

They all nodded as Carlos got to his feet.

"Well, you know what? I don't even care!" James said dramatically.

"You want to go look in a mirror," Kendall said more like it was a statement then a question.

"So badly," James said desperately.

"You can sit up front with me and use the passenger mirror," Kendall said.

"Okay," James agreed, feeling a little happier.

Logan rolled his eyes as his lips parted in a relieved smile, and the foursome headed to Kendall's car.

"You should've seen how bad I was," Lena said shaking her head. "I couldn't even talk to him!"

"I'm sure you weren't that bad unless…" Tibby Rollins said as she reached for a handful of cheese puffs.

"Unless what?" Lena asked Tibby shaking her shoulders slightly.

"Unless you did that stuttering thing," Tibby finished as she bit into a cheese puff unfazed.

"Oh no, I did!" Lena cried.

Tibby shrugged and said, "Oh well."

"Oh well? Oh well! Tibby, do you know how long I've liked Logan Mitchell?"

"One year, 7 months, 16 hours, and 30—wait 31 minutes," Tibby replied indifferently as she turned her gaze away from the digital clock.

"Your point?" Tibby asked raising a pierced eyebrow.

"Tibby my point is—" Lena began.

"Lena don't attempt talking to Tibby about guys, remember? She's gone all feminist, woman empowerment," Carmen Lowell said as she shook her head.

"I just don't think that girls should be throwing themselves all over guys," Tibby said as she ran her fingers through her naturally brown, red streaked hair.

"Oh really? Then, what do you call that crazy drooling thing you do when James Diamond is around?" Bridget Vreeland teased with a chuckle.

"Good one," Carmen said giving her a high five.

"Are you kidding? I hate him," Tibby said with a frown.

"Keep telling yourself that kid," Bridget said with a smirk. "We all know you like him. Why can't you just admit it?"

"Because I don't like him," Tibby said. "But I know who you like."

"Oh really? Who do I like? No, better yet love," Bridget said raising her eyebrow, pretending the whole thing was a joke.

"Kendall Knight," Tibby replied evenly.

"Kendall who? I've never heard of him," Bridget said smiling.

"Kendall Knight, you know that blonde boy with the bushy eyebrows," Tibby pressed. Knowing how Bridget hated when anyone mocked Kendall's eyebrows.

"Hey cut it…oh, you're good," Bridget said shaking her head.

"Yeah, I know," Tibby said laughing.

"Who wants a bet?" Carmen asked deciding to get in on the action.

"Is this going to be dangerous?" Lena asked cautiously eyeing her friend.

"It depends… but it isn't illegal," Carmen said.

"I'm in," Bridget said putting her hand out.

"Me too," Tibby said placing hers on top of Bridget's.

"Obviously I'm in," Carmen said placing her hand on the stack next. "That only leaves...Lena." Her friends stared her down.

"What?" Lena asked innocently.

"Are you in or out?" Bridget asked.

"I'm…I'm in," Lena said nodding, as she placed her hand on the very top.

"Alright," Carmen said.

For those of you who have read this story before, I've decided to edit this story and make it better for you. Thanks for the support: Boots'N'Opals and Schmidtluver98. :)