Diary of A Rogue

X-Men: Evolution


Red on Black eyes lit up in the pitch black of night. Silent, nimble fingers worked quickly on the door lock, stopping only when the faintest of clicks was heard. Carefully, thick, muscular, and agile framed Remy LeBeau slipped through the now unlocked door, completely undetected.

Silently, Remy moved through the room intently, knowing exactly what he was looking for and where to find it.


He watched her through the closed balcony windows with fierce determination. For three years now, Remy LeBeau had dedicated most of his free time to wooing the Rogue. He would do everything and anything to get her attention. He sent her flowers, showed up around her out of the blue. He would try to make her laugh, and he even flirted, which regularly got him punched.

And then there were the times when he would find her off by herself, either by the cliff side over looking the ocean, or in various rooms of the Institute, and sometimes even out in the city. She seemed to like being off by herself, or at least that's what she told everyone, and they were content to let her be, but he knew better. They didn't see the tears she cried, and they didn't see how her heart was breaking, or how sometimes her anger at her life would get the best of her and she would trash her room and then cry herself to sleep.

Despite her untouchable skin, however, Remy knew she was the one for him. He'd never been able to get to know someone without touch and because of that he'd never had a real honest relationship. But with Rogue he was forced to keep his distance, to talk to her instead of being talked at. Of course it's not like he didn't try to touch her, after awhile, when he knew his feelings were real or at least knew he felt something, he tried to show her that he wasn't afraid of her powers, or having her absorb him. He tried to show her that she was worth the effort. He knew how annoying she thought he was for always invading her "safe space" as she called it, but he could also see the shine in her eyes that told him she knew what he was trying to say.

And then it happened, ironically, a near fatal incident against another mutant gave her what she'd always wanted. The older members of the X-Men were escorting and protecting Professor Xavier at a peace rally. Things were going pretty well, no one tried anything to hurt them and it appeared they would get through everything without incident. They, however, spoke too soon.

As the team was headed back to the black bird, Mystique showed up. It seemed she was still a little bitter about her children's betrayal. As she named her intentions a young blonde woman made an appearance next to Mystique. She looked to be about Jean's age, and by the way Mystique spoke, it appeared that she had found herself a new, more obedient daughter. A daughter who wished to be an only child.

The woman, later discovered to be Carol Danvers, put them down with her monster strength and her quick flying quite easily, it was apparent Mystique had taught her well. Her mission was simple, destroy the X-Men, which she intended to do, but not before taking care of her siblings. Kurt was the first on her list. However, as they all had eyes trained on Carol and the limp form of Nightcrawler, Rogue, not wanting to loose the only family she had left snuck up on Carol and absorbed her.

Something went wrong, however, for Carol's mind was strong and she would not give up a fight against anyone. She struggled with Rogue and her powers, until it became literally impossible for Rogue to let go. Everything seemed to move in slow motion around them as a charge built up between them until finally it was released and a huge flash and explosion was released outward.

It took nearly an hour to find Rogue in the devastation and when they did there was little hope she would survive. The Professor spent hours alone with her comatose body in the Medical Lab, probing her mind and trying to pull her out of the darkness that invaded with Carol's own mind. When he finally realized he'd done all he could Rogue was left in a coma, closer to the surface of reality, but still just out of reach.

Kurt was practically foaming at the mouth and it took everyone's combined efforts to keep him from going after Mystique. The same could be said for Wolverine as well and it was even harder to calm him down. Kurt barely ever left her side in the month she was unconscious. He barely ate, he barely slept and it got to the point where Dr. McCoy had to finally sedate him so he wouldn't die of malnutrition or sleep deprivation.

For the next month an abnormally heavy sense of gloom seemed to surround the Institute. Until one day, Professor Xavier, Logan and Dr. McCoy walked into the med bay to find Rogue sitting up and sleepy as if she had just been sleeping the whole time. After many tests, it was discovered that not only could she now control her powers, but she also permanently had Carol Danvers's powers.

Remy had always known that she liked him just as he liked her, and after a few months of getting used to the change he hoped and assumed that she would start to show that she returned his feelings. This, however, didn't happen. If anything she seemed even more reserved. It puzzled and annoyed him. That is until he discovered a little secret of hers. It would seem that little Rogue had been keeping a diary. Remy discovered it's existence during one of his little stakeouts outside her window. He watched her as she wrote in it for nearly an hour and then as she prepared for bed, watched as she tucked it away beneath her mattress.

Remy did his best to forget about it, but he failed and soon he itched to know what it said. What did she write about? Was anything in there about him? Would he discover some deep dark secret that would make him fall even deeper in love with her. He had to know.

Now, here he was, watching intently as Rogue packed a bag for her new mission. He would not be going on said mission but it was all good to him. It was the perfect time to finally feed his curiosity.

End Flashback

Remy made a bee line for the bed, never pausing as he lifted the mattress and pulled out said book. Even in the dark he could see it perfectly as if it were day light out. He took a seat on the bed before turning his attention to the diary.

The book was covered in a worn brown leather, like an antique book. The pages were gilded in gold and a ribbon book mark was attached to the spine. The lock was simple, but a lot more sturdy then an ordinary dollar store diary. It took Remy a little longer then usual to pick it, mostly due to his anxiety. When he finally had it open, he began on the first page.

A/N: So, this idea has been sitting on my flash drive for about a year now so I'm finally dusting it off and putting it out there. The next few chapters are the diary entries. Enjoy. Hope you will review.