It's Always Been You

Chapter Three

Leah's point of view

"Leah?" My mom's voice called from the kitchen as soon as I walked in the door.

"Yeah?" I called back, kicking off my shoes.

"Come here, please."

I walked through the living room, into the kitchen where she and Allison - Sam's mother were sitting on the bar stools lining the island in the middle of the room. I hadn't seen her in a while and the only thing that changed about her were the gentle imprint of lines appearing on her face. She still looked beautiful; a tall, lean woman with the same chocolate eyes as her son and of course, dark, half-curly hair. I gave her a small smile. Her and I used to be close; seeing each other almost every day considering I used to frequent her house.

"Hello," I said politely before turning to my mother. "Yes?"

"Allison wanted to come over to see how you were handling the news. About Sam and Emily."

I nodded, giving her a small smile. "I'm... overwhelmed. But, why didn't you tell me?" I asked in my mother's direction. "You know about this before I did, I can tell."

My mom frowned. "I did know. Sam went to Allison's one night, telling her about all the trouble he and Emily had been having after the loss of their child. He told her he didn't feel quite the same about her. At first, she thought it was just the loss they were going through, but eventually, Sam said he just couldn't be around her the same way anymore."

Allison nodded. "He just wasn't as... happy I guess. She started to get on his nerves and although they have a mutual agreement to remain good to one another when they decided to end their engagement, he just didn't click with her anymore. I went to the elders when he came to me the second time, telling me again how different it felt. They didn't know what to make of it, but after a while, they realized that the imprint had broken. They'd always believed it for fertility reasons, and even though they could of tried again, I guess something just... happened. No one can fully explain it. Not really, but they do know that they're not binded anymore. Somehow."

My mom nodded. "And we didn't want to tell you until Sam and Emily came to terms with it and everything was figured out. Otherwise it would of been even more complicated."

Allison agreed. "Leah... He's always loved you. It's never went away it just... was overpowered. He couldn't help it. You may think it was easy for him to just... Well, move on with Emily, even after you knew about the imprint, but I know that's not the case. After you both broke up," she hesitated bringing up the topic. "He came back to the house and he wouldn't come out of his room for three days. I could see the pain in his eyes. No matter what he felt for Emily, he felt like his life was being dictated for him and after having to hurt you, and himself, he swore up and down he wouldn't forgive the Gods. He didn't understand why they had to take you away from him."

"He got over that pretty fast, though," I mumbled, still somewhat bitter and hurt. The topic just wasn't a friendly one.

Allison seemed to understand, or well, sympathize at least, not taking offense to my words, even though my mother frowned. "Love just doesn't go away, Leah. Not that kind of love; your love."

Suddenly, I got it. Sam's dad left Sam. But he also left his mother. She knew. She understood. And she still loved him, somehow, above all logic and reason.

"Do you still love him?" I asked softly.

"Yes," she breathed, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"Does it still hurt?"

"Every day."

I frowned, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. All along, there really had been someone I could relate to, even if that was Sam's mom. Now, however, it seemed as though I was the lucky one, and I wished her pain away as mine eased up as well. Unfortunately, only one of us may be able to have somewhat of a happy ending and for her sake, I was going to take it, knowing if Sam's dad came back, she would have taken him back, too. She could live vicariously through me.

My mom caught on to the sudden change in topic and she gave Allison a small smile. I could tell they didn't bring Sam's dad up a lot, and it was a unwelcome topic but I wanted to know more.

"He was a wolf," I said gently. "But he didn't imprint on you right?"

Allison nodded. "Right. His generation didn't turn because there was no vampires around, the same as your dad. He didn't even know about it, I doubt. Regardless, he passed the gene on to Sam and then the Cullen's came back."

"So did he just... pack up and leave one day?"

Sam didn't know much about his father. His mother didn't like to talk about him, and Sam hadn't been old enough to remember anything before his father left. "He couldn't deal with the responsibilities so yes."

I frowned. "But he loved you... How could he just... leave?"

"The same way anyone does," Allison said softly. "He was overwhelmed and he didn't really want to make it work. We were only together a short time before I got pregnant and even then he was a little flaky. I believe Embry is his son, too. There is no way Billy or Old Quil fathered him. He has Sam's eyes, too." The aging woman frowned. "I still love him, but I have no hope for us to reconcile. I know it's over, it's just hard being alone. I want you to take the oppertunity that I didn't get, though. Sam was always distraught over having to leave you. He hated himself for hurting you, Leah, trust me. He cares about you so, so much and I know he wishes he could have a do-over. Just give him an oppertunity, as hard as I know it will be for you, to show you he does care and does need you."

I took her words into consideration and I nodded. "Thanks, Allison. I'll do my best."

"It won't be easy," she said gently, rubbing my shoulder. "But it will be worth it. He's a good kid; you both are."

I gave her a small smile and nodded. I wanted to tell her that despite how much my heart yearned for him and yet, how hard it was to just forget about all the nights I couldn't have felt anymore broken if I tired. I was alone, and I had no one after Sam and Emily left me for each other. They had been my world, and then everything was dark and lifeless. Sam was different, too. We had both grown up. It wasn't a bad thing, but the long-haired, lanky Sam Uley was gone. He was now matured, both in age and features, and his short hair, although it suited him, didn't give him a young look anymore. We were both adults and we were both trying to find ourselves, still, like teenagers, trying to put together our broken lives and heart break. Mentally I don't think we matured at all. We regressed, really. We were worse off now than we used to be as teenagers, having everything planned out. It was going to be hard to come to terms with our shattered relationship and try to carefully put back the piece again without getting cut sometimes. Things would be extremely hard and rocky and although my mind was yelling at me to take things slow, my heart felt both weighed down and overjoyed.

It was all a rollercoaster. Both of our hair was shorter, and he grew out of his scrawny build, turning into a man with muscles and broad shoulders, but he was still Sam and my heart still held onto him so tightly it could stop the blood flow. I knew he had been with Emily in ways I would never want to imagine, but there was nothing I could think of to get myself to let go of this newfound hope of a normal, happy life with him. We would take it slow, and like Allison said, it wouldn't be easy, but it would be worth it.

I hugged her goodbye as I went upstairs, into my room. I had a lot of thinking to do, still. It wasn't a easy thing to just let someone back in after you had kept them out for so long, and hurt so badly over them. I was surprised to see Seth sitting on my bed, though.

"Leah," he said, standing as I entered the room. "Please promise me you're okay."

I gave him a small smile. We didn't get along sometimes and I knew it was mainly my fault for treating him like a baby, but I just couldn't have him lose his life like I had lost mine and I wanted to make sure he was always safe, physically and emotionally. I knew I wasn't the easiest person to get along with, either.

"I'm okay," I said gently. "Better."

"If he hurts you again," Seth said, teeth clenched, hands balled into fists. He was growing in to the protector of the family, like dad was and I knew he worried about me as much as I got on his nerves. "I like Sam, I do, but if this is some sick joke, it's not funny. I've heard you up all night crying when he first left you and I hated him for it, and now, like I said, as much as I do like him, I won't see him hurt you a second time."

I went over and hugged Seth, but he cringed from my reach. "I'm serious, be careful, Lee. I'm going out with Embry and Jake for a bit, but don't do anything you're not ready for."

I promised him I wouldn't and he left to go with the guys. I sat on my bed, realizing I had never been alone. Well, not at first. I pushed everyone away, but it could still be mended. Nothing was broken forever.

Authors Note: Sorry for the delay, but I put out two new chapters tonight (two different stories) and hopefully I'll get another couple written after school tomorrow to try and update the majority of my stories before Christmas! I know it's a tad short, but please, if you have any suggestions on where you'd like the story to go, or even just short-term ideas or scenes you'd like to see between a pair of characters, feel free to shoot me a PM or leave it in your review! I don't bite! If I don't update before then, Merry Christmas and I hope you all have safe and happy holidays!