A/N Here it is, the ALTERNATE ENDING! I decided to place it with the rest of the story.

Thank you EVERYONE for your reviews, faves, and alerts. You've all motivated me to keep trucking along to make this my first fanfic to actually be written to completion.

This may be the end of "Remember Me," but hopefully this isn't the end of Violet's story (now that my ALT ending is up :D ).

~ Please enjoy! ^_^

ALT ENDING: Resurrection

It's so dark and cold… I can hardly breathe… I feel like I'm suffocating… Maker, where have you taken me?

"Hurry and lift it. She will wake soon."

"Don't you have a spell for this or something?"

I hear voices… Is it the dead?

"Umph! Almost…"

There's a small light above me now. It's getting bigger. Are you opening your doors for me, Lady Andraste?

"Can you not go any faster?"

"Braska, woman!"

I feel the air coming in. I feel the warmth of fire. …Is that you looking down at me? My vision is still blurry… No… these are calloused hands… Have you sent an angel?

"She is still cold, but… I feel a pulse! It is… very faint…"

I'm… floating. You are taking me into your arms? Can I not walk on my own? I suppose the transition takes a while…

"We need to sneak her into the castle. 'Tis too soon for everyone to know. We need to get our story straight."

Castle? Are you taking me to the Black City?

"Hurry now lest the guards catch us."

This… smell… It's familiar… These arms… so comfy. My vision is returning. I wish I could see your face, Angel.

"'Tis clear. Let's go."

Why am I still so tired; so weak? Did the battle drain me this much?

"Set her down while I get Alistair. Do not let anyone in until I get back."

A-Alistair! …No… I-It must be a different Alistair… He didn't… he didn't…

"Oh! Warden! Hah… Your eyes are open. C-can you hear me?"

I can hear you, Angel. I'm starting to see your long golden hair now. Please… tell me Alistair is alright…

"Ugh… I wish Morrigan would hurry up… I'm here, mi amor."

Wait… His accent… Z… Z-Zevran?

"I thought you disappeared after the battle?" Alistair sneered without looking up at her. His gaze was intently focused on the dancing flames of the fireplace. His body ached for a certain warmth and comfort, but the fire gave neither. Even the rising heat on his face from seeing Morrigan was different and unwelcome.

"The ritual is not complete," she said sternly with her arms crossed.

He felt his anger rising.

"Ritual!" he snapped and jumped from his chair. He glared and clenched his fists, eyes piercing at her full of regret and hate. "Are you trying to tell me the ritual will work this time if I offer myself to you AGAIN? I may be a fool, but I won't be tricked again. Get out!"

She remained calm, and evenly replied, "The ritual won't work because Violet needs to be called back. I've done my part, but your part 'tis not over. Now quit babbling like an idiot and come with me."

"What are you talking about?" He fought to understand her. His head was starting to spin.

"Will you just shut up and follow me? Violet is waiting for you and we only have a small window to call her back."

Morrigan turned and headed out of the room.

Alistair was shaking. He felt frozen. His heart hammered. "Is she… really waiting for me? Is it… not over?" he whispered.

He had to move. He had to find his strength and go to her. Go to her!

One step and then another. He found his pace quicken. Finally, he couldn't hold back. He sprinted past Morrigan.

"She is in your room!" she directed him as he rounded the corner.

Violet… I'm coming!

He burst his room doors open to find Zevran leaning at his bedside… holding Violet's hand.

There it was – the warmth he was searching for. It spread through his body like a tidal wave. He thought he would fall over. No, he had to go to her. He was so close.

He gulped and watched the rest of the scene in a daze. Zevran stood to let him sit next to her. Her hand was still so cold, like ice. But her eyes, they were open, her breath was thin, and her pulse was faint. She was holding on… she was still fighting…

"Violet…" he choked, feeling his throat swell and his eyes water. "I'm here, Violet."

"Good, now kiss her," Morrigan said bluntly as she finally entered the room.

"W-what?" he looked up confused. It wasn't a sweet tease that Leliana would say when he and Violet were flirting. This was a command.

"Stop questioning me and just do it, you idiot, before 'tis too late," she scolded and glared at him.

"Oh, r-right, the ritual," he said, snapping back into reality. He didn't understand how this would all work out, but Violet was at least breathing thanks to Morrigan. There was no reason to question her now…

Violet felt Alistair lean in and gently kiss her lips. They tingled and sent shivers down her body. She no longer felt cold, but numb. The prickles were getting sharper as all the nerves in her body woke up all at once. Suddenly, her body felt warm… too warm…

It burned.

She took in a deep breath and the air stung her lungs. Her mouth was dry and she began coughing. She had to close her eyes to bring back the moisture in her lids. Her lips were so chapped she thought she could feel small spots of blood trickling from the cracks.

"Alistair, get her some water!" Morrigan ordered. Violet heard her hurry over and she could feel a coolness emanating from her body. It hovered closer and lingered over her now. It was as if Morrigan was incasing her in a shell of ice.

"Quickly!" she yelled again. The bed creaked and footsteps faded out of the room.

"Do not panic, Violet. Be still and let your body waken," Morrigan said softly and… motherly?

She couldn't stop coughing. Her throat was too dry. It prevented her from catching enough air. She was choking. She shivered. The shell was too cold now. Maker, help me!

Morrigan dissipated the ice form and stepped back. Moments later, Alistair returned with a cup and sat back beside her.

"Here, love. Drink," he said lovingly. With one hand, he sat her up and with the other he tilted the glass and poured the water into her mouth.

The water was cool and refreshing. She salivated and felt her throat moisten. Panting, she caught her breath and licked her chapped lips.

"Good, love. Here, drink some more," Alistair sighed in relief and carefully tilted the cup again.

He repeated until the cup was empty and sat it down on the bed table. "Can… can you open your eyes for me, love?"

She swallowed hard and hesitated. Her eyes stung so much a little while ago. It was a little frightening to open them again now. Yet, she wanted to see him. She wanted to see all of them.

It was slow and painful. At first, the sequence was a series of squinting and tightly closing her eyes again. Finally she managed to peek with at least one eye. It was still blurry, but she could see them. Zevran. Morrigan.


She smiled and attempted to keep both eyes open at least halfway. Swallowing hard again and taking a deep breath, she whispered, "…Alistair…"

He laughed and grinned in that boyish way she loved… and cried. "Yes, love. I'm here." He said and leaned in to hold her tight in his arms. He nestled his face into her shoulder and stroked her hair. He slightly rocked her back and forth, repeatedly whispering, "I'm here, love, I'm here."

It was a little tricky figuring out a way to explain what happened to me to everyone. Alistair and Morrigan told me that they conducted a ritual the night before we battled the arch demon. They didn't go into details, but I don't need to know. I am just grateful to be alive.

I am a little sad that Morrigan had to leave so soon after I woke, though. I feel like I still need to thank her properly.

Since then, it feels like my life turned into a fairy tale. I'm still in a daze.

Alistair and I have spent every day together at the castle. Oh… I mean, King Alistair. It still takes a bit to get used to calling him that.

I wonder how long Arl Eamon will let us be together. 'The King' is refusing to find a queen right now, which is perfectly fine by me. Eamon, on the other hand, thinks our relationship is risky. But, for now, Alistair thinks the people won't mind, especially because I'm 'Hero of Fereldan' and all…

Heh… 'Hero of Fereldan.' I can't get used to that either. It sounds so official. I'm used to glares, crude jibes, and occasional fights. But this? Everyone in Fereldan… is showing me respect now. It's different… but nice… and refreshing.

Alistair even told Eamon he would make me his consort one day. Eamon had a fit about the political technicalities and consequences and blah blah blah. Alistair just laughed and we went into town to get some drinks. For a king, he's awful casual around his subjects. I suppose the homely chantry boy in him isn't going anywhere for a while.

I truly am blessed. Andraste must be watching over me. Which reminds me, I should write to Leliana soon. It's been a while since I've heard from her.

I wonder what she's been up to...