"Soul! Get up!" Maka shouted through the door. But soul wasn't in any mood to listen to that command. In fact, he'd rather be sleeping for another hour… or four. But, it wasn't the albino's day. He heard Maka start counting, if he didn't get up by three he wouldn't be fed.

"One.." Maka stood impatient outside of Soul's room, calling through the door. If he didn't get up and ready they were going to be late for school. She would not have that! She's never missed a day unless she was violently sick and kept home by her "over-protective" partner who also happened to be her ride to school.

"Two…" She banged both fists on the door, nearly breaking it off the frame as she impatiently waited for him. It was 7:30, school started in thirty minutes. She didn't have time for this right now and she was about to go in there and show him that.

"Three! Soul Yo-" She was cut off as the door swung open revealing a fully dressed Soul "Eater" Evans. She couldn't help but look him over. He was lean, yet muscular from all the training he was put through to stay in shape. On top of his head was a messy mop of snow white hair, and he had, her favorite thing about him, deep ruby eyes. He was dressed in his usual school uniform, pants with a dress shirt, tie, and a white jacket. He's started dressing more formally since they joined Spartoi. Maka had to admit, he looked rather nice in the new outfit, he eve-

"Oi, Maka? Why are you staring at me? I'm up aren't I, where's breakfast?" Soul mumbled out still half asleep, but he wasn't going to risk a Maka chop, it's been a few weeks since he received one, he wanted to see how long he could make it.

Maka scowled as she realized she had been caught staring. Wait… Why was she staring at him? She shook the thought away as she realized she was being spoken to. She pointed to the kitchen. "It's on the table where it always is. Hurry up! I already ate. It's pancakes and eggs."

Soul flashed her traditional grin, showing off his unusually sharp shark-like teeth. "Thanks" He walked over, collapsing in the seat tiredly. He began to sleepily shovel his food down. She was a good cook, better then he was by far. It was well known Soul couldn't cook. Whenever Maka was hurt he almost starved due to the lack of nutrition in macaroni and cheese and cup of noodles. He was halfway through the meal when Maka called out. He sighed, knowing what was going to happen; it went down the same every morning.

"Shoot! Soul, we're late! Let's go!" She grabbed him by the collar and proceeded to drag him outside and down the steps. He barely had time to grab his keys off to hook and lock the door as she dragged him along, impatient. They still had twenty minutes for god sakes. He went down the steps slowly, as she skipped down them, taking four at a time. He just yawned, as he got on his motorbike, turning it on as she hopped on behind him wrapping her arms around his stomach.

"Get going or we'll be late!" She said as she smacked him on his shoulder. She scrambled to hold on as he suddenly took off, smacking him again as she heard his deep laugh.

Soul and Maka entered the crowded classrooms. Walking up the steps to two empty seats on the third row near their friends, Death The Kid, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty, Maka and soul took their usual seats. Soul immediately seemed to pass out the second he hit the chair as Maka got ready to take notes. She turned to him, prepared to hit him until she saw him asleep. He looked peaceful… he could sleep till class began. She turned, catching up on the latest gossip with Liz. Suddenly their teacher, Franken Stien, entered the room in his rolling chair, crashing at the entrance. Without getting up he turned to the third row.

"Kid, Maka, Black*Star, get you partners and head down to Shinigami. He has a new mission for you." He said as he got up, prepare to do another dissection in the class.

The seven kids got up and glanced at each other before heading down the hall way towards Shinigami's office.

"Yo Yo Yo Everyone! How's it going?" chimed the Death God in front of them. He was a strange sight, a bouncing black, jagged cloak with a comical skull mask, disproportionately large hands, and a childish voice, not what you expect the Lord of Death to look like.

"Fine, thank you Shinigami-sama!" the students all replied together. Soul was next to Maka, smirking at her cute determined stare. Wait, did he think she was cute?

"I have a mission for you all~ There a new Pre-Kishin on the loose called the Weapon Hunter. He seems to be targeting the souls of weapons, since all other death scythes are busy you seven have to take on the mission. Last reports were somewhere in Canada. Good luck~" With that the mirror the God of Death used to appear to them went blank without further explanation.

Soul looked at his meister up and down once. Maka had ashy blond hair, with deep emerald eyes. She wore a white jacket with a blue scarf tied around it, a blue skirt rather then her old red and black checkered one and black tights. Slowly she turned her head to look at him, and her face showed something, before it was covered quickly with a see-through smile. Is she worried? Why is she still worrying, after all we've been through we can handle this. What is she thinking?

"Soul? You ready for this mission?" Maka gingerly asked looking at her partner. Her eyes seemed to see through his shirt as she stared at where that scar was. The scar he received in the battle with Chrona, when he saved her life. She wasn't strong enough to protect him, but this time she would be. This pre-kishin had to die, only this time it was a little more personal. With some similar looks from the other Meisters in the room to their respective weapons, they set off on their mission.

authors notes: It's my first real story every, so reviews are appreciated critics too. any interest in it? Want me to continue/ is my writing okay? I will take tips to heart, thanks!