Hey guys. I thought I'd finish this story seen as though I need a little break from "The Locket" in order to think about my next move with it. Don't get me wrong, I have the plot sorted out, but there are a number of ways I can go with it!

For those of you that have read it up to chapter six and who don't know, it's been updated! Yes, that's right! Cilan and Iris have a new, full on chappie, so if you liked this story, you may want to check it out? Just a suggestion, but according to my reviews, it's worth reading!

So anyways, here's the second and final chapter to "Flirtatious Tendancies". Hope you enjoy!

Warnings of possible OCC-ish ness, but I'll try my best to keep them in character as much as I can, but as they say, "Love Makes You Do Crazy Things!"

Oh and, if anyone happens to review, which I would love by the way but it's up to you, tell me if you think that I should do a story about Chili. I've been having ideas about it, but thought that another story would be a little much on my plate. But whatever, depending on what people say, I could either go through with my idea, or just post small one shots of my ideas every once in a while when I need a break from "The Locket".

So anyways, REALLY, here's chater two of "Flirtatious Tendancies" and sorry for the long, pointless introduction to this second chapter that is about to be posted. :)

Cilan looked... Attracted.

Iris peeped up nervously at the green haired boy who did nothing more than stare down at her with a dreamy countenance. One that she thought, personally, suited him well. Like stars in the sky or butter on toast. It just seemed to click naturally. Carefully removing her hands from his, she curled them behind her back somewhat protectively and took a step back, already begining to feel much safer now that she was out of the lovestruck clutches of the Conoisseur.

"Uh, well, I have to get back to the camp now, so, uh, thanks for the help Cilan." She stated apprehensively, edging away from him slightly as she did so. However, Cilan was having none of it as he took an authortive stride towards her, once again closing the distance between the two.

"C-Cilan, you're a little c-close don't you think?" Iris stuttered as a hot, red hue lit up her cheeks, the colour mingling well with her dark skin tone. She carelessly stumbled backwards, Cilan following her every step. The distance remained the same, for every time Iris would take a step, so would the male opposite her.

Emolga chirruped cheekily, apple spraying from her mouth as she grinned down at Iris. Despite the apple crumbs that flew, Iris found it strangely endearing. Much like Cilan's earlier twitch. And Cilan's advancing presence...

"Not at all." Cilan voiced. Suprisingly, his kind and caring tone was the same as usual, minus a brief waver of adoration. "In fact, I'm not close enough." He murmured, as he slowly followed Iris' clumsy steps backwards until her back hit the thick bark of a tree. She gulped conspicuously and her Axew swallowed sharply, jumped from his trainers hair and ran away, who was shortly followed by Pansage, the pokemon pair wearing nervous expressions as they scarpered away from the opening scene.

"Uh, I- I -" Iris stuttered stupidly, trying to work up the courage to say something. Anything!

"Why are you running from me?" Cilan questioned, as his front pressed up with hers having caught up with her backwards travelling.

Unable to speak, Iris said nothing. Simply closed her eyes and waited.

"It can't be that you're frightened of me... Can it?" Cilan voiced as he lovingly twirled a strand of Iris' purple tresses around his finger absentmindedly. Iris mumbled something but it appeared that Cilan wasn't taking any notice. Instead, he was watching her, waiting for an answer.

When Iris saw this, she gulped and opened her eyes with great effort, coming to stare at his green, expectant ones that flickered in a somewhat mischevious manner.

"O-Of course not." She said. "Pfft, of course not!" She snapped defiantly, insulted that that thought would even exist in his mind! Her courage rose itself up again like a set of building blocks.

"Good." Cilan whispered. He gripped her waist and said nothing more.

Iris tryed her best to wriggle out of his clutches, only to be rewarded with a hefty sigh. She watched as the conoisseur inched towards her face. However, he seemed to hesitate when

he casually touched his nose with her own.

"Cilan..." Iris mumbled, trying to find the correct words to use but coming up with nothing.


"C-Can you just..." Iris began, but she watched a streak of pain stride across his eyes and instantly felt guilty. She should push him away and run from him. Oh, she should, but she couldn't bring herself to do so when he seemed that "infatuated" with her. True, it was only because of a pokemon's move, but still. Cilan didn't know after all. It wasn't his fault. And training her Emolga was for her benefit. He had done that for her...

With a defeated sigh, she opened her eyes and exhaled lightly, before she finished her sentence with a nervous swallow.

"...Be gentle, with me?"

A smile graced the infatuated connoisseur's face.

"I wouldn't dream of being anything else."

And with that, he gently propped up her head and kissed her tenderly, being sure to be extra cautious when moving his lips against hers, the motion, although seemingly easy, scaring him into thinking about what could happen if he did it wrong. But as he slowly got more comfortable, he banished those thoughts from his mind and wrapped a protective hand around her neck instead, his cool fingertips doing nothing than grazing her silky skin innocently.

Iris , on the other hand, was a mess. What on earth was going on? She had had no idea that pokemon moves could affect humans! And Cilan wasn't just affected; he was acting strange to say the least!

But what was this feeling that she could distinctly feel rising inside of her chest? The beat of her heart. The blood hurtling around her body at lightening speeds. A blazing, red blush painted firmly across her cheeks. And all because of Cilan. Her mind, though spinning with questions, slowly started to vanish, much like the ability to resist from kissing the tender pokemon connoisseur back, as she blinked and tried to collect herself frantically.

Giving in, she slowly joined in, her lips moving at just the right time and she felt him smile. Her confidence raising slightly, she took a brave step forward and pressed herself against him properly, her hands snaking upwards to rest on his chest. Her mind reeled when she felt his rapid heartbeat through her fingers, the beat fast and unsteady, like an inexperianced drummers.

Because of the need to breathe, the pair broke apart, both panting for air, a weak smile imprinted on Cilan's face, whilst Iris adopted a disbelieveing countenance as she gingerly touched her lips and blinked repeatedly.

"Y-You were -" Iris breathed, but somehow couldn't find the strength to finish her sentence.

"Gentle?" Cilan murmured softly, smiling down at her and offering her a suitable ending to her statment. Iris glady accepted it and nodded.

"Emol Em!~" Emolga sang cutely and Iris peeped upwards, stealing a glance at her. Then, having had enough, she returned her with a frown, her eyes hard as Emolga disappeared inside of it's respective poke-ball.

"Cilan, I can't - I don't know what to say to you." Iris carried on, turning to eye the normally logical boy that was stood just a mere inch away from her.

"Then don't say anything." Cilan replied in a tantalizing tone, as he reached out and fiddled with the end of her spiky pigtail, his touch soft and inviting.

Iris closed her eyes and breathed slowly, trying to make sense of something. Anything! She felt her heart race unusually fast when she felt his fingers move from her purple bangs to the side of her face. She couldn't possibly... Love him, could she? Of course not! He was completely out of her league. He was intelligent and good at a portion of everything! He was far too good for her, she realised with a sad sigh and in turn, shifted so that he was no longer touching her.

"Iris? What's wrong?"

"I'm not good enough..." She mumbled, the realisation still fresh and stinging her once rapid heartbeat.

"What on earth are you saying?" Cilan questioned inquistively, raising an eyebrow as he moved back towards her, his elegantly clad feet brushing her sneakers subconciously.

A flock of Tranquil flew overhead and cried together above the couple in the forest, which caused Iris to look skywards curiously. Then returning her gaze to the Connoisseur, she sighed.

"I'm not good enough for you Cilan." She clarifyed and Cilan's face immediately adopted a somewhat pained expression. His hands cleched by his sides and his breathing hitched.

"Never say that Iris." He said, a brief growl in his throat as he did so.

"Why not?" She asked naively, her eyebrows arching in disbelief.

"...You don't realise what you do to me, do you?" He asked, a serious expression setting like stone on his face, his body tensing up as he stood with an erect back. He shuffled forward and touched her hand.

"Iris? Look at me, please." He softly ordered, placing a long finger under her chin and gently forcing her to meet his eyes, which still held that (unbeknowst to Cilan of course) abnormal spark. Iris gave him her attention momentairaly, captivated by his enticing eyes, her own dark brown orbs watching him intensely.

"Iris, I don't know how to tell you this. Words can't explain it, I swear, but everytime that I'm around you, I'm happy. Well and truly happy. That is, I mean - I - I need you to stay with me. I want you to stay with me. In fact, I think I may even love you, Iris." Cilan confessed, an uncharacteristic blush spreading across his cheeks. A small silence issued between them; Cilan hung his head, waiting for some kind of response and Iris stood speechless, her eye twitching slightly.

"C-Cilan. Is that true?" Iris choked out, her eyes tearing up as a small smile settled on her face. Looking up, Cilan noted her expression and smiled slightly too, responding with:

"Every word. I'd never lie to you Iris."

Overjoyed, some stray tears spilt from her eyes and Cilan didn't hesitate to move forward and wipe it away before it dropped onto the floor. His fingers brushed her eyes as he wiped the remaining liquid away with a soft swipe. Iris grabbed his hand before it left her face and held it there, relishing in his loving touch, his pale hand rather cold against her heated up cheeks. His cuff on his shirt tickled her chin and a giggle passed her lips; she felt right. She felt secure. She felt untouchable. And all in the company of the only green haired pokemon Connoisseur that she had ever known.

Reaching out and brushing her dark fingers against his chest, she once again felt the rough bang of his heart that seemed to be, at this moment, most capable of bursting right out of his fragile ribcage. It was his turn to grab desperately, in which he did with urgency. He clung to her hand as if terrifyed of her departure. Yanked by him, she found herself in his embrace, which she readily snuggled into. Just holding him close was enough to make her mind stop. Enough to make her heart race. And she loved every second of it!

Suddenly, she found herself peering up at Cilan, the boy wearing a self-assured smirk as he stared down at her. Her eyes flickered to the side for a brief second and she noticed his leg at her side, straight as straight could be. Well, at least he had dipped her properly!

"What's wrong Cilan? Can't keep your hands off?" Iris teased with a flirtatious grin, starting to take advantage of his "attracted" state. It was, afterall, too good of an oppurtunity to pass up!

"Can you blame me with a unique flavour such as yours? I think not..." Cilan teased back with a smirk.

Then without another word, he swiftly lowered his head and planted a passionate kiss to her lips, which she immediately responded to. His hand, which was wrapped firmly around her back, moved south and made her spine tingle guiltily, finally coming to rest at the very bottom of her back. She gripped his collar viciously, making sure to keep a tight hold of it. When they were finished, they just looked at each other with breathless smiles.

Then, it happened. He twitched. That all too familiar twitch. Which could only mean...

Iris froze, unsure of what was going to happen next. She watched him blink a couple of times and then look down at her again with a blank countenance.

"Why do you look so distraught, Iris?"

"Huh? Don't you feel different now Cilan?" Iris exclaimed, her mouth open in uncertainty.

"Different? What are you implying Iris?" He questioned, looking at her as if she were extremely odd.

"But the attract... It wore off, didn't it?" Iris retorted dumbly, still staring up at him.

"Oh Iris." He tutted.

"What's so funny?" She demanded angrily, annoyed by his nonchalent behaviour.

Axew and Pansage climbed through the bushes, both with their paws over their eyes, checking only once to see if their surroundings were clear of any suggestive positions and/or heavy kissing scenes! Glad to see that the coast was clear, Axew clambered out and clumsily fell onto his stomach as he watched Pansage jump gracefully from the foliage and land perfectly on his small, green feet. Nodding once to each other, the pokemon made their way over to where they remembered that their trainers had been.

Seeing that Cilan was holding Iris in a rather spectacular dipping position, Pansage could only assume that his lovestruck trainer had gathered his wits and told her for real. Afterall, these weren't just feelings caused by Emolga's attract. The attack was simply just that extra confidence that Cilan needed to help push him along in the right direction. And Pansage and Cilan both knew it.

"I knew he would. My trainer's no coward." Pansage voiced to himself, a discreet smile on his face.

"Knew he would what?" Axew asked, a quizzical look settling on the pokemons already confused face, his head tilted slightly to the right.

"Nevermind Axew. I'll explain it all later. If your trainer doesn't beat me to it, of course." The monkey answered, tapping his nose in a jokey secretive manner.

"Explain what?" Axew asked, oblivious to everything that Pansage was implying.

"Nevermind. Come on, let's get back to camp. Our trainers will be back soon. Not to mention that Ash will just be staring at Cilan's kitchen stuff simply expecting it to jump up and do something." Pansage chortled, before leading the way back to camp.

"Really Cilan, what's so amusing?" Iris pouted, now fully curious as to why the 'Pokemon Connoisseur' was laughing quietly at her, as if the answer was right in front of her nose and she just couldn't grasp the sense of it.

"Iris, the attract wore off ages ago..."

And there you have it! The end of Fliratatious Tendancies! Hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll be updating the Locket wih chapter eight fairly soon!

Oh, and I could even do an epilouge to this, about what Iris is thinking and the questions that had for Cilan, but that's only a possibility. It all depneds on feedback! But I am fairly proud of how this this turned out. For the romantic scenes? Well, just excuse my thirteen year old mind for not being able to think of anything better to write... ^^;

Also, sorry for the short length. It looked alot longer on my wordpad, but maybe that's because I have the old "Wordpad" on his computer that dares call itelf a computer when really it's this ancient... Thing that happens to have a writing progam! Damn thing only lets me write about twenty centimetres across the page! :'

So, in adance, sorry for any spelling mistakes, although I'm not sure how this is in advance because this is at the end of the story of the final chapter, but whatever!

So anyways, review please! Please, I may be updating "The Locket" or starting a completely new oneshot, but could you please tell me if you like my style of Wishfulshipping? Like if I keep them in character successfully and maybe a couple of pointers if you have any tips for me! ;P

And sorry for any cases of OOC-ish endeavours, though like I said above, "Love Makes Us Do Crazy Things!" And you just have to be glad that Cilan finally got his feelings to Iris across in a truly fitful fashion.

More Wishfulshipping will be on the way soon because I already have some more ideas that I can use for them! :D
