Hello everyone! Sorry I've been so MIA; real life happened including: an internship with a law firm, a trip to NYC, a plane ride clear across the country, and finally the addition of a new little furry member to our family! So, I know you'll probably hate me for awhile, but I've decided to re-vamp and re-write each chapter. I feel like my writing in the earlier chapters is lacking and I've found myself hating parts of Hermione's character I've created her into. I want to bring more of the real bookworm in and less of the little mate. The whole story won't change too drastically, but some parts will be deleted or changed.

Also, I've noticed there are a lot of inconsistencies between the mates and the wolves that need to be addressed. I would also like to point out, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've completely overlooked Voldemort and the whole huge part of the original books; this is done deliberately to fit my story. Basically all these thing can be attributed to a young high school student writing on her first laptop. I'm sorry for not updating but I will begin redoing the chapters and hopefully putting them up soon. Updates will probably come later after I'm satisfied with the previous chapters. I hope you stay with me for the ride!


-Cnrdt14 3