Moa: Yeah... So this just hit me one day and I thought that 'Oh, what the hell. Might as well.'

So... Heeeeeeere's the story. It's the usual Ichigo-goes-to-Hogwarts plot, with a twist. It's not Ichigo who's going... It's Shirosaki.

P.S. Characters might be OOC... A lot.

Disclaimer: Bleach and Harry Potter are not mine.

Timeline: HP book five and Bleach... After the Winter war... Ichigo has his powers... Sometime in the future.

Pairings: Only canon.

So here it is! Enjoy!

When Head Captain Yamamoto summoned the captains to a meeting, no one expected much about it. No one was informed what the meeting was about, only that it was about a discovery in the thirteenth squad. However, when the minutes ticked by the captains grew more and more bored.
Soi-Fon and Byakuya were the only ones standing and looking stoic as ever. The rest were... Well, behaving very an-captain like. Waiting for the Captain Commander they more or less lazed around.

Where was the Mad Scientist aka Mayuri anyway?
As if on cue the Mayuri burst through the door, without preamble, he said
"I've found a portal to an alternate dimension!"


He has found a what?
Most of the captains were now staring at Mayuri like he'd gone mad, well, madder. Then Yamamoto walked in and everybody jumped on their feet.
"Yes, Captain Mayuri has just found what would most commonly be called a portal."
Yamamoto let his gaze sweep over the captains. Shunsui hid the sake bottles behind his back.
"The portal leads to an alternate dimension to our material world, except that Shinigami do not exist in that dimension..." Yamamoto held a dramatic pause before continuing. " Magic however, exists."
There was a few seconds of complete silence in the captain-meeting room.
Yamamoto then proceeded to explain "briefly" what the wizards were (stick-waving beings that had different kind of powers than the rest of the humans) and that he needed somebody to bring Kurotuchi more test subjects, oh, and "test subjects" did not mean living humans (Mayuri looked disappointed). Plus he needed more information of said wizards. And what was a better way of finding information than enrolling in a school?
Hitsugaya looked at Yamamoto with a slightly confused face. "You...want one of us to enroll in a school that is in an alternate dimension, one we have just discovered and by all rights we should have no information about, just to get to know the locals."
Yamamoto gave a nod. Hitsugaya was about to say something more but the Commander cut him of.
"With the way the portal is currently designed, shinigami cannot safely go through. Hollows, however should have no trouble."

"Kurosaki Ichigo."

Ichigo turned around to find a Hell Butterfly flying near his face. He turned around fully to face it.

"You're presence is requested at the Captain Commanders office."

With that said the butterfly fluttered away, leaving Ichigo to wonder what his hollow had done now.
After the winter war Ichigo and Hichigo were separated. But they weren't two fully different individuals. Hichigo was still a part of Ichigo.

And when the Thirteen Squads needed new scuad members and couldn't find anybody else as experienced, they hired Ichigo to become a full-time shinigami. The only problem was that Hichigo came with the package. For some reason that might never be clear -Mayuri wasn't allowed to make tests on them- Hichigo couldn't be killed, if stabbed he would just have to retreat to Ichigo's inner world a few hours before he could come out again. So they were now, quoting Hichigo himself, stuck with him.
It was understandable that no one trusted the hollow, but Yamamoto had made it crystal clear that if Hichigo did anything suspicious, he would personally burn him to a crisp.
Hichigo wasn't bothered by this. Nor was he from the glares he got, which annoyed the hell out of the captains. What the hollow was bothered by was Mayuri and his creepy leer. It was the fifth time this week he asked Hichigo to become his test-subject!

Ichigo sighed and picked himself up from his spot under a tree. Better to go and see what the message was about. And hope Hichigo hadn't killed somebody this time.

Yamamoto was sitting behind his desk when Ichigo arrived. Doing... well, paperwork.

"Ah, Kurosaki. I assume you got the message?"

Ichigo just nodded and sat down in front of the desk. The Captain Commander folded the last piece of paperwork and lifted his gaze to the boy sitting on the other side of the desk.

"The reason I asked you here is about you're hollow."

Ichigo sighed, he knew it.

"What has he done this time?"

Yamamoto lifted a brow in amusement, but otherwise didn't comment on that.

"I need to ask him for a favor."

And that was how Hichigo Kurosaki found himself at the Victoria Station, in London, in a gigai, in an alternate dimension. He was only armed with a suitcase, money, and a folder with instructions. And he had to his utmost disspleasure noted that he couldn't use his normal powers (Shinigami and Hollow alike). And he had no idea where he was supposed to go now. So now he stood there totally lost, and to top it off no one had thought about giving him food before he left.

Hichigo sighed and looked around the station. People, ticket stands, more people, random robbers, taxis, people, a sushi-stand, people...

Wait, rewind that for a second.
A sushi-stand? Food!
Half running half pushing through the crowd, Hichigo finally sat down on a seat and ordered the biggest dish on the menu. While waiting for on his lunch he tried to read the instructions. Or tried at least.

"Geez, they couldn't of slipped a couple more reams in?" Hichigo said sarcastically under his breath as he flipped through the inch thick folder. Scanning the titles he found everything between "History of this world" and "Details of the mission".
Basically the big picture was that Soul Society had contacted Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school (Hogwarts, he reminded himself while munching on his food) and he had agreed on letting Hichigo enroll- without knowing that Hichigo was basically a monster, of course. And hopefully he didn't have to find out. But he did know that Hichigo wasn't a human and of high political status, and very, very powerful. The reason Dumbledore agreed to letting Hichigo in was simple: He wanted his help in an upcoming war. A war against something named Voldemort...
Hichigo stopped reading for a minute when he reached the name. Seriously, who names their child Voldemort? Unless it's a nickname?
So, he was supposed to join some organization against "Voldemort" and protect the school and one of the kids said Voldemort.
Hichigo flipped through a few more papers until he found his new identity. Under his picture was the text:

NAME: Kurosaki, Hichigo
D.O.B.: 15th July
HEIGHT: 174cm
WEIGHT: 61 kg *
WAND: (This column was empty, Hichigo made a mental note to visit one of these "wand-makers".)

OTHER: Was hit by an unknown spell at the age of four. Due to the limited medical resources a few side effects reminded, including odd pigmentation of the hair, skin, eyes, and tounge. He also has a relatively strong temper and a tendency towards violence.
Hichigo shut the folder with a sigh (he was sighing a lot lately...) and nearly didn't notice a piece of paper that fell from it- until it jumped and hit him in the face. Looking down at the envelope that had attacked him, he raised a eyebrow. It was addressed to him, so he shrugged and opened it.

Dear Mr. Kurosaki

I would love to welcome you to England personally but my schedule seemed to be against the idea.
instead, I have arranged an escort for you. You will recognize him when you see him, and he will bring you to where you can stay the summer.
Yours sincerely,
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

Hichigo looked at the letter quizzically, then scanned his surroundings. And did a double take.
Standing near the exit was one of, if not the largest man Hichigo had ever seen. He was twice as tall as a normal man and at least three times wider. He was dressed in something that looked like a fluffy tent. Hichigo suddenly knew what the old man had meant.
Hichigo picked his stuff and shoved his way through the crowd. The giant didn't find his sudden appearance shocking and turned to face him with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Hichigo had to note that even when the man's appearance was scary, he had a nice and friendly aura around him. Hichigo thought he might like this guy...
"'Ello there, yeh must be Hichigo Shirosaki, right? I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."
The man extended his arm to Shirosaki, who took it.
"Nice to meet ya, Hagrid."
He followed Hagrid out of the station and into the warm air of the early summer afternoon. Who knew, maybe the year wouldn't be so bad after all?

Moa: And that's the first chapter/prologue... I know it's short but the next chapter will be longer! You know the drill: No reviews = No new chapters. Let me know what you think!

Oh, yes, b.t.w. I'm out of town for a few weeks so I won't be posting anything before I'm back home...

P.S. Flames will be used to heat my home.

Edit: Just killed a few plot-holes... And tried to explain some things better.

* If you don't use kg and cm... ask Mr Google.