Hey guys, this is my first story on the site so sorry if it sucks. Basically this story is about a one armed girl who was very powerful before she lost her arm, and somehow gets kidnapped by the Akatsuki. Hope you guys have fun reading the story~

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto / Naruto Shippuuden characters sadly =[. I do however own my OC, Arai Hoshi (Last, First name, meaning Wild Star) and Misaki Suzu. Also I own the plot, please note that I did come up with the story by myself. So if you're one of those people who think I'm copying from the Naruto characters who have lost their limbs, I'm not. So please refrain from saying that.

"Ugly freak! Why don't you just get out of our village? No one likes you here!" a couple of children screamed.

I shot them a glare as I quickened my pace. Soon they began to follow, taunting and insulting me with every single step they took.

I soon grew tired of their childish name calling and turned around, ready to tell them off. But what happened next caught me off guard. As I turned, a rock hit my left eye. I fell to the ground, but before my body completely fell forward, I caught myself by propping my right leg, supporting my whole body.

"Ha ha!" the children laughed.

They soon began pelting me with other small but sharp rocks that they picked up from the ground. My hands immediately went towards my left eye as I hissed in pain. The blood began to drip from the eye down my pale face as it fell to the ground, creating a small pool of red liquid. When the pelting of the rocks soon got worse, I hurriedly ran towards the woods, to a waterfall to wash off my eye, and hopefully lose them.

"Hey! Get the fuck back here! Where do you think you're going? We're not done yet!" came the voices of the sadistic children.

They quickly ran after me and caught up to me before I could reach the said destination.

"Damn," I cursed under my breath.

Instead of where I was hoping to get to, we ended at the top of the mountains. The mountains were steep and surrounded by of heavy boulders. The ground was slippery so I couldn't get away easily, especially with an injured eye. As I frantically looked around for an escape route, they slowly came closer towards me. I jumped back instinctively, but they still came closer. Soon I began backing away until my back felt a hard, rocky surface. I pondered over the thought of just killing these children. But then I'd be accused of murder and be exiled. So that plan was a failure.

"Dead end. You have no where else to go," they grinned sadistically.

I couldn't help but hate myself for not being cautious and getting caught by these low lives. If only I could just wipe them out. But I knew they wouldn't stand a chance against me. So I was forced to stay put and take the pain. And they knew that. Slowly they came again, this time I sunk back like a cowardly mouse trapped by the cunning cat. They began to crack their knuckles, preparing to beat me. I closed my eyes shut, waiting for them to land the first hit. Before they could, the ground before us shook and we all fell to our knees.

"Damn it! Does this have to happen now?" one of the boys yelled.

The ground slowly made a cracking sound as well as splitting apart. The split hurriedly cracked more, trying to reach out to us. Soon the crack was splitting into different directions. Some of the children started to run away while some stayed, determined on making me suffer. We were all surprised when the crackling sound stopped. Most of them were relieved. But the look of horror on their faces soon returned when the ground before us broke, making us fall down towards the forest below the mountains, towards our doom.

"Tasukete! Dareka? Daremo? (1)" a few girls from the group yelled.

Soon we all fell to the ground, head first. Just when I was about to get up, the ground we were standing on from a few seconds ago came crashing down like meteors. I hurriedly tried to get away as fast as possible before I was buried. Turns out I was a second too late, my left arm got caught. I tried pulling it out with all my might, but the arm was stuck, it was between two boulders. Suddenly I heard a girl.

"You! You did this! How dare you kill my ototo(2)!" screamed a whiny girl.

I looked back to see whose voice it was. The girl was blonde with her hair up in pigtails. Her green eyes looked dangerously murderous. She had a kunai in her right hand.

"What?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

She pointed at a boy that looked like her, except in a small boy version. His face was pale as blood dripped from his mouth. He had a few scratches on his face and arms, his whole body in between the boulders that had just fell.

"You killed him! You caused this avalanche! It's your fault he died!" she screeched.

"What? I didn't do this. How's it my fault that –" I began to say but was cut off by her harsh voice.

"Don't make excuses! I know it was you. Now you're going to pay for your mistake!"

I sighed at her ignorance, covering my eyes with my right hand. Big mistake. She charged at me with a loud yet annoying battle cry, kunai pinpointed for my heart. My eyes widened and I hastily tried to run away. When I was about to run at full speed, I was pulled back by something. Oh right…my left arm is still stuck in the boulders…Oh shit.

"DIE!" she screamed venomously.

I closed my eyes and moved just a little further to my right. A bloody murder scream shot out of my throat as my left arm was cut off. Blood was rushing through and spilling out of the open wound. The blood created a pool of blood from where I was standing and some blood splattered my face and clothes. The boulders and the girl along with her kunai were all stained with my blood. I took one long last look at the girl before I passed out. Her whole face was wicked, darkened by aggression. Her green eyes were replaying my suffering, her breathing heavy from the adrenaline about the thought of killing me, her lips forming a huge blood lusting grin, tongue licking my blood off of her stained lips.

Ring ring the alarm clock rang. My eyes quickly fluttered open while I nervously jumped up to a sitting position in my Queen sized bed. My breathing quickly hastened as my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead and chin. Taking in deep breaths, I tried to calm myself down. My azure eyes drooped down as my right hand met my left shoulder. Blood dripped down as my nails dug into the pale skin, staining my white bed. I gritted my teeth, hating to feel empty space to where my left arm is suppose to be, but instead being replaced by air. My eyes narrowed at the thought of my missing limb.

"That bitch got what she deserved..." I growled.

My train of thought returned to my dream, the dream about the moment where I lost my left arm. That dream seemed to be haunting me for these past few days. It kept reoccurring every single night now. After I passed out, the girl was about to kill me when an unknown savior saved me by stopping her, slitting her throat and killing her in the process. My savior then carried me back to an abandoned but great house nonetheless, the house that I currently live in. Basically my savior dumped me on the bed. When my eyes slowly opened, a head of messy orange hair came into view. Before I could say thank you, he turned around smiled at me before completely disappearing.

"I wish I could thank him..." I whispered softly, feeling grateful for the stranger who saved my life.

Soon the thought led to the children in the dream. They were the village's children, who hated me. I guess you could say they were jealous since I became an ANBU when I was 7, and they treated me like a freak since I have no parents. They always did harsh pranks on me and taunted me everyday of my life. Making me miserable was like their only purpose in life. Most of them died in that incident though.

"Karma's a bitch ain't it?" I grinned to myself, getting up from bed.

After picking out my casual outfit from my closet, I proceeded to the bathroom to wash up. I grimaced as the mirror reflected a girl whose left eye was all scarred and scratched up. I hated it when people always stared at my left eye like it's some contagious disease, so because of this, after I finished washing up I put on my black bandana-like eye patch with a white skull on it, because of its bandana-like state, the patch itself was a triangular shape while the material was soft cotton. Then I took a shower, after I finished I put on black baggy cargo pants with a plain white T-Shirt with a large, black, unzipped hoodie. I left my long, black flowing hair the way it is.

Since I lost my arm, I lost my ability to perform any jutsus anymore, since jutsus require hand signs. So I got stripped of my title as an ANBU, also due to the fact that I couldn't even defend myself against "mere children" (even though I was one myself). Therefore, I was just a mere civilian like any other "normal" people in the village. Though I don't have any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, I do practice Taijutsu for protection. You never know when something might happen, might as well be prepared.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple with my jobs in mind. I worked for the flower shop that a civilian in my village owns as a part time job as well as part of the research department for the Mizukage. I bit into my apple, thinking about trivial things such as friends. I always wondered what it would be like to have many friends, seeing as how I had only one due to my missing arm, and how people think about me also missing my left eye because of the eye patch. Also, after the accident that day, people thought that I killed the kids. They didn't seem to believe me when I always said it was an accident. The only people who actually believed me was my best friend Misaki Suzu.

"Oh well...at least one person believing me is better than none..." I sighed as I tossed my finished apple in the garbage can and headed out to do my job.

(1) -Help us! Someone? Anyone? means "Tasukete! Dareka? Daremo?" in Japanese

(2) -Little brother means "Ototo" in Japanese

'kay guys that was Part 1 of my new Series. Hope ya liked it. Please review to tell me what you think and a little helpful criticism would be nice too. And sorry if it sounds cliché. I'll try as best as possible to make it original.