Disclaimer-Not mine. Capiche?

Chapter 3—Scrap Paper

Anzu had arrived safely to her dorm. She took out her gold key and unlocked the door. Her right hand gripped the door knob and turned it, opening it as gently as she could, but she couldn't avoid making an eerie creak resonate from the un-oiled hinges as the door swung open. The loud squeak broke the silence of the night and was surely heard by her next door neighbours. The walls were paper thin.

A crevice of light from the hallway pierced through the darkness of the living area. Her figure was an opaque human from against the light.

She closed the door behind her and dropped her bags to the floor and stood there with her back leaned against the solid metal. She shut her eyes, processing the previous event at the café. Tomorrow she had another day of work. She really didn't want to suddenly change jobs, after one little argument. No big deal. She had a crazed fan, that's all. The café was in the vicinity of the campus and easily accessible by foot, so she couldn't just let go of it.

She picked up her bags and walked to her room, not bothering to turn on the lights. She didn't bother to change out of her unclean clothes. Exhausted, she collapsed on to her bed face front and fell into deep sleep.

In a room full of board of directors, Seto Kaiba stood with his back facing them and his hands shoved in his pocket while looking out the glass window.

He never said that he accepted this proposal, but Huxley thought otherwise and was beyond overconfident when he greeted him awhile back at the rooftop with that bold assumption.

It had not even been an hour since he landed and he was stuck in a board meeting. There was no time for rest. Every second counts. Breathing slowly, Seto found himself drifting between wakefulness and sleep. His eyelids shut a little longer with every blink. He was paying half-attention and only picked up on the keywords and phrases of the droning voice of a middle aged man.

"So, , a Duel Monsters wax museum would attract a lot of the young duelists within the city."

Young duelists? Are there any left? Kaiba sneered at the thought. Once Duel Monsters was a prominent game played by people of all ages, but lately only the people of his age seemed to enjoy it. The youth didn't have the patience to study the rules and strategies much less have the IQ.

"There are millions of types of monsters that people have never heard about."

'True. Though Pegasus had stopped the creation of new cards quite a long time ago, there are numerous rare cards that the public will never get to see.'

"I was thinking of having the museum done at an old abandoned hotel on the outskirts of Manhattan. It's five stories high and each floor is at least three thousand square feet, so you would have enough room to display the monsters."

Kaiba sighed. "If you want to make the monsters out of wax, then why did you pester me about this? Why do you need Kaiba Corp? I specialize in creating advanced technology not art, so if you want to go on with your little plan it would be better off to contact Industrial Illusions and get them to invest in your project."

"Well, is that what you're worried about? I have connections to other Pegasus regarding those art related details. I just need your knowledge about trading cards and rare monsters. Since you are currently the world champion of the game, you probably know which monsters are best," Huxley said.

Kaiba turned around. His icy glare was on the old man standing at the front of the room presenting his plan on the powerpoint screen.

'At least this man knows how to do one thing right', Kaiba thought, 'he knows when to kiss ass. Fool. I hate asskissers.'

The white suited CEO walked back to his leather chair at the head of the long black granite table and interlocked his hands resting his chin on top of them.

"So, is that all, Huxley?" Kaiba drawled with a tone of annoyance and the disregard of addressing him with a polite title.

"Yes." Then he walked over to where Kaiba sat with a stack of papers that went in detail about the plan. "Everything is written out here for you to read." He held it out to him and smiled knowing that Kaiba probably only listened to half of what he has just said.

Seto, frowning, snatched the paper away from him so fast that it sliced through a layer of Huxley's hand. Huxley winced and blood seeped out from the deep line etched in between his thumb and index finger.

Kaiba gave a slight sadistic smile and sarcastically asked, "Need a band-aid?"

"No, I'm fine." Huxley replied.

Seto speed read through the bulk of the business plan, flipping pages so fast people wondered if he just skipped portions. After moments of silent anticipation, he put the paper down.

"Mr. Kaiba," his corporate attorney, sitting at his right, worried that he happened to miss any fine print details, asked, "May I have a look at the papers?"

"Tsk. There's no need. This is complete trash!" Kaiba rippped the pages in quarters and threw it at Huxley's face, luckily his glasses took most of the damage. A sweep of gasps went around the room.

"Any objections?" Kaiba asked with raised eyebrows which were hidden beneath his long bangs. No one had the courage to speak.

This was only a mild version of Kaiba's temper. They had seen worse, but they felt sorry for the fool of a man named Edward Huxley who was currently picking up the pieces of his proposal that he worked extremely hard on. He held the pieces of paper in the palm of his hands and stared at them with a look of a broken man.

"Get out." Seto Kaiba coldy commanded. "All of you!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone around the room stood from their seats relieved that their boss had kept this meeting short. They knew he was tired as well. Each one bowed to him before leaving the room. All left, except for one man.

"What are you still doing here? Are you deaf? I'm not interested."

Huxley's shoulders trembled and his head hung low. Kaiba thought he broke the man to the point of him crying in front of him.

'How weak.' Kaiba thought.

However, sudden maniacal laughter filled the room.

"Have I broken you to the point of insanity, Huxley?"

"Heh, Kaiba, do you think I'm that easily discouraged. I have, after all, been pestering you for quite a while now. Don't underestimate me." He then pulled another copy of his proposal from his briefcase and dropped it in front of him. "I knew you would act this way, which is why I created multiple copies of it."

"You really are a pest. Insignificant and annoying. You know what I do with pests? I exterminate them. SECURITY!" He yelled.

Roland and two other bodyguards entered the room. Kaiba nodded in Huxley's direction and they immediately seized him, while he struggled and yelled, and dragged him out of the room.

"Make sure this pest never sets foot on the premise again. Ridiculous" Kaiba scoffed.

EA: Short, but I really didn't think it was appropriate to try and attempt to write everything I wanted within one chapter. I tried to and failed. So, I just decided to post this. Sorry for the long wait.