Sorry for taking so long.

With graduation and my last band concert two weeks ago, I suppose I was more busy than I thought. Go flute. Oh and then a I had bunch of grad parties last week. I'm sorry that I'm so popular. Not.

Sorry again for getting your hopes up.

But now that I have a nice breach of time until college, I'm eager to do this thing. Yeah!

Other than that, Happy Father's Day! I hope you are able to share today with your father, or any father-like figure in your life.

Seriously, without them we wouldn't be here.

Let's move on.

Disclaimer: I do not own SEGA or any of their characters I'm about to use. If I did, you know the only reason I did was to have the rights to Shadow the Hedgehog. Back off fangirls!

Chapter 8: Out On the Main Streets (Part 2)

As she walked around the campus with a new found confidence, Amy wondered if any of her classes would be able to meet the unbelievable, exhilarating high that was first hour.

So far it didn't seem like a possibility.

Calc was calc; she had bookwork on solving trigonometric integrals. And the teacher- Amy was delighted to see that one of her teachers at an all male school was finally a male- a middle-aged kangaroo, seemed polite enough and didn't draw any more attention to her presence aside from welcoming her to the class.

"Welcome to Augustine's, Mr. Hedgehog," was the only thing he said to her as she was sheltered in the middle of the classroom, sitting her in desk. Still basking in the glow of pissing the hell out of Mrs. Cowdry last hour.

As Amy ventured outside, she began to enjoy the fact that the school had such a detached campus. The perimeter of the campus was encased by black gates, but almost each subject of class had it's own type of building permitting Amy to be outside, soaking up fresh air.

She was sure that it probably sucked during the wintertime, but since it was only the second week of September, the air was brisk and cool, the sun supplying a moderate warmth. It was that type of neutral weather were you could practically wear anything and not fall victim to the staggering effects of Mother Nature.

With the school map in hand, Amy walked toward the Jasper Theater, adjacent to the Davis Music Hall, with an uplifting feeling that she had definitely made the right decision to come here.

Stepping into the hall, she walked toward a pair of double doors labeled 3-D.

Perfect, Amy thought to herself, philharmonic orchestra.

Opening the door, she was presented by a space that resembled that of her old orchestra room. Built like a small theater, about thirty emerald green viewing chairs were in two rows, and a large stage lifted about four feet from the ground carried a group of students strumming and chattering quietly.

As Amy walked toward an empty seat, she took her place and carefully began strumming. She continued for about five more minutes until starring out into space. Something didn't feel right.

Where's the teacher?

Suddenly, she could hear shoes shuffling from behind the stage, probably where the instructor had an office. But emerging from the dark depths of the backstage wasn't a teacher, but a student with a violin in hand.


She squinted her eyes at him when his gaze submissively met her's before passing on to the rest of the students. In a short notice, he had arrived to the center stage and stood before the students, most of them eagerly greeting him as he casually waved back.

"Mr. Gazelle is..." Shadow kept composure as he hung on to the words, "unavailable at this moment. I will be administering the warm up."

Shadow then held up his violin for proper play, "Instruments up."

The students obeyed, and on Shadow's cue, strung their string instruments accordingly. After leading a few more, Shadow brought down his instrument before delivering a single nod. "Good job."

As if on cue, Mr. Gazelle came prancing in patting Shadow on the back. "Thanks Shadow!" he said to him as Shadow simply took is seat in the front of the first circular row.

Looking from the back row, she rolled her eyes when she saw where he was sitting. He was first-chair violin.

Of course. Amy thought to herself, Why am I never on top when it comes to something cool?

"Anyways..." the gazelle began, shattering Amy's thoughts, "I'm sorry to keep you all waiting, I had a doctor's appointment because I have this deep, oozing rash on my arm-"

"Too much information," Shadow interrupted almost jokingly.

Amy's eyes widened, she didn't know it was possible for Shadow to show any other emotion aside from disdain towards her.

Some of the boys began chuckling as Mr. Gazelle rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright, Mr. Hedgehog. I suppose your right," he humored back, before turning to his stand containing a music book. "We've wasted enough time already. Bring out your music, and begin playing..." he flipped a few pages before settling on a song, "Con Te Partiro."

Amy starred blankly at her stand that had no music. Before they could go any further, Amy stood up.

"Excuse me?" she called out innocently, once again forcing a manly essence in her tone, "I don't have a book. Sorry."

The gazelle studied the hedgehog further before almost jumping up, "Oh! Yes, we have a new student," he said as he brought out an extra copy of the music. "Mr. Mercury the Hedgehog, I believe?" he addressed as Amy nodded." Would you like to come up here and introduce yourself?"

Amy shook her head. "Um, no." she said very directly, earning a few snickers from the guys. Not Shadow though. She tried to gain more confidence, "You've pretty much covered it. I'm Mercury, Merc, whatever you want to call me, and I'm a new student at this school.

"Okay, Merc," the teacher tried out. "Now I don't expect you to be perfectly in tune with everyone, since you haven't practiced this piece, but out of fairness to everyone else, you will be last viola until I can fully see what you can do." Amy nodded, though feeling slightly irritated. So I get to be last, while Mr. Angry Eyes over there gets to be first. What's with this world?

"Begin!" the teacher called out of nowhere as the students, in proper position to play, began to orchestrate sweet sounds from their instruments.

And the worst part was that it seemed almost effortless for all of them.

While Amy struggled. As she fought to keep along with the very expressive song, she delivered some very wrong notes that definitely went heard.

When they finished, she could see Shadow turn back in her direction. Laughing.

Amy could feel her face spoil into an angry pout. Laughing? At me? Who does he think he is?

"Who does he think he is?" Amy said out loud as she took a forceful bite of her salad, her eyes darting across at a table that he was sitting at.

"Who?" Tails questioned, taking a bite of his sandwich, scouting across the room. "What did they do?"

Amy swallowed her food before answering. "Shadow," Amy spat. "He's so full of himself!"

Tails brought a finger to his lips, "You want to say that louder so the whole school can hear?"

"Yeah," replied the bumblebee also seated at the table. "Me no like-y public outbursts."

Tails nodded. "Charmy's right. You wouldn't want to bring any unwanted attention on yourself."

Amy shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still carrying the same menacing glare.

"Wait, are we talking about Shadow?" a puma, the final member of the table, called out of nowhere. Amy fought the urge to slap her forehead.

"Yes, puma, we're talking about Shadow," Amy said, as the grey puma's face tensed.

"First off, the name's Phoenix, hedgehog, and second, what are we? A bunch of gossiping girls? Why the hell are we talking about Shadow?" he spat, his orange orbs narrowing.

"That's exactly what I want to know," Tails said earnestly with Charmy nodding behind him.

Amy's gaze lowered as she stared into her greens, "I don't know really, it's just that he's..." Amy stopped herself and stared thoughtfully at the onyx hedgehog.

"...indirectly responsible for most of the troubles I've had today. I mean, the first day is bad enough all ready-"

"What did he do?" Charmy interrupted. Tapping her fingers against the table, Amy tried to muster up a response. Turning her gaze to Charmy, she began with a sigh.

"Well, I came late to Mrs. Cowdry's and I forgot my laptop-"

"Why?" Charmy interrupted again as Amy groaned. What was with all these interruptions?

Charmy's buzzy personality couldn't be denied, as his wings fluttered in interest. It was nice to see that someone here (besides Tails) actually cared about Mercury's problems, but this was getting annoying.

"I don't know," Amy sort of yelled, before toning herself down. "I guess it was Shadow's presence. He wants nothing to do with me, and he let's me know that in every way without saying it," Amy persuaded as she nonchalantly played with the straw of her smoothie. "So come morning, I was eager to leave and I left in a rush."

The guys nodded around the crimson hedgehog.

"Don't worry, Mercury," Phoenix assured. "Shadow doesn't warm up to others that well, but he's cool. He's great to all of us, so I don't see why the same wouldn't happen to you," he offered, taking a hearty bite from his burger. "Unless your a straight up freak or some kind of shit like that. But you seem relatively normal to me."

Tails, laughed a bit at that, shooting Amy the all knowing eye.

"Unless your a straight up freak or some kind of shit like that..."

Yup, that was her. Shrugging her shoulders and trying not to feel insulted, Amy responded. "Maybe. But something tells me that it is not going to be as easy as it was for most of you," Amy's glance fell on Tails, "being his roommate and all."

And it was true. If she were actually a boy, maybe his behavior would be seen as a sort of male indifference. But still being a girl and all (more so in mentality than physically right now) Shadow came off as being a jerk.

But could she afford to see him in this light? She just got here, and didn't know what type of position he held in this school.

Was he still generally a loner? Amy's eyes skimmed over to his table some feet over. All six seats were filled, and brimming with even more students standing nearby. Engaged in conversation, Shadow seemed to be an active participant. He's a socialite.

Matching Sonic in speed and athletic ability, there was no doubt that he was probably a respected jock at this school too.

No matter, Shadow always had attention on him. But choosing to accept or reject it were two different things. And he refused to accept it in middle school. Just because he was acknowledging it now didn't mean anything. He simply matured.

But with his more than ever striking appearance, his ruby eyes that burned with a different type of couldn't be denied.

Shadow is popular?

And if he was, which Amy was almost entirely sure about, She couldn't let him despise Mercury. Being hated by the populars got her here. And it's not that it wasn't nice here or anything ( the atmosphere wasn't thick with social disappointment like Avalon) but her position here was already a stretch.

Shadow didn't have to like her him-ly state, but he definitely couldn't hate Mercury. Even though something told her that if Shadow had a problem with her (and he did) he would just ignore her (like he did this morning). In that sense, boys are different than girls. Whatever the case, Amy would have to give Shadow the benefit of the doubt.

"Fine," Amy sighed. "What makes Shadow so cool? I'd like to know since he probably won't be telling me any time soon..."

Phoenix shrugged his shoulders, "First off, he's a senior, so that's an automatic," he started as Charmy nodded. "And I'm pretty sure that he is also first in that class too. Um...he's president of Student Assembly. It's like class council but it includes all classes. As a junior I'm a senator. Oh, and he's part of a lot of other clubs-"

"Science Olympiad, MUN, world-charity, debate, to name a few," Tails brought up as Phoenix nodded.

"First chair violin..." The puma added as Amy nodded. She would know. "And there are a lot of other things, but aside from that, he's pretty bad ass." he concluded as Charmy nodded.

"The baddest," Charmy said.

"Good to know," Amy smiled at that. With this long list of achievements, Shadow did appear to be less menacing, and more scholarly. Maybe I could learn to live with him.

"Well, speaking of badass," Tails said as his eyes focused on Mercury's. "We heard that you put Mrs. Cowdry in her place."

Amy grinned. "Um yeah. She put me on the spot to recite the Mobius feminist movement before we had actually learned it. Good thing we had just covered it in my last school. In fact, Mrs. Cowdry makes me think of a student from Avalon..." Amy put out, as Tails caught on.

"Unlike said student, too bad Mrs. Cowdry can control my grade," Amy humored as Charmy laughed energetically.

"Yeah, I had her last year for Honors Geography, and although she's great to look at, she's an-"

"Utter monster?" Amy guessed as Charmy laughed.

"Either way, everyone has heard of your showdown. They think your cool," the puma said while clearing his food.

Amy scoffed. Well that's a first.

Taking the time to finally take another bite from her salad, Amy jumped when she heard the bell ring.

"What?" Amy yelled through the piercing sound blast. "Lunch is over all ready?

Tails nodded while discarding the remains of his lunch as Charmy and Phoenix rose from their chairs.

"Boys eat fast," Tails shrugged, tossing Amy's salad container into the trash. Turning to her, he shook his head.

"They also don't eat salad."

The students of Avalon breathed in the weird tension that was now lunch time.

What the hell happened to Amy? Was a reasonable thought probably soaring through their heads. If they cared.

Did the students actually care, or was it simply youthful curiosity on her whereabouts? It was weird to them. Amy was like a lonely spirit of the school that suddenly vanished. Even though her existence did seem transparent to begin with, her lacking presence could not be denied.

It was the absence of a ghost. But not without the presence of a new one.

With the color drained from her complexion, and the eyes of a fire cat chillingly opaque Blaze had assumed that position. Taking a doleful nibble from her tuna salad, gloominess could not begin to characterize her. Not sadness. Not even sorrow. She began to slouch over the table as if to study her reflection in the over shined mahogany.

The five day trek hadn't give her any signs of Amy. No sign to prove that, at the very least, she was okay. Raking her salad with her fork, she let herself become captivated in thought.

Was she at home? Was she at a friends house, recovering?

Or worse? Blaze could feel the blood drain from her body, mutilated in a ditch somewhere.

Broken? Exposed? Alone?

Silver scooted closer to his girlfriend, drawing her closer as he rubbed her back.

"Is everything alright, Blaze?" he said worriedly, hugging her.

"Nothing," she replied, as Silver hugged her harder, staring out blankly. "I found nothing."

Blaze buried her head in her hands, with Silver trying to coo here.

"C'mon Blaze, don't think like that. Amy's not an idiot," he reassured, bringing her to face him. "I'm sure she's fine, okay Blaze?

Blaze shrugged her shoulders, his words at the very least, inspiring her to take a pathetic bite from her tuna salad.

She knew that Silver was probably right, but she didn't have any proof. No sign to confirm sweet his words or her worst suspicions.

And that uncertainty was unsettling. It didn't seem possible that in the span of of a few days, Amy seemed to no longer exist. The lost of a friend coupled with the anxiety of what felt like trying to find a fragile piece of hay in a needle stack world, kept her on edge.

"Are you talking 'bout Amy?" Knuckles asked as Blaze nodded.

"I'm very worried about her," Blaze sighed, as Rouge came closer, comforting her feline friend.

"I understand, I'm worried about her too," she expressed. "I mean, it's not like we were friends or anything, like you, but it's not like I want her to be kidnapped or in a ditch somewhere," Rogue extended, before batting her smoky eyes at Sally. "You went too far, and that's comin' from me."

Sally released an exasperated scoff. But instead of returning her gaze at the bat, she shot a glance at her boyfriend, who seemed to be staring out into the vast space of the dining a hall, a blank, but almost troubled mask covering his face.

Maybe Blaze's words were getting to him too...

Seeing that her boyfriend was unresponsive, the only thing Sally could do was take fire on Rouge. Sliding her auburn bangs from her face, azure orbs met teal.

"I'm so sick and tired of everyone blaming me! She left. Did I push out of the school? Did I pay someone to pack her bags, and hire a chauffeur to ship her sorry ass out of here? No!" she persuaded, narrowing her eyes as if to adjust to the blinding light of her inconsideration of the matter.

Sally scoffed again, "If I really wanted to I do that, I would have," she stated, acting to brush off the matter by admiring her manicure. "I have the money," she muttered smugly, her final statement hoping to dismiss this conversation.

Rolling her eyes and gazing around the mess hall, Rouge started poking at her fruit compote in relative defeat. "Fine. Maybe your right, Princess, but why don't you tell that to the rest of the student body gawking at you?"

Staring out, Sally could she that her little uproar had stolen the attention from the rest of the students harmlessly eating their meals.

Sally sized up the space, somehow able to glare at everyone outside of her table. "Oh please. Stop acting like you care."

With that, the same silence was restored. It's not like they wanted to end up like Amy. Wherever she was.

"And if anyone should feel bad, it should be her. She left," Sally reasserted, as even Knuckles couldn't help but nod slightly. "She caused this on her own."

Even in Blaze's saddened state, she rose up to give Sally an intense stare. The fire was back.

"I know that I wasn't the best friend to her, but you can't blame her for anything. You played a big part in this."

"Yes," Sally agreed, flashing a devilish smile, "I'm always the lead."

To that, Blaze couldn't help but groan. I'm always the lead? What the hell is wrong with this girl?

An angry frown fell on Blaze's face as she ascended from the table. "Fuck this. I'm not going to take this behavior anymore."

"Blaze! I've never heard you speak like that before!" Rouge called, before smiling. "You go girl."

Blaze nodded slightly, toning down her angered spirit. "I'm not going to mope around, wandering around for Amy like a lost puppy. Especially not when the Diabolical Princess over here is all smiles.

"Oh, the Diabolical Princess," Sally considered, bouncing in crude approval, "I like that, don't you, Blue?"

"Stop calling me that," the cobalt hedgehog finally stated, rising up. "I'm not happy with this situation, and I'm ashamed of how lightly your treating this, Sally.

"Blaze," Sonic summoned, as her eyes met his, "I'll help you find Amy. We need to correct this wrong-"

"Um, No?" Sally objected. "What's the point of trying to find someone who doesn't want to be found? And further more, I forbid it! Yeah, I forbid it!" she exclaimed, as she stood upright, crossing her arms.

Sonic stood his ground, "You can't tell me what to do, and if you continue with this, I'm going to have to strongly reconsider why I started dating you in the first place."

Sally's eyes widened before she stubbornly sat down. "I'm so not okay with this."

"And I don't expect you to be," Sonic said, as he glanced across the table. "Any of you guys care to help?"

"I don't know," Rouge said honestly enough, before averting her gaze from Sonic.

"I have lacrosse practice after school," Knuckles claimed, as Rouge glared at him.

"Since when were you on the lacrosse team?" she questioned, as Knuckles shrugged his shoulders.

"Since two seconds ago," he mumbled under his breath, as Rouge delivered a punch to his arm.

Sonic rolled his eyes, "Well that leaves Silver," he pointed out. "What d'ya say?"

"Please, Silver," Blaze begged, as Silver stared at the table.

"Can't we just let it go, Blaze? I know you care and all, but if she really wanted to be sought out, wouldn't you have found her already? I don't want you feeling responsible just because you can't find her." Silver said, meeting his girlfriend's saddened gaze. "It's not worth it."

"You mean helping someone is bad? Suddenly Amy's worthless?" Blaze tried to refrain from crying out loud, as Silver shook his head.

"I'm not saying that Blaze," he persuaded, "but seriously, what has she ever done for you that makes her so important?"

Blaze merely stared at him. "She's kept me grounded. Unlike you." Blaze replied, as Silver tried to not look hurt.

"Ohhh, looks like the couple's first fight..." Sally rang in a sing song voice, ecstatic at the twosome's showdown.

"Shut up!" Silver and Blaze yelled in unison.

"God, what's with everyone today? Can't a girl have any fun?" Sally teased, flicking a celery stick across the table.

Sonic sighed, "Not today, Sally." Turning his gaze, he met Blaze, "I'll meet you after school."

Placing her messenger bag over her shoulder, she nodded. "Sure. At least someone's willing to help."

Silver blinked at her, "C'mon, don't be like this Blaze," he plead, also rising from his chair.

Ring. Ring.

Looking past her boyfriend, Blaze took her tray away with a shrug. "It's fine, Silver."

"Blaze," he called again, only to be answered by a sharp glower that only a cat could be capable of of.

"I'm going to be late," she simply said, as the others had began clearing the table.

Leaving a baffled Silver to suffer the consequences of his words.

The first day was always the longest, but Amy was glad that she was finally in her last hour for the day.

Technology Lab.

What the hell is this? Amy questioned, as she rolled into the research lab designed space.

She knew that Tails was a super genius that should probably should be working in an actual research lab, but what was the use of bringing one here?

Amy was smart too. But was studying for a test and acing it really comparable to developing new technologies? Or what ever she was suppose to do here?

Taking a seat on a stainless steel stool, Amy darted straight ahead, which was a little bit hard, considering that although the "class room" contained no windows, the ultraviolet white color that bathed the walls was striking, blinding her. Dear God, am I the test subject?

"Here, wear these," Tails said behind her, handing her a pair of goggles that she desperately snatched.

"Thanks," Amy said, as her eyes readjusted. "Tails? What are you doing here? I just saw you at lunch."

Tail's merely smirked. "You'll see."

As he walked up to the board, Amy rolled her eyes. Tails is the teacher?

"Hello, guys. As you all know, I'm the student teacher of this class, but Mercury doesn't know that, so give him a friendly welcome."

Some "hey's" and "yo's" and "who?" were thrown Amy's way as she waved her fingers weakly before stopping. Do boys even wave?

"Now Mercury, why don't you come up here and tell us a little bit about yourself?" Amy groaned. There was Tails trying to 'poke fun' at this whole thing again. She, he, wasn't going to fall victim.

Amy released a mental scoff, as she remained fixed in her chair. "How about I don't?" Amy teased back, as some of the guys beside her snickered.

Tails couldn't help but grin at that, "Well then, I was hoping you could tell us how your first day is going. We all know what went down with Mrs. Cowdry." Some of the guys nodded and smirked to that.

It was sort of nice being the talk of the school for putting a bitch in her place. As oppose to the being bitched to.

Amy smirked to that. "Well, if that's the case, then what's the point of repeating it?"

Tails nodded. "Fair enough," he said, "I'll stop antagonizing you.

"Moving on," Tails said, erasing something from the board, "you know that since I'm busy doing a bunch of other things-

"Like texting your girlfriend?" Two sloths shouted behind Amy, giving each other high fives.

Tails shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I have a girlfriend. I can't say the same for guys," Tails teased back, a grin on his face confirming that he was unfazed by the random outburst.

"Anyway, this class is run like a study hall, you can ask me questions-try not to- but you can independently work on whatever you desire, as long as it requires a technological apparatus. There are enough laptops if you don't have one, and other tools if you need. Don't kill each other, and if you're going to watch porn, don't make it obvious..." Tails joked before adding, " don't watch porn."

Amy couldn't help but laugh at that. Moving from the board, Tails settled into an impressive looking desk, suited for a teacher. "If you need me, I'll be texting my girlfriend," he said, before reaching for his cellphone.

Amy couldn't help but roll her eyes at that. For one thing, it bothered her that that the fox boy in the front of the room- with his loafers crossed over the table-was texting and still managed to keep his number one position that she was imposing. Even though Tails was smart, she was forgetting that he was also a teenager.

And teenagers text their girlfriends.

Increased intelligence gave him free time. She was just studious, so not having a social life gave her the chance to excel too. But it seemed less fun in her case.

Shaking her head, Amy rose from her chair, eager for something to do. She had no technological based homework, but was she to die in boredom?

Plopping in front of a computer, Amy considered the icons before her. Internet. Writing Document.

Hmmmm. Maybe I could make an online story about my experience here. Shaking her head, she realized how foolish that could be, Yeah, why don't you just tell the world who you really are?

Amy stared at the screen, hoping it would give her the answers she needed. She rose up abruptly when she realized that this wasn't working. But everyone else in the class was. Doing whatever boys do on the internet.

Retreating to the front of the classroom, Amy stood before Tails, still caught in a text.

"She, I mean, he, is doing fine. Stop worrying. This was your idea," he mumbled under his breath while typing, before his blue orbs trailed to Amy.

"Oh, Mercury, how's everything?" he said with a final click on his cellphone.

"Fine, I guess," Amy admitted, "Could you sign a pass for me to go to the bathroom."

"We don't have passes at this school-" Tails began.

"Don't you guys have any rules here?" Amy questioned, a bit annoyed.

"No, we do, it's just that the more rules you try to enforce, the more likely they are to be broken. So we only have important ones," Tails informed. "Plus, this is private school."

Amy shrugged her shoulders, "So? Avalon's a private school too."

"Exactly," Tails said, before a delightful buzz from his cellphone cut him off. Cream. Beginning to text again, Tails shooed Amy off. "Just go, but don't be too long. Then we'll have a problem."

Sighing, Amy walked out of the room into the hall. Noticing that the space seemed darker than she remembered, she took off her goggles. The space was beginning to look like a school now, as some metal lockers stickered the walls, and she could actually see outside. Walking slowly, and aimlessly Amy came across a door that read 'Restroom'. Amy's eyes widened as reality set in. All male school. All male restrooms.

Exhaling, she charged in. Averting her gaze from the...urinals. Walking into the only stall, she stood in their, disgusted. It wasn't that the space was dirty or anything, but there was this odor...

Rushing out of the bathroom just as fast as she came in, Amy gasped for air, before slumping against the same lockers that lined the hallways. Was this going to be her life now?

Looking across the empty hallway, she resumed in the direction of her class, a multitude of thoughts took over her brain as she struggled to look composed.

It's not that I don't like it here, Amy considered as she began to walk back, I like it here, right? I can handle my new reality, right?

She stopped, as logic began to take it's toll.

Am I suppose to stay here for all of high school?

Have a diploma that says Mercury the Hedgehog: Cross Dresser Extraordinaire?

Can I even make it that far?

What were Cream and I thinking?

Shaking her head, she expelled these dangerous thoughts. I had no other reasonable option. If this can be called reasonable.

Inhaling, her eyes fell on an event bulletin board before her. Yes, I just have to be assimilated. Participate, and make a positive name for myself. Take everything step by step, and don't think to hard.


Her eyes trailed along the flyers. Sports were out of the question. Most of the seasons had already started, and its not like she played sports. But at the same time she wasn't playing herself here. But contact sports could easily impose on her alter ego.

Scanning harder, her eyes fell on a vibrant flyer.

"Hmmm... Possible Homecoming Decoration Designer," she read out load, "meet in Sampson Hall, room S-23 next week."

She wasn't particularly artistic, but being that she was the only girl in the town of Boyville, maybe they could use some of her charm. If it was used discretely. There was still that cover she was trying to keep.

With a higher spirit, Amy walked into the room to see that most of the boys had their backpack over their shoulders, ready to leave. Of course, it was still eleven minutes until class ended.

But it did occur to Amy that she could use technology to design for homecoming, if Mercury was to land the job.

Well, that solved one problem. Amy mentally acknowledged as she too brought her backpack over her shoulder.

Only a thousand more to go.

So a little long, but there you have it, Amy's first day!

Again, forgive me for any typos, I was trying to get this up quickly.

I'm excited to see how the story will go, with the pace increasing and all. I have some really great ideas, but again, don't be afraid to PM me.

Or review.

So enjoy the summer, and I'll get back to writing.

