We had been in the Dominican for just over a month. Things have settled down a bit, become more routine. Dom, Brian and Vince all got jobs working at a garage. It was funny watching Brian work there trying to use his broken Spanish when talking with the customers. I might be his sister but I had developed a deep tan and spoke Spanish more flaunty than most white people. Working in a bar with Mia really has helped develop my accent as well. Rome was one of the bouncers at the bar and it was always a good time working with him. Jesse managed to meet a girl and fall in love and knock her up. He was living a couple hours away now and came around when he could but it was never often enough for me. My shift was about to start Mia had left without me so I was screwed for a ride.

"Dom I need to take the Charger or I'm going to be late," I said. He looked at me and was not happy. He had just gotten home, it was around 8pm and he had a bad day. I drove the Charger to work most nights because I didn't have a car and Dom didn't mind sharing, but he was going to work on the engine tonight.

"Why didn't you ride with Mia?" He groaned.

"I wasn't ready to go," I replied walking in front of him blocking the television now. He just rolled his eyes.

"Why do you dress like that?" he complained.

"More skin means better tips, you know that. Keys," I demanded sticking out my hand. He reluctantly threw them to me. "Love you, come by the bar for a drink later alright," I yelled as I headed through the door.

"I'll think about it," he replied lightening his tone. I booked it over to the bar and walked in a few minutes late. Things were still slow, so Mia had it covered. I jumped over the bar and she smiled at me.

"Hey girl, Dom gave you the Charger?" she asked.

"After some sweet talking yeah, I don't see why he can't work on it at the garage like back in Miami. Then he bitched about my outfit. I mean you look just as bad," I compared. We were actually wearing the same exact same Daisy Dukes her wife beater was black and mine was white. Although to be fair I tied mine back so my stomach was showing.

"I don't know what to tell you, Dom is worried some slick speaking, dark, Dominican is going to sweep you off your feet and take you away," she joked.

"Oh and Brian's not?"

"He knows I like them white… obviously." We both laughed. They didn't come anymore Californian than Brian. Light skin, light eyes, light hair, he had the hardest time fitting in down here. Although it was tuff for me too, luckily my looks got me accepted by most of the male population. And once people realized my Spanish was legit they backed off.

Working behind the bar actually wasn't too difficult. When things picked up I always had my hands busy but pouring drinks was still a no brainer. The guys came in at some point in the night almost every time we were working, even though our ass of a boss hated it. He looked for any chance he could to hit on Mia and I. He hated that we were taken especially that Mia was with Mr. California.

"Hello ladies, looking fine as always," Ace said. He came to an abrupt stop in front of us and almost made me spill the beer in my hands. I put it on the counter and took the money. I winked at the guy and he smiled. He was a regular that always waited for me to get his drinks. I liked the older customers who appreciated the atmosphere and us as people not as bitches.

"Well one of you looks fine that is," he said slapping my ass. I bite my tongue so I didn't cuss at him. "Mia take your hair out and tie back your shirt like little Miss. Kazy," he smirked. Mi reluctantly did as she was told. He watched with very detailed eyes as she did it. "Thank you," he said slyly before headed into the crowd. I caught Rome's eyes and we walked over to us.

"One of these days I'm going to pop that fool in the face," Rome said leaning over the bar kissing us both on the cheek.

"We can handle ourselves, don't worry about it. Right now we need the money so get your ass back to work before I have you fired," I said splashing water in his face. He just laughed and stuck out his tongue. I rolled my eyes and began working things began picking up as it became later. Dom rolled in with Brian just past midnight, they split when they saw us working opposite sides of the bar.

"What can I get you sexy?" I asked.

"Corona," he answered. I jumped up so I was leaning half way over the bar to kiss him. I pulled away when I lost my balance and the few customers watching laughed. I popped the top off the beer and set it on the table while pouring three shots of whiskey for the drunks at the end of the bar.

"Where's Vince?" I asked. All three of them always came together.

"Leah caught his attention when we walked through the door. He is working her somewhere around here I'm sure," Dom explained with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes before I could stop myself. "I'm sitting right here you know," he said capturing my attention.

"Sorry," I apologized. He laughed it off. "I just don't see why he likes her. How does he go from Mia who is tall, dark and gorgeous then to me who is tan, blonde and hot to her…" I trailed off annoyed.

"Her? Leah is a short, cute little red head. She's pretty feisty too if you would have a conversation with her. Vince likes them feisty in case you haven't noticed," he said gesturing to me. I nodded in agreement. "Your just not happy unless you have the attention of every guy in the room," he challenged.

"Not true! As long as I have yours then I'm happy," I defended.

"Excuse me can I get some service?" Some guy yelled. I looked over and realized I had stopped serving drinks and was only talking with Dom. There were quite a few guys waiting. "Shit," I whispered. I walked away from Dom and got back to work. I usually got all the guys who spoke English, even though I spoke Spanish well enough; they usually just went to Mia's side of the bar.

As it approached 2, we began wrapping things up. The final shift was 2 – 430 and thankfully Mia and I were not working that shift tonight. I was tired and my feet hurt. I threw my set of keys over to my replacement and was about to head over to Dom when Ace grabbed my arm and spun me in the other direction. We ended up in his office. I stood by the door waiting for my chance to leave.

"You were distracted at the start of your shift by Dom, you lost two customers and that is bad business," Ace started and he seemed angry.

"You are right I promise it won't happen again," I said with the most effort I had. He walked behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He began rubbing them and laughed lightly.

"He causes you tension girl, might need to think about letting him go soon," he whispered. I didn't respond. After he released me I turned around and took a step back.

"Thanks for looking out," I lied.

"Get out of here, I need to get back to work," he said slapping my ass as I walked out the door. I booked it outside where the team was waiting. Rome's shift ended at 1 but he usually had a drink and we left as a team. Being new down here we didn't race too much. The guys went once a week, but they didn't want Mia and I there just yet so we let them slide as long as they win, which of course they always did.

"Dom!" I yelled jumping into his arms. He picked me up easily and carried down the street to our cars. To my annoyance Vince was walking with Leah. To be fair she was very pretty, she had her light red hair in soft curls tonight and she had a swaying motion when she walked. It was cute seeing massive Vince walking and taking care of this little doll. Her skin was so perfect sometimes I thought it was porcelain.

"Long night tonight?" Leah asked me. I hadn't allowed Dom to put me down. My feet hurt to much and he could handle it.

"Every night is a long night," I responded politely. She was really nice too, always trying to make conversation with me, but I just wasn't having it. "At least until I get to come home with you," I said turning my attention to Dom.

"What did Ace talk to you about?" Vince asked surprising me. I was happy to see Vince was watching me. I knew it was wrong but Vince was really important to me.

"That Dom is causing me stress and he knew a good way to relive it if I wanted," I teased looking up at Dom. I felt his arms tighten around me. "I'm just kidding he just yelled at me for talking with Dom when I was supposed to be working," I explained.

"Alright it's late, who's riding with whom?" Mia asked. We had the Charger, Brian's Skyline and Vince's new truck and by new I mean knew to him not new to the world. He didn't like driving around in his racing car.

"Did you drive your car here?" I asked looking at Leah.

"No I caught a ride with a friend and Vince said he could take me home," she said and I noticed she was blushing slightly. Obviously home was at our place tonight. The whole team was still staying at our little beach house, so things were a little crowded. Vince was looking for his own place though; he didn't like me scrutinizing his one night stands. I knew Leah would end up on the couch though; she still hadn't given it up to Vince.

"Here Rome you can take the Charger," I said tossing him he keys. "Vince take Leah in your car and Brian and Mia can go in the Skyline."

"How are we getting home?" Dom asked me already knowing the answer.

"Walking of course," I replied as though it was obvious. We only lived six blocks away. It wasn't too bad of a walk and the heat wasn't killer tonight so Dom could man up. I liked walking home together it was one of the few times we were truly alone. Dom nodded but reached out and took the keys from Rome. His smile fell.

"Vince you take the Charger, let Rome drive your truck," Dom said trading keys. He refused to let Rome touch the Charger. I think he did it just to mess with him at this point we all agreed and everyone else left.

"Take care of Mia," Dom said after bumping fists with Brian.

"Take care of Kaz," He responded. Ever since we got here the guys always said that when we went separate ways. I didn't understand and they refused to tell Mia or I. I just let it go for now, but eventually they would spill. Everyone drove off and Dom began walking us down the empty streets.

"You have to lighten up on Leah, I get the feeling she will be around for awhile," Dom said squeezing me slightly.

"Vince can't only be with one girl. He is a dog and you know it. One way or another it he will mess it up, so I'm not going to be all best friendy with her just yet," I replied rolling my eyes.

"They used to say that about me," he joked.

"I don't believe that. You like coming home to someone and not just to sleep with them. Although you do enjoy that part," I said poking him in the ribs. "I never see you as a player, heartbreaker maybe but nothing like Vince," I explained.

"You know me to well," he admitted. I agreed in approval.

"You think we will ever be able to go back?" I asked.

"If they catch Trav and Raster for the murders than yes, and I imagine they will because Caleb will do anything to clear you so probably they will get caught and then we can go back. Just give it time," he reassured me. "I thought you liked it here?" he asked.

"I like being with you and that's what matters," I replied. I leaned up and kissed him before wiggling out of his arms. He grabbed my hand and we continued our stroll.

"If you're ever not happy, you can tell me," he said squeezing my hand.

"Dom you make me happy," I reassured him.

"I know you do," he laughed. "But if I'm the only happy thing you have then I think you will get burned out. We don't get to see each other very much and the living situation isn't ideal. I just worry about you baby," he said looking down at me.

"Well are you happy?" I asked thinking about how right he was.

"I'm happy with you; working isn't too bad with the guys but our other co- workers are drunks who are always rambling about the last girl they nailed. That's why Brian and I won't let the two of you come visit. If they said anything about you I would lose it," he confessed.

"Dom I didn't realize you were so unhappy here," I said suddenly worried.

He laughed which put me at ease. "I am happy here, I just miss you sometimes. Were both always working and I miss how you used to always be around," he responded. "Being around my people like this is great and finally being able to use my Spanish again makes me feel closer to home," he said smiling slightly. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my bare stomach.

"I'm happy Dom," I whispered after a block of silence.

"You look really pretty tonight," he said kissing the top of my head. "I love you Kaz," he said pulling me to a stop. I turned around and he kissed me softly.

"Love you too," I replied. He surprised me by picking me up in one swift movement. We were right outside the house now.

"What do you say we walk around the block one more time?" he asked with a huge grin across his face.

"Sounds perfect," I agreed.


Here is the first chapter to the sequel hope it stands up to all your hopes. The idea is still forming on how this will play out so please give me reviews with what you think! Love my readers!