A.N. ... Whaaaaaah, it's oveeeeerrrr! ;( BUT! A happy, fluffy, funny end! ;D Sequel - soon... but after those next two weeks, sorry - lectures. Keep an eye on my Izumo/Kotetsu AU fic To live again, AND! IMPORTANT! Please see my one-shot I wrote for ActuallyNevis' KakaIru smut challenge - it's called Anything and Everything and it's a hard yaoi with a touch of fluff! ^^ PLEASE REVIEW IT! (Winner in the challenge is chosen by the most reviews the story gets in a week!)


(four months later)

Kakashi's POV

Life… is good.

Ask me about it on Saturday, when I'm off duty and I'm sleeeeeeping….

Well… life could be even better if Iruka was next to me right now. Damn newbie-s in the Mission Room and why is my man the most qualified so he just had to teach them?.!

Meaning he woke up early and left me here… alone… in the cold bed…

Thinking about it, he said something… I had to do something… Oh, well….


Ah, that something might had something to do with our daughter… Yeah, 'm pretty sure now… What was it again?

I grunted incoherently in response.


Ah, so she wanted something…

"How much?", I asked out of habit. "Kashi-daddy" usually costs me a little fortune…

That earned me a smack on the bare back.

"Ouch! Is that a way to treat your father!.?"

"Uhm, yeah, if he's lazing around all day instead of taking me to my dance lessons!"

Ah! Dance lessons! Thank you!

"You know, you little monster I call my daughter, if I wasn't pretty sure I found you in the ruins of a destroyed village, I'd be really suspicious whether Iruka hadn't actually given birth to you too!"

She knew she was adopted of course. Though I really sometimes wonder… the way she acts like Iruka is creeping me out!

She chuckled, again - in a far too familiar way, and said: "Dance lessons. NOW!"

I grunted again.

"Papa, I will not be late because my father is lazy!"

That's it! Iruka is in for some serious talk!

"I made you coffee…"

Yes, my four and a half years old daughter made me coffee (we have a coffee machine, but still!)…. And was bribing me with it. Thinking about it… did four-five years olds talk like that? … Maybe she'd taken something from my so called "genius" as well?

"And Daddy will meet us in the Dance Hall…"

Ah, the little monster really knew how to manipulate me! Definitely an evil genius!

I ended up giving a piggy-back ride for the evil genius… dressed in a pink ballet dress. My daughter was in the dress, that is!

"You know… I know you hate pink. You don't need to wear this", I said.

"Yes, I do", she insisted. Then she sighed and explained. "It's Daddy, Papa. Now that a baby boy is on his way, he needs to know he's raised a baby girl as well."

"… How old are you really!.?.!"

She laughed again.

We came into the dance hall on time (un-fucking-believable!). Rikka slid off my back, kissed me on the cheek and went to the others, getting ready for the lesson. Soon, the music was on and they all started dancing. I mean, I think. She did, that is…

Someone all but jumped on my back again, much heavier than Rikka. I only smiled – not that I'll ever tell him…

"Hey, tiger…", he whispered huskily. Mmm, he was horny again. I love pregnancy!

"Hey, beautiful…", I answered.

"How's she doing?", he asked.

"She's the best of course."

He chuckled. "Of course. Did you even see all the others?"


He laughed again, coming in front of me. I slid my hands around the small bump that was his belly now. That was our child, now four months into the pregnancy… Iruka relaxed into my embrace and I felt how tensed his back was again. Hm, I'd have to take care of that, that strange massage I read in that book…

Suddenly I caught all the girls jumping in the air (how did they call that? Ah, a pirouette!) and then someone else jumped too – inside Iruka, and I felt it with my hands on his belly (!) and Iruka gasped. The music had stopped, there was applauding and Rikka came running, jumping excitedly.

"How was it, how was it!"

"It was beautiful, baby! And you know what, I think someone agrees with me!", Iruka grinned, placing Rikka's hand on his belly. Only a second… and her whole face lit up with her smile.

"Bubu likes it too!.!.!", she squealed happily, jumping up and down again.

Uhm, yeah, she called her unborn brother Bubu. I have no idea why and when I tried to ask she only grinned and said it sounded cute…

She hugged Iruka, belly and all, from the front and I hugged him tighter from behind, making him yelp (very manly! :D) and making ourselves a Hatake sandwich.

Aaaaaah…. Life is good!

The end