*This takes place when Edward is leaving Bella. p.s...I don't know that much about X-Men so sorry if I get some information wrong, what I'm getting from X-Men, I learned from Wikipedia, cause I haven't seen these movies in a LONG time, besides X-Men origins, but that doesn't count. MOVING ON:

Chapter 1:

Bella POV

"You don't want me" My eye sight was getting kind of hazy because of the tears "No, and I promise, you will never see me again." And when I blinked he was gone.

Memories of our first kiss, our first date, EVERYTHING, flooded back. But surprisingly, I wasn't sad I was poissed of! What a douche! Leaving me because he doesn't want me, and apparently never did. Next thing I know, my hands start glowing a yellowish glow. What is going on? Something was telling me to aim for the trees. When i did, they just blew up! What the hell, trees cannot just blow up. Fuck, I'm a mutant. Well, cool. Let's test out my powers.

SO! when my hands glow red, my target catches fire. When my hands glow yellow, my target blows up. When my hands glow green, my target is trapped by plants. When my hands glow blue, my target is frozen or unfrozen. When my hands glow purple, water shoots out of my hands, guess I can put out the fire with this. My hand can glow orange, but I don't know what it does, maybe it only works on people.

Now, I'm trying out different combinations of my powers. I made a tree catch fire, then froze it and blew it up.


I turned around and saw a group of people coming my way. There was a bald guy in a wheel chair, a wolf looking guy, a lady with white hair and a girl with black hair, that has two white streaks.

"Shit," I mumbled"Fuck., Uhm, uh...hm..."My hands started glowing blue and I aimed towards the lady with white hair, she dodged it, but not by much. Fuck! My hands started glowing green and I aimed at the wolf looking man, he missed, and then they started running towards me. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, but the wolf man takled me "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Not a chance rugrat."My hands started were glowing green and he was held down by vines.

"Yeah, because I can run." The lady with white hair came, and this time, when I aimed for her, I didn't miss. She was frozen, I mean I don't want to hurt them, I just want them to leave me alone. I started running towards the other girl and froze her too. Since the guy in the wheelchair, is in a wheelchair, I'll just freeze him too. I ran to the wolf guy and decided to test the orange glow, I aimed it at him and metal claws shot out from my knuckles.

"Uhm...are you a mutant too?"

"No, I just decided it'd be fun to fight a mutant powerless."

"Ha ha, hilarious. What's your power?"

"Metal claws shoot out from my knuckles"

"I think I just stole your power.."

"You probably just copied it."

"Check to see if you can still do it." I watched him for 20 minutes

"I can't"

"So I DID steal it, COOL!"

"For you"

"I don't know how to give them back."

"Well, if you release me, we could find out."

"No, I don't want to." And I winked at him "Release me, NOW!"

"Looks like someone is used to getting what they want"

"Just release me"

"Or what, you gonna scratch me? Oh wait, you don't have that power anymore."

"We can fucking help you. The guy in the wheelchair, is Professor Xavier, he owns a school for mutants, he trains them, tests out their abilities, their strengths, weaknesses."

"But I'm having SO much fun right here, aren't you?"Then I grinned at him, cheekily "I'm having a fucking blast, now let me go."

"Well since you asked SO nicely, and minded your manners, okay."


"But first, I'll unfreeze your friends."

"Fuck you."

"When and where?" And again, I grinned at him cheekily Then, he growled at me.

"Now, now I DON'T HAVE to release you guys, I could just leave you here and come back tomorrow."

He growled at me again and said "Fine, but hurry up, God only knows how Cyclops and Jeans are watching the students."

I unfroze Professor Xavier, the white haired lady and the girl with the skunk hair do."Sorry, about that, Mr. Wolfman and I have ah, come to an understanding, I will be joining your school. And, I trully am sorry about this, I thought you guys were mutant hunters."

"Where is Logan?" Professor Xavier asked


"Mr. Wolfman?" Professor Xavier's eyes were full of amusement

"Oh, right this way"

"What the hell took you so long?" Logan asked

"Language Mr. Wolfman"I scolded him, his face was priceless

"Don't call me that."

"And again with the growling. Where are your manners Mr. Wolfman?"Once again he growled. "Well then, I guess we can just stand here and watch you struggle to get out of this, ah, predicament."

"Please release him child." Professor asked.

"Yes Professor."My hands glew green and I shot the orb of light towards Logan, releasing him.

He came up to me, and my, or his, index finger claw shot out from my knuckle and I waved it back and forth saying "Ah, ah, ah, wouldn't want to fight a mutant powerless now would you."

"We will discuss this more at The Academy, now let's go."We ran, or wheeled, to a big black jet.

On the way their I discovered that skunk girl's mutant name is Rogue, the white haired lady's mutant name is Ororo, and Mr. Wolfman's mutant name is Wolverine. We were currently discussing possible mutant names for me.

"What about Ice girl?" I asked.

"Nah, we got a kid named Iceman, and that doesn't cover ALL of your powers." Mr. Wolfman said

"Elemental?" Mr. Wolfman asked

"Nah." I replied

"Crystal Belle?" Ororo asked

"Nah, I had an aunt named Crystal, hated her." I said

"Belle?" Rogue asked.

"Nah, too ordinary"I said

"Elemental?" Rogue asked.

"LOVE IT! You are awesome at coming up with names."

"You do realize that was the name I said right?" Mr. Wolfman asked

"But I liked it better when Rogue said it."


"Look, The Academy" Ororo pointed out.

Mr. Wolfman spoke up "Welcome to The Academy, Elemental."