The Crimson Eyes

(A/N: I know what your thinking! Another story when she hasn't updated the others! Truth is I've had no inspiration for the others and this was a dream I had and the idea just wouldn't leave me alone it just kept clawing at the inside of my mind until I wrote it down so here it is! And I promise i'll get to updating the others only I just don't know when yet sorry! please don't give up on meee! Love you all! ^_^


He was running, he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body spurring him on. The overpowering feeling of fear engulfed him, fear of what he didn't know, only that his life depended on him getting out of the woods. He skidded to a stop gasping for breath, his mouth and throat dry, his lungs burning and his heart beating erratically. Trying to calm his body he took in his surroundings, trees as far as he could see, the sun that was beginning to set casted eerie shadows everywhere. Finally his body calmed down, his breathing became even, and his lungs no longer burning but instead a dull stinging, his mind now clear he began to think of the quickest way out of the woods.

Suddenly there was a sharp snapping of a twig, his breath hitched fear crawling up his spine, heartbeat becoming faster beating so loudly it deafened his ears, his body started to shake violently, he frantically looked around hoping against all hope that it was just a small animal, there behind a tree hidden in the shadows he caught a glimpse of it, his eyes widened his entire body froze unable to move he desperately tried to will is body to run to safety but it was no use. Suddenly the creature ran at him moving faster than he thought possible the creature suddenly lunged at him he let out an ear splitting scream unsettling the birds nearby, the last thing he saw were the glowing crimson eyes boring into his very soul.

Screaming, he snapped his eyes open as he threw his body into a sitting position. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to calm himself down, yet another nightmare always ending the same. Once he had calmed down, he climbed out of bed heading straight to the bathroom to get a shower to wash away the sweat covering his body, stripping and getting into the hot cascading water feeling the tension in his muscles starting to relax he let his mind focus on the dreams he had had for the past two weeks still unable to decipher them, Sighing he washed himself and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel he dried himself off before going to his closet and choosing what to wear for the day, finally deciding to on a pair of black jeans, studded belt and orange top.

Making his way downstairs and into the dining room where his breakfast was already set out for him he sat down and ate his breakfast, once finished he checked his watch smiling when it read 10am he didn't have to be at his company until midday. Picking up the local newspaper he saw yet another advertisement of himself on the front cover, talking about him being one of the youngest millionaires in the country etcetera. Flipping through he came across the company he was making a deal with, at midday, with a picture of the company owner. He looked to be around the same age as himself only the other male had black hair, dark eyes that looked black and ivory skin and you could see his Japanese heritage. Quite the opposite to Naruto's blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin which he had gotten sunbathing on the beach in California. Finished with the newspaper he checked his watch and decided to take a drive around the town before heading to his company.

Getting into his orange Ferrari nicknamed California spider he sped off down his driveway to the front gate giving his security guard a quick greeting before speeding off down his private road slowing down when he neared the end and heading off towards town.

Sasuke was making sure he had everything he needed for the deal, once satisfied he checked the time seeing he had just over an hour so decided to get ready, dressing in his best Armani suit, gathering his briefcase he headed out his mansion and to his black Camaro that was waiting for him out the front getting in his car he drove down his driveway and out the gate and towards Uzumaki Corp.

Naruto was busy singing along to the music he was blasting as he drove along the beaches he checked the time and swore as he saw he only had 30 minutes before the meeting started 'its a good thing I keep spare suits in my office' taking a turn he took the quickest route to his company.

Parking his car Naruto quickly locked it before sprinting into the building giving a wave to his receptionist as she greeted him before taking off towards the lifts, he kept checking his watch while waiting for the lift that was taking its sweet time, once inside the lift he prayed that Uchiha San was late. As soon as the lift doors opened he ran out straight to his office quickly shutting the door and stripping off, his employees were used to his antics now and so payed no attention to their boss. Finally dressed Naruto sat at his desk and called his secretary.

"Hi Hinata, has Uchiha San arrived yet?"

"Yes, Uchiha San is making his way up he'll be about 10 minutes Naruto Kun"

"Wow that was close" Naruto laughed "oh hey are you coming out with the gang toninght?"

Hinata giggled "Of course Naruto Kun, wouldn't miss it"

"Awesome! -"

"Naruto Kun you better go before your late"

"Ok Hinata Chan"

Naruto exited his office and headed to the board room where his fellow friends and business colleagues were already waiting.

"Hey Guys" Naruto beamed "So where are we going tonight?"

"we were thinking that we could go to that new club that opened, Sharingan?"

"AWESOME! I can't wait!" Naruto jumped up and down with excitement making his friends laugh. Taking his seat the group talked while they waited for the Uchiha party to arrive.

(After the deal)

The two groups exited the boardroom talking and laughing contently.

"Uzumaki San, I was hoping we could catch a late lunch to discuss over any details" Sasuke asked Naruto.

"Sure, I'm starving" Naruto grinned embarrassed as his stomach growled.