When he found what he was looking for he pressed down on the button and a muffled buzzing noise filled the air. The Doctor screamed in pleasure as his screwdriver vibrated within him.

With his back arched off the bed, the Doctor's scream rang out through the room. The Master, never taking his eyes off his face, watched his beautiful reaction. Grudgingly, he took his finger off the button and the Doctor sunk back onto the bed, it felt as if he could still feel the buzz throughout his body. Both of the Time Lords were panting and were equally as turned on as the other. The Doctor tried to move so as to get that pleasure again but when he thrust his hips, the Master made sure he didn't get any more pleasure than what he wanted the man cuffed to his bed to have.

Realizing that he wasn't getting more, the Doctor stilled his movements. When he looked back up to tell the Master that he wanted more he saw the smug smile that was plastered on his face. He saw one of his eyebrows raise "Go on, Doctor. Beg me. Beg me to fuck you like the little time hoar you are." Torturing the Doctor wasn't as fun as this, he should have done this way sooner! He loved watching the look in the Doctor's eyes change from fear to want; but the most magnificent thing of all was that he was feeling the Doctor, the most feared being in the universe, the oncoming storm, withering under him because of the actions he was doing to him. He felt his own cock twitch at the thought and realized how hard he was himself.

"Master," The Doctor said quietly, pulling at his restraints again as he got more desperate. His head seemed to clear little by little at each passing moment and coherent sentences started to form in his mind. " I can't say that this hasn't been fun but do you mind taking these off my wrists me so I could mmmff -" before he could finish his sentence, he felt the Master's rough lips capture his own. It took a minute to realize what was happening but his body was luckily working faster than his brain and he was kissing back with as much passion as the other. The sent of the Master enveloped him and memories of their previous encounters made their way into his head. He thrust his hips forward, meeting the other Time Lords erection, and couldn't help but smile when he felt that the Master's cock was as hard as his. Because of the friction he insured he felt the Master groan against his lips and broke away slightly to whisper a quiet "Fuck." before the Doctor leaned up and pushed their lips back together.

Just as the Doctor thought he was going to run out of air he felt the Master let up. He went to take a breath but it turned into a loud gasp as he felt his screwdriver vibrate deep within him again. The Master's lips move to the Doctor's neck who had to stifle a sound when he felt him bite down; The sensation of the screwdriver vibrating irregularly within him and the Master latched onto his neck was driving him crazy. The Doctor gritted his teeth, stopping another moan from making it's way out of his mouth as he felt their erections rub against each others. After a few seconds of not hearing a sound from the Doctor, the Master stopped his onslaught to purr seductively into his hear "Don't hold back, Doctor. I want to hear all your pretty little sounds that I can wring out of you."

The Doctor grunted his reply and as if on cue, the screwdriver vibrated within him. He threw his head back as a shattering scream was ripped from his throat. It felt as if something had snapped inside him and all he wanted was more, more of the Master. He wanted to have the Master's cock buried deep inside him, He wanted to hear the Master scream out his release, he just wanted to get fucked and filled by his Master. Now. "Please, Master. I want to feel you in me. I want you to fuck me hard and fast." he rambled on endlessly, continuing to beg the Master to take him. The Master loved it, each plea, each filthy word, each moan, and each scream that escaped the Doctor. It turned him on even more than the Doctor could ever know and even if he wasn't begging for it, the Master would have claimed him for his own without his permission.

The screwdriver gave a final buzz before the Master reached down and slowly pulled it out of the Doctor. The Doctor groaned, disliking the feel of being empty again. Luckily for him, not more than a minute later, he felt the Master at his opening and start to push in. "Ung. Doctor, you're so tight." he groaned out as he snapped his hips forward, sheathing himself fully into the other Time Lord. The Doctor cried out from both pain and pleasure as the Master, without pausing to give the Doctor time to adjust, continued to fuck him hard like he had just previously asked him to do. The two feelings mixed together felt good, so good, and he never wanted it to stop. At that thought he felt it rising deep inside him and knew there was nothing that he could do to stop it. "Master," he gasped as his prostate was hit. "Oh yes. I'm so close," he panted "Please go faster, harder!"

He heard the Master growl at his words and was forcefully pulled closer to him. The Master slammed into him over and over again, fulfilling what the Doctor had asked him to do and the screams from the man below him edged him on. He knew he was close and he knew that as soon as he felt the Doctor clench around him, he wouldn't last much longer either. He reached between them and took the Doctor's cock in his hand and started to pump. The Doctor thrashed his head from side to side, his body wasn't going to be able to take much more pleasure, he was going to - "Cum for me, Doctor. Cum for your lord and master." the Master growled out, squeezing the cock in his hand as he continued to hit his prostate. "Cum!" he shouted his command. A second later he felt the Doctor clench around him and he screamed the Master's name as cum erupted from his cock. The Master pounded merciless into the man below as he arched off the bed and twitched until he was drained. He threw his head back and screamed as he emptied his seed into the Doctor. When he too was spent he collapsed beside the Doctor, pulling his cock out and watched as his cum leaked out of him and onto the sheets.

The Master took a finger and swiped it against some of the Doctor's cum that ended up on his stomach. Upon tasting it, he moaned around his finger. "That really is a taste that could make your mouth water."

Well then, I think I've just finished my actual first smut. I hope you guys liked it and hopefully, as I continue to write, my writing will get better! You all are such lovely people and I thank you for reviewing and sticking with my story through out all 3 chapters.