Soul wandered down the hall towards the front of the school, where, sure enough, he saw Kid standing, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. The white haired teen inwardly sighed as he put on a fake excited face and approached the young shinigami.

"Kid!" Soul exclaimed with false enthusiasm. "I thought you were gonna ditch me!" Death the Kid merely shrugged as he uncrossed his arms and turned towards the scythe.

"I thought about it, but decided against it. I said we'd hang out so might as well." He replied in his unusually monotone voice. Soul forced a smile.

"That's great!" he forced out. Kid raised an eyebrow at him before looking away.

"I just need to go home and change. I don't want to ruin good clothes doing who-knows-what." The black and white haired teen informed. Soul raised an eyebrow at this before giving another small, fake smile.

"Okay, we'll run over to your house first then. I have extra clothes in my bag," he replied, pointing to the yellow gym bag slung over his shoulder. With that, the two proceeded to walk out of the building. Soul ran his hands through his white spiky hair and mentally sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

At least this gives me a little time to figure out what to do. He thought. He looked over at Kid from the corner of his eye, ruby orbs focused on the black and white teen. It's weird. How the heck am I supposed to do this? I barely know him, let alone his likes and dislikes. How am I supposed to get him a girlfriend?

"Soul!" Soul heard Kid scream, snapping him out of his thoughts. The back of his shirt was yanked with so much force that the scythe flew backwards a few feet, landing roughly on his back on the cement sidewalk. Instantly, Soul sat up growling.

"What the heck was that for?" he yelled, standing up and looking over at the young shinigami. Kid was leaning over panting before reaching out towards the street and pointing at a retreating truck speeding down the lane. The golden eyed teen straightened up and looked glared over back at Soul.

"You idiot! I just saved your life and that's how you thank me?" Soul just stared back at him in shock at the angry shinigami. "You were off in your own little world and didn't stop when that freak in the ugly unsymmetrical truck ran the stop sign." He sighed, the rage in his voice evaporating as he ran his hand through his black and white striped hair looking off to the side. His angry features softened and Soul just continued to stare at him.

Wow, he's really upset. Soul thought in confusion. Maka would probably just hit me and walk away.

Kid looked back at Soul and the white haired weapon saw concern and worry visible in his eyes. However, the meister cleared his throat and crossed his arms, fixing a half hearted glare on his companion.

"Just…be more careful next time. Though the world can do without your asymmetrical appearance, I'd prefer to keep you here." He turned around and began walking across the street, leaving a stunned Soul behind.

What was that? He thought as he began to follow Kid across the street, this time watching where he was going. Kid is weird. I don't think I've ever seen someone make such a big deal about me almost hurting or killing myself before, and we aren't even that great of friends. He shook his head. Still…it's kind of cool. Soul grinned at the back of his companion as the two continued on the shinigami's mansion. When they got there, everything was neat and extravagant, just like usual, with the exception of two cheerful and happy-go-lucky people.

"Where are Liz and Patty?" he asked as he walked into the living room and not seeing the two female weapons anywhere. Kid walked into the room and looked around.

"Not sure. I think they mentioned something about shopping after school while we went out."

"Oh…" Soul said, a little bit upset that he couldn't ask Liz for ideas about what to do with Kid. Said person raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Did you need to talk to them?" he asked and the white haired teen quickly shook her head.

"No! Um, no, I don't," he stuttered, and Kid just eyed him suspiciously before shrugging and heading towards the stairs.

"Okay, well wait here while I go get changed." He said. "Oh, and don't touch anything. The bathroom is down that hall and to the left if you want to change in there." Soul smirked.

"Yes your highness," he joked, turning and walking down the hall. He walked into the first door on the left and found an incredibly neat and symmetrical bathroom with a white porcelain toilet in the back centered against the wall, black and white tiled floor, two sinks on each side of the room with mirrors, red rugs on each side, and a bright light on each side of the room also.

That's Kid for ya; Symmetry in every detail.

Soul quickly threw on his casual clothes, a red shirt with a black thin zip up jacket and light jeans with holes in the knees, yellow sweatband replaced with a black headband, and stuffed his old ones in his bag, walking back out of the room and into the living room where Kid was already standing, waiting for him with a bored expression on his face. His golden eyes fixed onto the scythe before smirking.

"I didn't think it was possible for you to be so symmetrical," he said. Soul laughed.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," he said as he scanned the dark haired shinigami's outfit. Kid wore a black and white striped long sleeved shirt with a dark crimson red short sleeved unbuttoned over shirt and skin tight black pants. Perfectly symmetrical. Or was he?

"I think you might want to know that you aren't completely symmetrical," Soul said, holding back a grin. Instantly, Kid's eyes widened as he quickly looked down at his outfit.

"What?" he gasped, looking for any design he missed to throw off his outfit. Soul laughed.

"Relax dude, I'm kidding," the ruby eyed scythe smiled. "You look great." Soul watched as Kid fidgeted for a few seconds under his gaze, a light dust of pink on his cheeks that he failed to notice.

"Thanks…" Kid replied as he led the scythe back to the front door. "So where did you plan on going?" he asked after a few seconds.

Oh yeah, I forgot that this was a plan to hang out and get Kid a date. Still, things seemed like they would be a little more fun than he thought they would be. Kid actually seemed pretty cool to hang out with so far. Maybe something more casual would be better before jumping into the plan.

"I was thinking we eat then go catch a movie," Soul replied. "I know this awesome place uptown that's near the movie theatre." Kid nodded.

"If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's a little far to walk," he answered. Soul face palmed himself.

"Crap! I wish I brought my motorcycle!" he growled as he stepped out onto the front steps and Kid closed the door behind them.

"No problem, we can ride Beelzebub." The shinigami replied. He held out his hand and summoned the skateboard-like device. He stood on it. "Climb on," he said to the scythe. Soul looked down at the apparent skateboard and sweat dropped.

"Uh, Kid, I don't think a skateboard will help us, let alone hold two people," he said. Kid rolled his eyes.

"Just hop on," he said insisted. Shrugging, Soul climbed onto the small frame of the board. Space was at a minimum so he and the young shinigami were barely a centimeter or two apart. "Good, now hold onto me so you don't fall off." He said. Soul, already a little uncomfortable with the closeness, merely raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, the wheels on the skateboard shifted and transformed into rocket propellers that lifted them up higher into the sky. Then, without warning, took off at the speed of a motorcycle down the driveway and into the street. The white haired scythe was grateful that he grabbed on at the last second or else he would have gone flying off. He now found himself in an even more uncomfortable position, arms wrapped around his friend's torso holding on for dear life. He blushed at the compromising situation and the fact that he probably looked like a chick to everyone they passed, but was too freaked out by the reckless driving the black and white haired boy was doing to change positions. He could feel Kid smirking at him through the back of his head but decided to ignore him.

"Almost there," Kid said, leaning forward to get more speed. Normally he would take his time, but seeing the red eyed scythe look scared made up for teasing him about his perfect symmetry earlier. After another minute or so of driving with reckless abandon, Kid slowly stopped just outside of a small café that Soul was talking about earlier.

"Yeah, this is the place. Good food here," he smiled. Kid was silent and Soul realized that he was still holding onto him. "Oh, man, sorry!" he apologized, blushing for making an idiot out of himself. Kid didn't say anything, simply staring at the door to the café. Mentally sighing in relief at his actions not being noticed, the scythe raised a curious eyebrow as he looked over at the door. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"There is a lock on the door only on the left side under the handle, not the right side as well. It's very unappealing. A disgrace for such a nice café." He said sighing. Soul fought back a laugh as he walked over to the door and held it open.

"Then I'll make sure you don't touch it," he smirked. Kid smirked back, stepping inside the café entrance and looking around. Everything seemed to be in order, besides the decorations on the wall, the tables and chairs seemed to be nice and even, very symmetrical, which was a reason Death the Kid didn't mind this place as much as he did others. Soul walked over to a small booth in the corner and sat down, Kid sitting across from him. Within a few seconds, a waitress walked by to give them their menus.

"Hi, my name is Hanna and I'll be your server today!" she smiled happily. She reached over to hand Soul his menu, then turned to hand Kid his. She stared at him a few seconds longer before smiling and clapping her hands together. "I'll be back in a few to take your orders!" she said, giving Kid one last glance before walking away. Soul, who noticed the waitresses obvious extra attention towards Kid, smirked as he looked over at his friend who was busy looking down at his menu and not paying attention.

This is the perfect chance to put the plan into action. He thought.

"Kid," Soul whispered. "Our waitress was totally checking you out," he snickered. Kid raised his head up and looked back at Hanna who was busy helping another table yet occasionally sneaking glances in their direction.

"I didn't really notice," he said passively, looking back at his menu. Soul raised an eyebrow.

This might be harder than I thought.

"She's cute, right?" Soul asked as he rested his chin on his hand with a bored expression on his face.

"You might want to look over your menu before she comes back," Kid said. The scythe mentally slapped himself as he tried a different approach.

"I've been here so much I already know what I want." He replied. Then he smiled. "Hey Kid, do you have a crush on someone?" he asked. The shinigami looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why?" he asked. Soul shrugged.

"I-I'm just wondering. I've never seen you flirt with someone, or even be in a relationship." He answered. He remembered how Liz said that she didn't know what Kid was interested in, so he was trying to make the questions open to any preference.

"Not really," he replied, flipping to the next page on the menu. "This menu has absolutely no symmetry whatsoever. Whoever made it shouldn't be alive." Soul laughed at the comment before shaking his head.

No, no, no! He's impossible to work with! Not cool!

"Are you ready to order, cutie?" The waitress winked at Kid. The shinigami shrugged before giving his order. Soul observed his friend very closely, how he reacted when the waitress would talk to him or flirt with him. He merely said what he wanted, showing no interest in anything else she was saying. Pouting at being ignored, she turned towards Soul. "And you?" she asked, trying to be cheerful but upset at her lack of flirting skills. Soul told her what he wanted and she left, purposely brushing against Kid who sighed in annoyance.

"Soul, are you dating anyone?" Kid asked. Instantly, the white haired scythe froze. It wasn't supposed to work that way; he was supposed to be asking those questions, not Kid!
"Um, not at the moment," He nervously replied, red orbs staring into golden ones. The young shinigami smirked and leaned back into his seat.

"I see," he replied. Soul raised an eyebrow.

"See what?" he asked. The black and white haired teen shook his head.

"Nothing." Kid answered and Soul decided to leave it there. The waitress came back with their food.

"Here you go!" She said happily, handing the two their plates. She turned back towards Kid. "Um, I know its not really appropriate to do this kind of thing while I'm working, but can I give you my number?" she asked, cheeks turning pink. Kid merely shrugged and Hanna squealed with happiness. "Okay, here you are!" she said, handing him a pink slip. "Call me anytime!" she said as she bounced away.

"Kind of reminds me of Patty," Soul smiled off-handedly. Kid shrugged as he began pushing his food around on his plate. "Are you going to call her?" he smirked but frowned when his companion shook his head.

"I don't see a reason to. I don't like her, I hardly know her." He said boredly. Soul mentally slapped himself for the umpteenth time that day.

The next place better help me move further with the plan!