A/N~ This is my entry for the fanfiction idol competition, and my first story on this site! Enjoy...

I know this is not another of my nightmares, I would be screaming by now. And the wind is soso real against my face, and this terror can't be fake. You're standing there, arm outstretched, on the brink of torturing another one of your play toys. I take a deep breath. Step towards you. And now there's no way I can turn back. The small crowd that has collected together draws in a small gasp as I turn to face you. It's the duel of the century, the face off of their life. And it is my life. This is what I'm going to be remembered for. No, I am in no doubt-I am going to win-why else would he be scared of me? I just don't want to be remembered, for condemning the life of my best friend.

I say friend in the broadest term possible. Some-days we would be less then that,mere colleagues, and others, we would be more, so much more. You were up there in the clouds, talking of huge plans, and ruling the world, while I stood on the trees, watching in awe, trying to get as high as you.I still wish, to this day, I had gotten that high. In a different direction, yes, but as far, at least.

Our spells collide, one on one, merging together in an explosion of light. Red and purple, a stunner and the spell we created together that night, the one which kills almost instantly but with double the pain of an Avada Kedavra.
Flash! The beginning of those memories so commonly heard of, at the moment of your death.
And then it's gone, and so has the light.
It's a draw, and that hurts.
It just goes to prove, we're still as alike as I've always feared.

A dark blue sky, black to those with painful souls.
The light dots, symbolistic of a better day, shine above our heads, beacons of hope.
It's peaceful- could be peaceful, until I remember what I'm here for.
The burying of a sister, the burying of a best friend.
The ending of an era.

The spells follow each other in quick succession.
Blasting, blasting, blinding, fighting.
It was fast and it hurt.
Not because I was getting hit, oh no, because it was you who was trying to.
They pull you away, unconscious but screaming.

The sound pierces my soul, the applaud death to my ears.

((You won, you're just pretending, but they don't know that, do they?.))

Five years, a millennium to the prison goers.

The jail is quiet, except for the incessant banging on a wall.

Gellert Grindelwald has awoken.