Ha! I can finish things! Take that! The scene with Cartman was based off of a poem I wrote called "Lie To Me." The song is Adelitas Way's Sick and I actually discovered it AFTER writing the first two parts and it inspired me to finish this.

To Be Honest-In The End

A motionless figure was just barely visible sprawled across the mattress in the darkness of Kyle's bedroom, shrouded in shadow. Stan paused in the doorway, an instinctive knot of worry tightening in his chest. "Ky?" he called hesitantly, met only with further silence. His stomach dropped and he swallowed nervously, stepping farther into the room.

"Kyle?" His face was still and expressionless despite the streaks of tears sliding down his face, squeezing out from beneath his gently shut eyelids. Stan sat carefully down onto the bed, thinking his best friend must be asleep. He was proven wrong when bloodshot emerald eyes flickered open, fixing on the noirette's face.

"You weren't in school today, princess." he murmured softly, moving to stroke his wild wine-colored curls. His expressionless eyes fluttered closed, a pained sigh escaping his lips.

"Can't walk." he rasped. Stan's eyes widened, worry increasing tenfold in a matter of seconds. "You're that sick?" he demanded a little too loudly.

Slowly, the ginger shook his head. "Hurt." he whispered. "Fell."

"Where are you hurt?" the noirette interrogated, already pulling the sheets down away from his best friend's neck to get at him. He froze, eyes fixed on the angry-looking welt on over his collar, half-covered by his shirt.

Kyle's lips pulled into a sardonic smile. "Everywhere."


It didn't take Stan very long to come to the conclusion that Kyle had been raped, even with all the blood and semen washed away. He was covered in suspicious bruises and bite marks and, like he said, he couldn't walk.

"Who did this to you?" he sobbed harshly, tears pouring down his face as he surveyed his 'princess's' battered, naked body. Kyle was still smiling, even as tears trekked down his face. Weakly, and cringing with pain all the while, he stretched his frail, bruised arms up to encircle the raven's neck, pulling him down until his cheek rested against his chest. Stan settled down carefully, shifting most of his weight to the side of Kyle's fragile form, and cried softly into his chest as the redhead gently stroked his back and hair.

After several long moments, Kyle finally answered his question, voice still hoarse from screaming, "You did. You did this to me."

He lifted his head to look at the redhead fully. "I didn't do this..." he whimpered, shaking his head violently as he moved onto his hands and knees over the redhead.

Kyle grinned even wider. "It's all your fault. You caused this. They saw that you had me, they saw that I could be taken, and they took me. They took me from you, just because you had me. They hurt me and it's all your fault. All your fault-"

Trembling violently, Stan cut the hysterical victim off, crashing their lips together violently. "You're mine!" he cried brokenly as his lips tore at his already broken skin and his hands worked undo his own jeans. He leaned down to the redhead's ear and breathed shakily into it, causing his unwilling lover to shudder. "You're mine." he muttered as he positioned himself to take him. "I'll show you, Ky-You're mine!"

Kyle screamed.


As soon as he was able to pull himself together, Stan began to do everything in his power to find who had hurt his princess and kill them. Everyone was under suspicion-everyone except Kenny and Cartman, whom he immediately enlisted the help of. The pair quietly lead Stan away from their trail and it never even occurred to him to suspect his two closest friends, especially with no information forthcoming from the victim himself.

It wasn't long after Kyle was back on his feet that Kenny cornered him again. Like with Stan, he went quietly this time around and was spared almost all marks. Stan never found out.

Now, Cartman, on the other hand...


The evidence was everywhere. Crumpled, ripped clothes strewn across the floor, a knocked over couch, a broken picture frame, random blood stains across the carpet and furniture... What made the previous events even more apparent was a certain ginger Jew's ravaged body, bruised and bloody, lying curled into his attacker's side. The brunette tightened his grip on his victim, glancing around his wrecked living room with a strange mix of horror and satisfaction.

Cartman turned onto his side slowly and placed his free hand on Kyle's frail chest, revealing the frantic claw marks littering his back. A couple were smeared with dried blood.

Kyle's eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he fought to reclaim his breath. Bruises, lovebites, cuts and gashes littered his skin, many from the intense chase that took place earlier, their own strange form of hardcore foreplay. Blood and cum pooled in the natural dips of his body, drying slowly.

"Beautiful." Cartman whispered in a tone edging dangerously on loving. "You sick fuck." the redhead responded shakily, not moving otherwise. The sadist smirked.

"I'm in charge, Jew." he reminded his victim. Kyle chuckled darkly, cracking his eyes open to survey his rival. "So I've heard." he muttered with a bit of wry humor entirely inappropriate for the situation at hand. Cartman chuckled.

The brunette sat up, running a hand through his hair. "We fucked this place up." he commented, standing and looking around. Kyle attempted to push himself up on shaky limbs but fell back with a quiet gasp of pain, earning a sadistic smirk from his rival, who leaned down and scooped him up roughly. The redhead tensed up, inhaling sharply and slamming his eyes shut as his injuries were jostled. Cartman's chest swelled with guilt but he pushed it away, trying not to make it apparent that he was being careful from then on.

Cartman paused in front of his bed, debating whether or not he should clean his toy up first, but quickly decided that he could wash his sheets later and set the battered boy down, grabbing a blanket and tossing it over him only to slide in next to him a moment later.

They laid in silence, both nearly dozing, Cartman holding him possessively and Kyle lazily making a list of his injuries. A long while later, Cartman ripped the smaller teen from his near-sleeping state with a quiet demand.

"Tell me you love me."

Kyle opened his eyes slowly, turning his head to gaze into his rival's miraculously open, vulnerable eyes, watching him earnestly. Suddenly, he wondered why he was still here, cuddling with his rapist, when he should be doing history homework, or, you know, preserving his sanity.

"I'd be lying." he murmured softly. Instantly, Cartman's face closed off, eyes hardening. He laughed darkly, retorting resentfully yet cheerfully, "Then lie to me."

"I love you, Eric."

But was he lying?


Sometimes Kenny's mp3 dock gets stuck and plays the same song over and over randomly. Now was one of those times.

I'm so sick of me,

being sick of you,

And the way you look,

all the things you do,

You drive me crazy,

drive me crazy

Just like before when it was just Stan, Kyle fell into a rhythm that he somehow managed to keep up with that allowed him to simply get used to being used, loved and raped regularly by his three best friends. Stan still hadn't found out about Kenny and Cartman and when they got too rough, Stan assumed the marks were from a still-anonymous attacker that he spent much of his free time trying to identify.

Sick of being broke,

can't pay the rent

I'm about to snap,

I can't handle this

I'm going crazy,

going crazy

(going crazy)

It was currently exactly three months, four days and sixteen hours after Stan's original attack. It was evident in the dried tear track across his increasingly thin face that he still cried every time, even though he had started learning how to participate. How to please.

If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

Kyle was currently naked, sprawled across Kenny's ratty sheets and absently petting the mass of blond locks resting on his frail chest and silently praying that he hadn't left any apparent marks.

I'm so sick of my life

It's the same old shit,

Try to make it bend,

But it never gives

Look what you made me

(what you made me)

The same song had been playing for a half hour. Kenny had been out for forty-five minutes.

Well I hate my boss,

He's a little bitch

If he keeps it up,

I'll make him quit

Or I'll go crazy

I'm going crazy

Kyle checked his phone. He was due at Stan's house and probably in his bed in an hour.

If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

(And watch it all drop down)

Suddenly, it occurred to him that he didn't have to go.

I'm so sick of me,

being sick of you,

And the way you look,

all the things you do,

You drive me crazy,

drive me crazy

He could get up, get dressed, and skip town. He could go down to the police station and file a domestic abuse and rape report. He had enough evidence to get all three of them put in an asylum-he knew where their journals were. He could tell his mother what had been going on. He could kill himself. He could kill them.

If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

But he knew he'd do none of these things.

If you're sick like me,

There's no stopping now

There's no stopping now

Watch it all drop down

If you're sick like me

Then you're sick like me

He would go to Stan's. He would allow himself to be lead upstairs and laid back on the bed. He'd let Stan kiss him and caress him and undress him and touch him and fuck him. He would cry as he wrapped his legs around behind his back and start moving his hips just to make Stan's arms shake, just to make him feel good.

I'm so sick of me,

being sick of you,

And the way you look,

all the things you do,

You drive me crazy,

drive me crazy

After Stan passes out, he would go home and curl up on his bed and cry until Cartman snuck in through his window, anxious to see how loud he could make him scream. And by the time Cartman would be done with him, he'd be shaking from emotion and exertion and he'd pass out, left to the mercy of his rival.

Sick of being broke,

can't pay the rent

I'm about to snap,

I can't handle this

I'm going crazy,

going crazy

(going crazy)

But he didn't have to, not really.

If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

"Is it rape?" he asked no-one, everyone, the God he didn't believe in.

I'm so sick of my life

It's the same old shit,

Try to make it bend,

But it never gives

Look what you made me

(what you made me)

"Do I want this?"

Well I hate my boss,

He's a little bitch

If he keeps it up,

I'll make him quit

Or I'll go crazy

I'm going crazy

Nothing answered him.

If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

(And watch it all drop down)

An hour later, he left, music echoing hauntingly in his mind. And instead of doing any of the things he had thought of to save himself, he made his way to Stan's.

I'm so sick of me,

being sick of you,

And the way you look,

all the things you do,

You drive me crazy,

drive me crazy


If you're sick like me

There's no stopping now,

Try to break it up

And just let it out

If I was sick like you,

I would feed the fire

I would light it up

And watch it all drop down

Because, to be honest, he was more insane than the other three combined.

If you're sick like me,

There's no stopping now

There's no stopping now

Watch it all drop down

If you're sick like me

Then you're sick like me


So there you have it! PLEASE tell me if you were convinced, even for a second, that Cartman was the most insane of them all during the Kyman scene.