Happy New Year people, it's now past midnight, here in Belgium! :D Hope everyone'll have a wonderful new year! Kisses to all! :)

So first of all, I'd like to apologise for the time it took to update. I know I suck. But at least, here it is and I hope you'll accept this chappie as my asking for forgiveness and a little Christmas & New Year's gift, as well as the last chapter for 2011.

My poor beta is still pretty much over-worked, so this one's un-betaed too. I did my best in trying to correct my mistakes myself, hope I haven't overlooked too many! :(

I'll stop my blabbing here, seeing as I've noticed many tend not to read author's notes... :b

Disclaimer: Don't own either Harry Potter, nor Naruto (and it's a good thing, I think, otherwise I'm pretty sure I would've messed quite alot with both! :b)

Ejoy! ;)

A soft swish-like noise was her only signal as she jumped aside, deflecting the kunai that was soon followed by dozen others, embedding themselves in the bush where she was hiding mere seconds ago. She threw a shuriken in the attack's direction, knowing it would be useless, and tried to find another hiding place so she could put a strategy in place. She was currently cursing her hot-headedness and rash actions. Had she thought it through a bit before acting, she wouldn't be in this mess.


Sakura was sitting in the armchair – the last intact one that was still left in her living-room –, sipping a peppermint tea and hoping she'd sleep better than the previous night. Her day had gone by pretty well, teaching only first and second years, who seemed too impressed by her to even open their mouths. It seemed that the story of her cutting the sixth years down to size had gone around school and students were now more cautious around her. Good.

Putting her cup down, she was about to go take a shower before a loud pop was heard and the room was filled with smoke. The kunoichi instinctively gripped one of her hidden kunai albeit knowing what was happening. When the smoke cleared, Katsuyu stood in front of her, eyeing the weapon.

"Hello Sakura-chan. Why so tense? You didn't have a weapon last time we met..." she observed.

"I apologise, Katsuyu-sama, it was a reflex. I'm a bit tired." the rosette said, twirling the kunai once around her finger before putting it away. "What brings you here? Is everthing alright back home?"

Although it was nice to be able to converse in her mother tongue once in a while, the kunoichi always dreaded her mentor's summon's arrival, hoping she would never bring bad news. No news was good news, right? Well either that, or that the messenger was already dead.

The slug put an end to her musings with her answer, sounding serious. "There has been a breech in the barrier."

"Huh?" came the teenager's intelligent reply, so she elaborated. "Breech? In what barrier?"

"After you have left for your mission, Tsunade-hime put a team together to investigate about this country and the means of communication. The wizards have been the first to contact us, using magic to move. The search team have found out that there was a thin barrier of sorts separating our world from theirs and hundreds others, with places where it was thinner, allowing us to travel."

"So you're saying I'm not on another continent or something like that of which Shinobi had no prior knowledge of, but I'm in a completely different world? How is that even possible?"

The slug remained silent for some time before displaying a look of defeat. "I am not entirely sure, but I doubt that is exact. It would seem we all live in the same world, but there are barriers of sorts that separate those who do not belong together. I apologise for not knowing more."

"Oh, uh, no... I didn't mean it like that... I... excuse me Katsuyu-sama, I didn't mean it like that." Sakura stuttered, suddenly feeling guilty.

The big-hearted and kind summon always did her best to please, serve and protect those close to her and her mistress and often times blamed herself for failures or mistakes, even if she wasn't at fault.

"So, um... when you say there was a breech, you mean that someone got through?" she was now trying to distract her. "If so, how come we know?"

"Tsunade-hime has assigned the remaining active Yamanakas to constantly watch the barrier. With their over-developed mental techniques, they are the only ones that can locate it and can somehow link with it. And one of them recently reported he had felt a tear in it and had found a breech. It is near the border of Fire Country, around where you had your meeting with our client's envoy." Katsuyu explained, seeming hesitant from time to time. "The tear is now under guard but we are unsure wether anyone got through or not."

"So Shisho wants me to take a look at the matter. Very well. Do we have any information about where any hypothetical intruder might've ended up, had he crossed?"

"Probably not far from where you arrived the first time. In a similar environment as the one they left."

"Thank you, Katsuyu-sama. Please inform Shisho I'll be departing shortly and I'll contact her as soon as I found out more."

"Very well. Be careful, Sakura-chan."

It had taken her some time to find the place. She had asked Snape to lend her his chimney so she could travel all the way to the Weasley home and had gotten access to it, but not without the man demanding for her reasons, to which she evasively answered that it was mission-linked and thus confidential. Once there, she had told a shocked Molly the same thing, before setting out to find a place that looked like the Konoha border: the meeting of forest and mountains.

When she arrived at the nearest forest, she instantly knew it was the right place. Though there was no mountain, she found the plain in front of the wood to be unusually rocky and more importantly, there was a forgotten shuriken embedded in the ground, near a rock. Gathering her courage, she checked her weapons and equipment one last time before entering.

End of flashback

She crouched silently on a tree branch, hidden by the thick canopy. Her opponent was of the worst type she could encounter: a long-range combattant, whereas she was more of the short to mid range sort. Not to mention he was a weapon's specialist. She was currently regretting not having sparred more often with Tenten... A huge spear flew her way, catching her off-guard. Clutching her wounded left arm, she glared at the cackling man a few feet away from her, heaps of weapons around him waiting to be put to use. He was a short and thin man, with beady black eyes, going bald and a mask hiding half his face. His clothes were mostly torn but from their looks, he must've been a middle to high ranked ex-Stone nin.

"Come now, little girl. If you stop fighting and quietly surrender, I'll be nice to you." he said, tone greasy and self-important.

The kunoichi huffed, sending healing chakra to her arm, the enemy nin's eyes widening at the sight. Medics were a rare occurrence after the war, ever since Madara and his troops launched a surprise attack on the Logistical Support and Medical Division, exterminating most of them. It was a well-known fact that when one encountered a medic-nin the first move would be to try and recruit them or take them them by force if they refused.

"You! What's a medic doing here?" the man exclaimed, gaping.

Sakura ignored him, sending two shuriken his way that he parried with one of his bigger blades. The kunoichi used that moment of innatention of his to create a clone, that she left behind, while she tried sneaking up on him. If she could get close enough to punch him just once, she'd win the fight and even have him for interrogation. However, before she could even get halfway around him, she was showered by a multitude of knives. Barely had she warded them off when a huge iron ball covered in spikes rolled her way, crushing every tree and rock on its path. Having no other choice, the pinkette gathered chakra in her right hand, praying she'd find a way to hit between the immense needles that could still pierce through her chakra-covered fist. When the dust cleared, she noticed the man stading in place, his weapons scattered all around him, looking dumbstruck. Checking herself, she found the bandana she had used to hide her hair with torn on the ground, her short pink hair flapping around her face. It seemed the guy had put two and two together and discovered her identity...

Forming a few handsigns, she smacked her palm on the ground, the soil under his feet coming to life and wrapping around his legs, all the way up to his calves. Before he could move, she was at his side, sticking two fingers à la Hyûga in his arms, numbing them with her own chakra. She then took out her tantô, holding it against his jugular, eyes feral.

"Speak!" she ordered in an icy tone. "Who are you and why are you here?"

"I'm Katô. Ex-Chûnin of Iwagakure exiled for having defected during the war." he said, gulping when the cold blade grazed his skin. "We found a passage to this place. There was no war and destruction here, so we thought, why not come here and make it our new house?"


"Yeah, we're a troop of exilees from different countries."

"How many, what's your aim and who is your leader? I want details. Or do you not value your life?" the kunoichi snapped.

Katô just let out a humorless laugh. "What is there to value in our lives? Those who aren't dead live miserably. We have to steal and kill to try to stay alive for a day more!" Seeing his words had no effect on the teenager, he sighed, shortly followed by a hiss of pain when his bindings seemed to tighten around him.

"We're about twenty. All Chûnin or Jônin rank, exiled for different reasons." he explained, deciding it was better than being crushed to death. "Our leader is from Otogakure and he's the strongest. Might even be on your level, girly. We don't know his name but he calls himself Korose, dunno why. He wants to build a city for the rejected, one strong enough to oppose the Hidden Villages."

"Is revenge what he's looking for? Use this city of his to attack the other villages?"

"Dunno. Ask him. We put down camp a few miles into the forest until we know more about this place and its resources."

Sakura remained silent, mulling over the information she received. From what she had mostly heard, these people seemed to be a threat to Konoha and probably the other villages. She'd have to get more information about them and the only way was by infiltrating their camp.

She glanced once at the man, his insect-like eyes staring at her with curiosity and anticipation. Was he expecting to leave here alive?

When she stepped out of Snape's chimney again, she received the same look from Snape as she did from Molly, shriek and worry excluded, naturally. Molly had been fast in preparing a medical kit to heal any wounds but found none, despite the teenager's torn and blood-covered clothes. She had gently reassured her and requested permission to use the floo to get back to the castle. In Hogwarts, she was received by a silent Potions Master, seated in a nearby armchair, hands folded in front of his face and coal eyes trained on her. She straigthened while discreetly trying to dust her medical skirt off. She knew she must've been looking miserable, with her left arm still bloodied, her red top sliced open on her abdomen and her crumpled skirt. Not to mention the little branches, leaves and rocks she was adorned with.

"Well?" he asked, voice cool as if he were adressing one of his idiotic first year students. Sakura pretended not to understand and barely lifted an eyebrow in questioning.

"Why everyone is so adamant about your incredible intelligence is a mystery to me, especially with the daily displays of your stupidity."

"I had a job to accomplish for my village." the pinkette hissed, piqued. "A secret one."

"You are supposed to serve only Dumbledore and Hogwarts during your stay here." he deadpanned. "How did you even get in contact with your village leader?"

"Regardless of my mission, I am still under my Leader's command and can accept side missions if they endanger both my actual job and my hometown."

"What was the nature of this threat?"

"Not authorized to disclose that information, Sir." she smirked, though the man in front of her didn't seem affected. When was he ever?

"Very well. Dismissed." Snape stood up, preparing to leave the room, while Sakura stared incredulously at him.

He never backed off from their little verbal spars and always won them. So why was he letting her go this time? She approached the dungeon door, eyes never leaving his form. Now that she was paying attention she could see the slight sagging of his shoulders. He looked exhausted and a bit restless. Did he seem even more haunted than he usually was? She stopped dead in her tracks and took a few steps towards him.

"Sir, is everything alright?" she asked, concerned with his current state.

"Don't touch me!" the man snapped, slapping her extended hand away. He glared at her, voice dripping with disdain. "Did I not tell you to leave?"

"Sir, I..."


Sakura stared blankly at the wooden door that had been slammed in her face, wondering if it was better to leave the man be or break in and force him to submit to her inspection. Did he lose weight or was it her imagination?

"You're late... Merlin's beard, what happened to you?"

"Great, just great. I forgot I had detention with these two and took my time getting rid of the traces from the fight!"

"Don't ask, just get in." she growled, sending the Slytherin a dark look.

The two teenagers silently followed her inside, their gazes boring holes in her back. How was she going to explain? She ordered them, a little too harshly, to sit down, all the while cursing her beginner's mistake. Malfoy and Potter both sat in silence, eyes never leaving her figure. The first one seemed surprised and curious, the latter more suspicious. She longingly glanced towards her room, which connected to a small bathroom, already imagining herself under the warm and calming spray of her shower.

"You don't even deserve a shower, just a good old punch for being so damn stupid!" her innerself grumbled. "A few more of these and might as well tell the whole school the truth!"

"Um, Miss? Wouldn't it be better to go see Madam Pomfrey?" Harry cautiously asked, ignoring Malfoy's warning look. "There seems to be a lot of blood..."

"No need to worry, I have already been tended to. Besides, it's just a scratch from a fall, nothing serious." the pinkette answered, naively hoping they'd believe the obvious lie. They blankly stared back at her, but said nothing more. "Today you'll be only writing. I want a complete description of what got you into this fight, why you reacted the way you did and why you consider your reaction as 'justified'. You can leave as soon as you're ready. I'll tidy up in the meantime, so please behave."

Sakura could hear all that was happening in the other room while getting ready. They hadn't said anything in the first five minutes, but once she had gotten out of her shower, they started talking.

"Why did you have to bring up the blood, Potter?" Malfoy hissed, his quill still furiously scratching against the parchment – it seemed he wanted out as fast as possible.

"What do you mean?" Harry had stopped writing.

"Don't play dumb with me! Your intentions were as clear as Longbottom's test results after Professor Snape's examination!"

"Really pretty comparison, Malfoy, but I don't know what you're talking about."

"Not everyone is as dense as you are. She's sharp and she's dangerous, so if you plan on dying soon, do it when I'm not here."

"Why are we even discussing this?"

Nothing more was said after that and only the pen's craping could be heard. The kunoichi waited a few more minutes before entering the living-room and sitting down behind her desk. Both wizards ignored her, focused on their assignment.

Why had he even bothered trying to warn Pothead was beyond him. Maybe it had been an after effect of seeing her covered in blood and dirt, as if she had come from sort of battlefield that startled him. Or that empty look in her eyes, replaced by a sudden surge of anger and almost killing intent upon seeing them, before it was hidden behind a mask of mild irritation. He didn't think all that anger was directed towards them, but it still remained fearsome. When in her presence, he always felt like a helpless prey watched be a bloodlust-filled predator. He'd been trying to stay away from her as much as he could, but their daily detentions didn't help, nor did Scarhead with his constant need of testing her patience. The cretin had no survival instinct whatsoever.

The Slytherin stopped on top of the stairs, bending his head forward to check his surroundings. Satisfied, he walked down the deserted hallway. The Room of Requirement was only a floor away. He had found the cabinet rather easily, only it was in need of more mending that he had first thought. He would need weeks before even imagining sending an inanimate object through it, let alone a living creature.

"Don't you think it's a bit late to be out admiring the castle's nocturnal beauty?" he didn't need to turn around to know who was behind him, the accent helped him recognise the person.

Though how could he have missed her when first inspecting the hallway and why he hadn't heard her approach remained a mystery. Unwillingly turning around, he locked gazes with the pastel-haired teacher. She was wearing trackpants and a long-sleeved shirt, all black. If it weren't for her exotic hair color, her shining emeralds and pale skin, she would have almost blended into the the castle's darkness. Hand on her right hip and balancing her weight on only one leg, she continued watching him, a tiny smile on her lips. For an instant he found her beautiful. Not strinkingly so, the type that many men would think of as 'drop-dead gorgeous', but of a more humble sort. She was smaller than the girls surrounding him, yet fitter and leaner. She had a nice figure even if she wasn't very curvy and her traits were rounder, not as angular as that of his western companions. The castle's lighting gave her an out-of-this-world type of aura that made her seem deadly, yet also added to her beauty. He chased away these thoughts as soon as they appeared especially after noticing the slight furrowing of her brows. So he had missed something.

"Why are you here? Surely what you have to do can be done in broad daylight, when you don't risk getting into trouble?" she repeated.

Draco stayed silent, his eyes darting off from her to the hallway behind him. He was so close, could he get away if he started running right now?

"I simply went out for a walk." he said, shoulders sagging. There would be no repairing done tonight. He irritably massaged his forehead, passing her by.

He heard her wordlessly follow him and they walked back to the dungeons in silence. She seemed calm for once, almost peaceful, with her hands in her pockets and eyes observing her surroundings. When they arrived, he entered the common room without a look back and not even answering her "You'd better not wander around anymore, I won't be this nice next time!".

He'd try again in a few days and wouldn't get caught anymore.

When Hermione arrived for breakfast, the first thing that hit her was her two best friends excitedly leaning towards each other and speaking in hushed tones. No matter how hard she tried, the only word that came to mind when seeing them was gossiping. Being the proud male specimens they were, they sure did that an abnormally lot of times... Sighing, she headed towards them, mentally prepared for her share. And Harry sure didn't disappoint, for as soon as she was seated he bent over, a victorious gleam in his eyes.

"Yesterday, Sakura came in late." he proudly announced.

"So?" Ron eyed her, looking almost offended at her lack of reaction.

"So, she obviously hadn't been in before Harry arrived!" he said, but was awarded with an uninterested look.

"She came about twenty minutes late and when she did arrive, she was covered in blood!" Harry explained, stressing the last word. This tweaked the witch's interest.

"How so?"

"I don't know anything. I tried asking her, but she didn't say much about it. Claimed she fell. As if that was possible... I've seen injuries and those were definitely remains of cuts, as if someone had attacked her. Not to mention she was pretty dirty, with dust and leaves all over her."

"Mm... you think she ventured inot the Forbidden Forest?" the redhead stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth, curiously blinking at the two others.

They both shrugged, Harry reaching for some marmalade and Hermione chancing a glance towards the teacher's table. Sakura didn't seem any different from the other days, chattering away with Professor Sprout, but some minor details did hit her. Madam Pomfrey seemed completely oblivious towards the pinkette and that struck her as odd. Despite her distant and somewhat cold exterior, the woman was quite caring, more so with her colleagues, so surely she wouldn't seem so unconcerned. Or she should at least have thrown some inquisitive glances towards the younger woman who most likely hadn't told her how she had gotten the injuries? Professor Snape, on the other hand, did look her way more than once, confirming her suspicions about Sakura not telling him much about what happened either, yet still a bit suprised that she had talked to him about it in the first place. She was the secretive type it seemed, and Hermione was slowly starting to think that maybe Harry was right and there was more to this story than some let on. She was broken out of her thoughts when her chocolate-colored eyes met those of her pink-haired teacher's, who slightly frowned at being stared at for such a long time. Hermione embarrassedly ducked her head, pretending to search for something in her bag. When she looked up again, Sakura was still watching her, expressionless. The brown-haired teenager averted her eyes once again, asking Harry to pass her some eggs.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to snoop around, Harry." she added once she was sure Sakura wasn't focused on her anymore.

"I actually think it is. The other day, Malfoy almost admitted to being scared of her and even you seem unsettled. Don't you find it weird? What if she's affiliated to Voldemort?"

"And what if we find out she really is? Oh, Harry, you can't just jump head-on in every unusual situation! You could end up badly hurt!" she rationalised, destroying the eggs on her plate.

"Calm down Hermione, everything will be fine. Whatever we find out, Harry will surely go tell Dumbledore, right mate?" Ron said, setting a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Very well, but promise me you will tell him, Harry."

"Of course I will Hermione, don't get so worked up."

The young witch flashed him a relieved smile and pushed her egg puree away, snatching her bag from the ground and motioning towards the two boys to get ready for class. While leaving the room, she risked another glance towards the teachers' table between her brown locks, noting that Sakura had indeed watched them leave.

After a long discussion that evening, the Golden Trio had decided on a plan of action. Before doing anything rash, they needed more information about their new "teacher". They would all have to pay close attention to her during classes – for the first time in his life, Harry lamented that his detention was actually over – and lunch, maybe even try to "spy" on her while she was walking about in the castle. Ron suggested that Harry get in a fight with Malfoy again so he could get punished, but his clever idea only earned him a smack over the head from Hermione.

That being decided, Harry pulled out the Marauder's Map, silently murmuring "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good", green orbs scanning it. Students were all in their dormitories by then, making it easier for him to find the person he was looking for. He almost instantly spotted Malfoy's little dot, leaving the dungeons. With his new obsession about Sakura, he had almost forgotten about his Malfoy-related suspicions. 'What if they work together?' he thought, suddenly even more excited. Sakura's dot was on the ground floor, but it went in the opposite direction of Malfoy, much to the bespectacled boy's disappointment. He watched Malfoy climb floor after floor and when he reached the third one, Harry noted Sakura was there too. He found it odd, considering she had been going towards the dungeons earlier. When he looked closer, the dot's color seemed to be different, somewhat a brighter color. That's when he noticed her name again, one floor above. Rubbing his eyes, he looked again. To his astonishment, there was a dot with Sakura's name on every floor. He staid silent and unmoving, foxed. How was that even possible? Was something wrong with the map? Hurriedly getting out of bed, the young wizard pulled a dressing gown on, covered himself with the Invisibility Cloak and silently left the room, Ron loudly snoring behind him.

Harry barely rounded a corner that he noticed the pink-haired young woman, walking the same way he did, back turned to him. He remained still, hoping she'd leave fast so he could go downstairs. He glanced at the map, seeing Malfoy reach the sixth floor, the other Sakura – whose dot was the only one the same color as his and the Slytherin's – nearing his position. Harry silently walked forward, getting closer and closer to the staircase, when the Sakura in front of him suddenly turned around, her shining emeralds instantly zeroing in on him. He immediatly stopped, holding back his breath. Had he been found out? But how? They both stared at each other, at least Harry did, the pinkette looking into nothingness, before she turned around and walked away, mumbling a clear "Students shouldn't be out of bed at this time of night, unless they wish to get into trouble."

When he arrived halfway down the stairs, he was once again stopped by Sakura's voice, just beneath him. He crouched under the Cloak, looking underneath him.

"Malfoy, this is the third time this week!" came her exasperated exclamation. "Do you enjoy getting caught and losing points?"

Malfoy remained silent, tightly holding on to his wand and glaring at her.

"What exactly do I need to do for you to remain in bed?" she continued, before her voice took on a more serious tone. "What are you up to?"

The Slytherin still didn't answer and both started a wordless staring contest, Sakura resting her weight on a leg, arms crossed and Malfoy stiff. The rosette was the first to break the silence.

"Whatever you're doing stop." she said, Harry picking up an underlying threat in her voice. She was getting angry.

"It's none of your business!" the blonde finally grumbled, teeth grinding against each other.

"It actually is, especially if it endangers this school and it's students. Yourself included." she bit out, eyes narrowing when he scoffed.

Her right hand flew out at an incredible speed, Harry barely seeing it and almost sure she'd slap him. She grabbed the younger boy's collar, pulling him closer to her face and glaring at him. Despite his struggles, Malfoy couldn't get free. When he stopped moving, the teacher forcibly turned him towards the window, her left hand pointing outside. Harry had to crouch lower to try and see what she was showing the Slytherin.

"See those little lights that come and go? That's wizards trying – and for now, thankfully, failing – to get into the castle. Dark wizards, the type that want to hurt everybody here. And don't be so sure you're an exception." at his surprised look, she dryly chuckled. "Yes, I did some research on you and your family's history. Just because your father in a supporter, don't think you're safe. Especially since I heard he seriously messed up this summer."

Malfoy started thrashing again, one hand gripping the one she held him with, the other trying to push her away. She didn't budge.

"Don't you dare speak of my father! You know nothing, you outsider!" he spat, hair disheveled and eyes bruning with fury.

Sakura's free hand grabbed his, pealing it away from her wrist. "Same goes for you, kid. Don't go around assuming I know nothing." she hissed, expression turning dark. "I'm trying to get a point across that thick head of yours!"

Suddenly straigthening, Sakura let go of the blonde's collar, tightly grabbing his arm. "We're going to my office." she said, voice commanding. "As for you, up there on your stairs, you better be back in your dorm, unless you also wish to have a detention. Until then, fifteen points from Gryffindor for wandering about at night."

With that, she whirled around, dragging a displeased and unwilling Slytherin behind her. Harry watched them leave, baffled. She had known again that he was there and even knew his house. How she did that was beyond him, but now he had more pressing matters on his mind. He needed to get back to the tower and sort out the information he just received. Hermione and Ron would be in for quite some surprise tomorrow!

Making sure he was entirely covered by the cloak, he silently strutted back, a warm bed and a long night of thinking awaiting him.

She was angry, extremely angry. The blonde Slytherin seated in front of her refused to speak, sulking. She had been pacing around for five minutes trying to calm herself and wondering when was the last time she lost control of her emotions like this. Malfoy was getting on her nerves with his refusal to take any advice and his disregard towards his own safety. 'How can someone be this stupid!' she fumed. And Potter, why the hell did he also have to be outside of bed and listening in on other people's conversations? When she had first sensed him, she let him be, more preoccupied with Malfoy, and thinking he'd have at least some common sense and not eavesdrop. Obviously not. Now here she stood, with a Potter knowing too much and a stubborn, mute Malfoy.

Taking in a calming breath, she turned towards him, trying to keep her temper in check. "I know you are trying to let the Death Eaters inside and I'm pretty sure it's an order from Voldemort." she stated, ignoring his wince at her saying his name. "What I'd like to know is why. For personal glory? To redeem the honor your father lost? To save your own life or that of someone else?"

At his prolonged silence, she sighed, approaching him and crouching in front of him. She reached out, gently taking hold of his chin and turning his face towards hers, looking into his tired grey eyes. She could see fear inside of them, humiliation, loss and loneliness. It was terrible how he reminded her of Sasuke when he was young, her feelings of anger and exasperation replaced with protectiveness. In spite of what people said and thought, she had always been a caring person, her medical training only increasing that aspect of her personality as well as her need to heal and mend others.

She took hold of him, hands on his cheeks to stop him from turning away. "Let me help you. Tell me." she whispered, her eyes never leaving his. He looked defiantly at her, but still couldn't break free.

"Is what you're fighting for worth it? Fighting without a goal will only lead to failure." she continued, her thumb soothingly carressing his cheek. "And don't do it alone. If you need help, ask for it. Surround yourself with trustworthy people. Friends. They can help and protect you."

She suddenly let go of him, returning back to her desk and leaning against it. Her features hardened again and when she spoke, her voice had lost all empathy and friendliness.

"You can go now, Malfoy. Directly to your dorm, don't let me catch you out of bed again. Also, expect an hour long detention every Saturday morning for the upcoming month. I'll also take thirty points from Slytherin. Now go."

When he had left, she waited a few moments before slowly walking towards her bedroom and dropping herself on her bed, drained. This mission was more mentally exhausting than she had expected it to be. Taking out her team's picture from the nightstand's drawer, she clutched it to her heart and curled up. Something needed to be done, because she wasn't ready to go through another war. She couldn't watch children die again and inoccent students turn into hardened fighters. Because when your heart that you believed dead, cold and empty started to feel again, it only hurt worse. She couldn't let them go through what she and her friends did. These children weren't even trained to see dead people, let alone kill any...

When Harry excitedly shaked him awake that morning, Ron knew that the brunette had slipped out of their dorm the night before. Without him, he thought, slightly hurt and still dazed from his amazing dream in which he had won the Quidditch Cup and was swarmed with an army of girls admiring his talent, Hermione blushing in the background when he triumphantly smiled and waved the trophy at her. Barely had he climbed out of bed and started getting changed than his best friend was already recounting his late night adventure. Ron didn't point out that if Harry didn't wait for Hermione, he'd have to tell the story twice. Then again, maybe he'd be more awake by then and would catch more than just a few prepositions. With sluggish movements, he went to wash his face after which he absentmindedly packed his bag for the day, before remembering it was actually Saturday and they didn't have any lessons. That explained why Seamus was still sound asleep. Throwing him an envious glance, Ron trudged after Harry, who was still happily blabbing away. They met up with Hermione in the common room, who then led them to the Great Hall, halting Harry's story-telling in the meantime.

With a nice cup of coffee and a few toasts in his stomach, the youngest Weasley boy was finally functional and intently listening to his friend, already buttering his stomach's next offering.

"So... you think they're... working together, or something of the... sorts?" he asked, interrupted by some furious chewing, in an attempt to empty his mouth.

"Doesn't sound like it, at least from what you said, Harry." Hermione threw the redhead a disgusted look, slightly scooting away from him. "It seems more like she wants to help him..."

"To do what? Clearly Death Eaters are trying to get into Hogwarts... I think Malfoy wants to get the in."

"Harry! That's a very serious accusation! We can't be sure!"

"Hermione, what Sakura said last night is more than enough indication of it! It couldn't be clearer if Malfoy came out and confessed to it himself!"

"She never said it out loud, did she? She only thinks Malfoy is up to something that might harm him and is trying to dissuade him." Hermione replied hotly, looking outraged. "You can't go around accusing people!"

"It's Malfoy we're talkinig about here..."

"Exactly! We all know he is a mean git, but he isn't evil! Do you really think he has the guts to let an army of Death Eaters into school? It's like Sakura said, he could get himself into heaps of trouble!"


As the two of them continued bickering, Ron slowly got bored and tuned them out, silently eating away and inconspicuously looking towards the Slytherin table behind him. The ferret seemed to be in a cranky mood, snapping at everybody around him who dared to look at him. He was playing with the food on his plate, looking paler than usual and a little haggard, occasionally glancing at the teacher's table. When Ron did the same, he saw Sakura smiling at Sprout who seemed to be telling her a joke, before she turned away and silently asked Snape something, receiving an almost unnoticeable nod in return. Whe she herself looked up, her eyes met Malfoy's and her smile disappeared, features turning grave. The Slytherin just glared at her and re-occupied himself with his food. A few second later, he looked back at the table again. So there really was something going on between them.

Turning back towards his friends, he would've liked to ask what their thoughts were on the matter, but was met with an upset silence. Harry and Hermione had obviously finished their discussion, but not quite positively, both avoiding each other and sulking. Ron sighed and filled up his plate: he would need energy to deal with the two of them...

And people said he was immature!

I have finished this chappie, the last one for this year! Hooray! :D

It has an awful filler feeling to it and though there are some important stuff already going on in it, it pretty much was a filler. You see, my dad – who was in charge of emptying the book bag we took on holiday this summer – kind of misplaced my Harry Potter & The Halfblood Prince, which had ALL my notes for the story. So I have to make do with what I currently have and remember, all the while still searching for it! :/

Well, anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and will continue reading the next ones and supporting me throughout next year, too! I'll be in your care for another year. :]

Also, everybody: HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

If maybe you could leave some reviews, it would be a positive point for this new year that I'll begin with exams! T_T