Romano sighed with relief when Spain's house was finally in view. He strode forward a bit more confidently then, knowing that he was no longer lost. The beauty that surrounded Spain's home was easy to get lost in, and even more so when it was dark like this. Romano chuckled dryly to himself, planning a course of action.

He didn't want to run into Spain and have to explain himself (although a piece of him screamed for Spain to be there, waiting for him). So he'd have to go around the back. But the doors would be locked. It was late. Romano had gotten lost a couple of hours before, only to wind up walking in a mile-long circle. His legs ached horribly, but he was happy at least to be home.

Romano stopped just outside the door. All lights were on, glowing out at him menacingly.

Home..? He asked himself.

This wasn't his home. It was Spain's. Romano's heart ached with the realization. He never felt more at home than when he knew Spain was just a few footfalls away. But did Spain feel the same way?

Romano shook his head. It didn't matter now. He wouldn't make it to his own home; he'd just explain to Spain that he'd gotten lost and needed a place to stay for the night. Spain may even have left the doors unlocked; he was such a carefree guy. That was what Romano admired most about him.

With a sigh, Romano reached for the doorknob and turned it, pushing his way into the house. The door, as he had expected, was unlocked. Cursing Spain under his breath, Romano turned and locked the door. A yawn from behind made him stiffen. Romano turned, and his shoulders fell with relief.

Spain sat in a chair facing the door. His arms were slumped over the side and he was fast asleep. A steady pool of drool was collecting in the corner of his mouth. Romano smiled and looked upon the man he loved. Spain's hair fell over his eyes, illuminated by various lamps Spain had left on in the room.

As quietly as he could, Romano tip-toed across the room and doused lamp after lamp, bringing darkness to the house. When he came to the final lamp, the one just beside Spain, he stopped and hovered over Spain.

"Why are you so perfect?" Romano whispered.

Spain stirred then, yawned, and stretched. Romano drew back quickly and scratched his head in a foul attempt to look busy. Spain opened his eyes and looked upon Romano lazily.

"Oh," He yawned again, "You're home."
Romano nodded, his face burning red. His back stiffened and he turned to leave, but Spain grabbed hold of his arm before he could get very far.

"Hey," Spain's voice sounded distant but his eyes pleaded, "Stay with me tonight."

"You perv-," Romano stopped himself in midsentence. "Okay."
The cut-off insult wasn't lost upon Spain's ears. His eyes widened.

"Hey, Romano, are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine." Romano lied quickly, not daring to look Spain in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" Spain leaned forward, inspecting Romano.

Romano tore away then. "I'm fine, you prying bastar-," He stopped himself again. His heart skipped a beat.

"Why'd you stop?" Spain rested languidly on the chair, watching the younger man with curious eyes.

Romano didn't answer him, but rather clenched his palms together. The tickets in his pocket burned against him, reminding him of what he wanted to accomplish. Speaking always had him insulting Spain needlessly. So he remained quiet and careful.

"Romano?" Spain stood now, slowly, with the caution one would use when approaching a wild animal.

Spain took a step forward and put a hand on Romano's shoulder. Romano flinched against the butterflies that erupted in his stomach. Spain's hand was warm and welcome, but Romano shrugged it off as he always did, embarrassed by the feeling Spain aroused in him. Spain took his hand back gingerly.

"I'm sorry," He began instantly, "I didn't mean to…"

"Don't say that." Romano snapped. You're perfect. Don't apologize. Please.

"Sorry?" Spain blinked.

If you apologize for perfection, then what am I? I'm nothing to you already. Don't make it worse for me. My heart won't handle it.

A tear strode down the length of Romano's cheek. A shudder wracked his body as more tears followed suit. Romano's stronghold of emotions broke then, and he felt like running but he couldn't move his feet.

Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, "Damn it!"

"What's going on, Romano?" Spain furrowed his brow and strode forward, seeking Romano's eyes. "Romano?"
"You stupid bastard!" Romano found Spain's eyes then. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he continued, "Why the hell are you so perfect? You don't even know how I feel! You stupid, ignorant, sweet, patient, beautiful BASTARD!"

Silence reigned for a moment, and even more tears slid down the length of Romano's face. He was about to tear his gaze away from Spain's when Spain put his hands on his shoulders, rooting him even more to place.

"Now that's the Romano I love." He smiled.

"L-love?" Romano's voice shook as sobs escaped him. The tears broke through like a roaring waterfall. They were unstoppable. Romano swiped his arm across his eyes a few times in a desperate attempt to quench the flow, but this forced even more tears through.

"You pervert." He sniffed pathetically.

Spain chuckled, and Romano's heart throbbed at the sound.

"Wait." Romano stopped, tears forgotten, and reached into his pocket. "The World's Fair is in a few days, and I was…I was wondering if you'd…if you'd…"

Romano pulled the tickets out of his pocket. They were ruined beyond recognition; merely two pieces of heavily abused, lightly colored paper rested in his palms now. The sight made him gag. The tears stopped, but his heart fell.

Romano looked up to apologize to Spain only to find that Spain had pulled a pair of perfect—although folded—tickets from his own pocket.

Spain shrugged. "I thought the same thing."

Romano blinked.

"You pervert."

So, yeah, I'm thinking this is the end xD Sorry, guys. It kind of turned sloppy by the end. Next fic I write will probably be FrancexCanada! Can't wait! Please review~ And if you have any particular couples you'd like me to write on, well, I will. Eventually.